Banded Lat Stretch x 30-60 seconds per side
Banded Sampson Stretch x 30-60 seconds per side
Lateral Banded Walks x 30 seconds each direction
Scapular Pull-Ups x 10-15 reps
Followed by…
Three Sets:
1 Cluster* + 2-3 Thrusters
*Squat Clean straight into Thruster – this is to practice going straight into your first rep each set of the thrusters.
Rest as needed
Followed by…
30 seconds Assault Bike
3 Pull-Ups (or Burpees if you are saving your pull-ups)
20 seconds Assault Bike
3 Pull-Ups
10 seconds Assault Bike
3 Pull-Ups
Rounds of 21, 15, and 9 reps of:
95/65 lbs Thrusters
Compare your results to January 27, 2020.
Rest until relatively recovered, and then…
Two sets of:
Bulgarian Split Squats x 8 reps @ 3010
immediately followed by…
Dynamic Bulgarian Split Squats x 12 reps @ 10X0
Rest 60 seconds, the perform the same on the other leg; then rest 60 seconds before moving on to the rollouts
Ab Wheel Rollouts x 8 reps @ 2111
Rest 60 seconds
For the Split Squats…you’ll perform the first 8 reps holding kettlebells or dumbbells in a farmer’s carry position, then after the 8th repetition you’ll drop the weights and perform 12 more reps unloaded, trying to jump as high as possible each rep. PULL yourself down with your hamstrings then squeeze to the top with your glutes.
When the clock starts, perform…
Three sets of:
60 Second Run/Bike/Row
30 Seconds of Side Plank Reach Throughs per Side
60 Second Downward Dog Stretch
30 Seconds of Lateral Line Hops
Rest 60 Seconds Between Sets
*Increase the intensity on each set.
When the running clock reaches 15:00, perform the following…
Every 5 minutes, for 25 minutes (5 sets of):
50 Double-Unders
400 Meter Run OR 25/18 Calorie Bike or Row
20-30 Push-Ups
(Rest the remainder of the interval)
*This will be a lot of push-ups over the course of the workout, modify the numbers to where you can complete the reps in 2-3 sets MAX.
When the running clock reaches 45:00, perform the following…
Three sets of:
10-15 Bent-Over Rows
15-20 Side Bends per Side
60 Second Hollow Body Hold
Followed by…
5-10 minutes of breath work lying down in a comfortable position.
Inhale for 3-5 seconds through your nose…
Brief hold in…
Exhale for 6-10 seconds through your mouth (like you are blowing a whistle)…
Brief hold out.
Keep the ratio of inhale to exhale at a 1:2.
A. 5.33
I did NOT do Fran. Wasn’t mentally up for it today.
Yesterday did a partner wod with hubby that had quite a bit of HSW and I did 30’ UB twice and 25’ once. Pretty stoked about that.
Did Mamba and Gigi from the last time we did Fran.
8 power clean @ 125
24 box jumps 24” box
13 burpees
Did a mix of BMU and low ring MU with feet on a 24” box.
3 + 24 BJ
BMU each round: 5, 2, 3, 2
Hubby dis Fran and got 2:44! So fast! Everything UB.
A. 7:46. Fran is not my type. I’m god awful at thrusters, (13+8, 5+5+5, 9). Pull-ups would’ve been a lot better without the thrusters. ?
B. Did 2 sets of walking lunges w 95# barbell x 16 reps, dropped bar and did lunges w no weight for 24 steps.
Ab wheel complete.
5:40 Rx
A. FRAN 5:05 RX Thrusters 11/10, 8/7, 4/5 Pullups broken up as needed. *My pullup bar is only 21″ from the wall so if my butterfly gets thrown off a little I kick the wall so I need to come down every 6 or 7 reps. **I’ve only done FRAN one other time in 2015 and I cannot for the life of me remember my time. It was either in the high 4s or high 5s. ?♀️ Both times I thought I was dying!! ***And I slammed my chin coming down in the first set. ?♀️ B. 3×15 superset GHD… Read more »
Oh God! That hurts sooooo bad! I’ve done that so hard I thought I had broken my jaw! Great job despite the difficulties!
Warm up
Kept the cluster/thrusters at 135 for three sets
3:31 RX (like a 3 minute PR)
Split squats and abs done after. Nothing fancy.
Great work!
Wowsers. Nice job. You should’ve done it twice so you spent as much time working out as I did. ?
AT-HOME OPTION – Modified (achilles injury)
Every 5 minutes, for 25 minutes (5 sets of):
— 10 Burpees
— 25 Calorie Row
— 20-30 Push-ups (30/20/20/20/20)
Time: 3:12/3:10/3:21/3:36/3:44 – surprised I was able to keep my times somewhat consistent since this is my second week on the rower after a 4-month hiatus.
Did warm up, felt good for Fran
Thruster 95#
Pull ups
2:18 RX (10 second pr)
I think the only way I could have gone faster is if I had put the bar almost directly below the pull up bar and had a faster turnover on my butterfly pull-ups. Unbroken on all. That’s always been a fun one!!!
That’s a ridiculous time!!!!! ??
That Fran time is bananas. Hats off to you sir. ?
WOW and PR star!!!
Holy Crap! That’s insane dude
Crazy beast! I had to jog down to the pull-up station. Prolly wasted 30 sec total or so I’d say. But shoot it was a good break on the forearms!
thanks guys! I love the quick burners! Thrusters only particular have always been a favorite!
Warmup done Clusters done @65kg as wanted to try and trick myself that Fran was going to be a whole heap easier when I started lifting the 43kg! A. Fran 21-15-9 thrusters @43kg Pull-ups 3’56 PB Small improvement from last time as I did it in 5’35 last time so 1’39 quicker! Bigger transition in the local gym here in ?? than in my garage gym so pleased with that. Thrusters done UB, pull-ups split down the middle 11/10, 8/7, 5/4. Looking back I remember breaking the thrusters up in rounds 2&3 last time. B. Done with 20kg dumbbells and… Read more »
Nice job! Love getting pr’s on the OG workouts!
That’s a HUGE improvement! Congrats and PR star for you!
Great job Al! Way to go on the PR dude!
A. Fran – RX – 4:42 ***31s faster than in January…but 21s slower than my PB! Just thrilled to keep it under 5 min! Thrusters – 14/7, 10/5, UB Kipping Pull Ups – 14/5/2, 6/5/4, 4/3/2 ***My calluses on my hands are soooo sore!! They have been for a week now. I shaved them about a week and half ago and for some reason they have been throbbing sore ever since. I didn’t do anything different than I normally do. They aren’t torn…not sure if it has something to do with all wetness from sweating??? Anyhow…that really slowed up my… Read more »
Solid time Candy!! ?
Nice job candy! Have you tried messing around with grip placement? Like almost moving into a bit of a false grip like you’d do for a bar muscle up? Great time by the way!
I get that quite a bit as well Candy. I’ll tape, bandaid, etc and it’ll still get the best of me.
Two things I’ve tried that has helped has been rest (go figure) but also using just a t-shirt and wrapping it around my hand. You look like an idiot doing it but it’ll save your hand and at least 15% or more on your car insurance.
I concur with the sweatiness = sore callus theory. Rowing has been blowing my hands up!
Good job Candy! And that’s a solid improvement in 7 months time!
Hell of a day to choose to follow Invictus again. I’ve been avoiding sprint type workouts due to the heat and humidity where I live, so Fran was a kick in the pants:
A. Fran -4:27 Rx. Unbroken, I just had to catch my breath between movements.
B. Done, just used the BB from A, so 95# Back-racked.
Good to have you back TLH!! Super Fran Time for an old man…lol! Hope all is good and the fam is doing well!
Doing well! Glad to see some familiar faces still holding down the fort!
Way to go on Fran! Question for you, do you think going unbroken with rest in between sets got you a better time then had you purposely broke them up with less rest in between? I’m just asking out of curiosity. In the past when I’ve done an open workout and gassed myself on a particular movement, when I’d come back and redo the workout with strategic break ups of the reps, I’d end up getting a better time ?. When I redline I redline hard and crash and burn ?
I’ll be honest I just kinda let this attempt at Fran fly without really thinking about it. I didn’t press too far beyond the pain. Normally I would recommend breaking things up, especially in longer Open WODs, pacing is key. My Fran PR is 2:52 and that was about 9 years ago when I had no problem decimating my body. Honestly I don’t feel like going to that painful place at this point in my life, just looking to feel the burn and move well!
This is the first I’ve heard of you breathing while working out.
Ha. Teddy! What is this Achilles injury?
There you are! We missed you! I’m back in south Texas for a few months. The hottest months…
Hopefully you stayed dry over the weekend!? We came close to flooding but made it out just fine.
Warmed up
3 rounds
30 sec row
1 cluster 2 thrusters
3 strict pull-ups
21-15-9 thruster 95lbs pull-ups
Round 1 T unbroken pu 11-10
Round 2 T 8-7 pu 10-5
Round 3 T 5-4 pu 3-3-3
Didn’t do the Fran last date. Did the mamba + Gianna. Defiantly happy with my time!
Didn’t read full direction on bss
2 rounds
8 each leg 35lbs dbs each hand
Then 10 dbss
40 sit-ups
Then rested
Great time, Jeremy!
Outstanding work as always Jeremy!
Thank y’all so much!!
Way to go Jeremy, not quite as quick as you!
Thanks man! Made my mind up that I was going to attack it!
You should be proud!
A) Fran: 4:12 (4:58 from January, was working off holiday weight and long vacation back then)
B) Used 35 dbs. No ab wheel so did banded kneeling crunches.
That an amazing improvement Danny…Congrats!!
Good gains!! ?
Thank you!
Wow! 46 second pr! Fantastic work!
Major improvement on this short workout! Way to gooooooo!
I think my PR is about :15 faster but not sure. I was happy with my speed and transitions though. I pushed hard but didn’t redline in the early rounds
3 sets of BSS and ab wheels. Did 20# DB in each hand for these and those dynamic BSS were death ?
Also did some accessory weightlifting
Even: 5 snatch grip PUsh press
Odd: 1 TTB + 1 PU + 1 MU
Then 5 x 1 of complex (low hand squat snatch + squat snatch)
Up to 135# with solid power/ explosiveness
Solid time Hunter! ?