

“Mind Muscle” Hinging Prep

(Drop us your name if you want to be notified when the online Mind Muscle Class opens registration!)

Followed by…

Three sets of:
Right-Arm Suitcase Deadlift & Hold x 5 reps @ 2115
Med Ball Rotating Slams (Right) x 10 Reps
Rest as needed Left-Arm Suitcase Deadlift & Hold x 5 reps @ 2115
Med Ball Rotating Slams (Left) x 10 Reps
Rest as needed


Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets):
Deadlift x 3 reps @ 77.5% of 1-RM

Five rounds for time of:
15/10 Calories of Assault Bike
10 Devil’s Presses (50/35 lb DBs)


For our at-home and travel workouts, please start a clock and allow it to run throughout your training session. The entire session will take 60-minutes or less, and staying accountable to the clock will allow you to maintain the appropriate intensity and stimulus.

When the clock starts, perform…

Four rounds, not for time, of:
30 Second Squat Hold
10 Standing Ground to Sky Touches
10 Cossack Squats
5 Inch Worms

immediately followed by…

Four rounds, not for time, of:
10 High Knees
10 Squat Tuck Jumps
10 Alternating Object Taps in Front Leaning Rest

When the running clock reaches 20:00, perform the following…

For time:
70 Air Squats
50 Mountain Climbers
50 Goblet Squats
30 Mountain Climbers
30 Squat Jumps
10 Mountain Climbers

*Every 2 minutes, including 0:00 athletes must perfrom 15 jumping jacks.

Time Cap = 15 Minutes

Followed by…

Three sets of:
2 minutes of Stretch # 1 (your top priority stretch of choice)
Rest 60 seconds
2 minutes of Stretch # 2 (your second priority stretch of choice)
Rest 60 seconds

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Logan Harris
Logan Harris
July 28, 2020 5:36 pm

A. 315#
B. 14:51 with rowing, and alternating single-arm KB burpee snatches with 32kg (surprisingly hard!)

Danny Lizano
Danny Lizano
July 23, 2020 5:41 am

A) 325 all sets
B)13:27 Rx

July 22, 2020 3:38 pm

A day behind this week. Had a stress test in the am (smoked it!) then pregnant wife and kids didn’t allow me to workout later in the day.

A. 325 all sets.
B. 20:10 Rx. First time doing Devil’s Press. I’d rather do 100# KBS.

Adam Kubo
Adam Kubo
July 22, 2020 9:53 am

A. 310
Moved slow due to knee pain

Janelle Winston
Janelle Winston
July 21, 2020 8:29 pm

A. 210 – Which is between 75 – 80%

B. Started with 35# DB’s dropped to 25# after 1 round.



John Knox
John Knox
July 21, 2020 10:29 pm

Wow, nice work!!!

Al F
Al F
July 21, 2020 11:33 pm

Blimey that’s super fast! ?

Janelle Winston
Janelle Winston
July 22, 2020 7:56 am

Thanks! What’s funny, is I thought that people were getting between 9 – 10, so I was pushing really hard and thought I was pretty slow. Must have been looking at a different work out. I do hate/love DP and do it frequently on the weekend.

July 21, 2020 3:36 pm

Last day without an assault bike! The echo bike comes tomorrow!
15 row
10 DP (50)

Man alive! Fitness leaves faster than it comes.

John Knox
John Knox
July 21, 2020 1:42 pm

A) 8 rounds of deadlifts at 77.5%
225/275/rest at 325

B) 5 rounds for time
15 cal row (no bike)
50# dbs devil presses


Those are tough! I need an assault bike! Haha!

Janelle Winston
Janelle Winston
July 21, 2020 8:30 pm
Reply to  John Knox

Since it looked easy on paper, I knew it was going to be horrible! I was right! Haha! Great work.

Al F
Al F
July 21, 2020 11:36 pm
Reply to  John Knox

Thought I went quick with the metcon but that’s super fast!!

Candy Olkey
Candy Olkey
July 21, 2020 1:23 pm

WU + 10 min AB with Nasal Breathing only – 85.5 cal A. E2M for 16 min Deadlift x 3 (based of 250#) – all sets at 195# ***Supinated grip pull ups x 5 between each round B. 5 Rounds for time – 12:39 10 Cal AB 10 Devil’s Press @ 25# ***Didn’t like the big arch in my back trying to get 35’s and 30’s up over my head C. Blog Core Workout #1 3 Rounds for quality Suitcase DL x 10 @ 24kg KB + 50′ SC carry (right) Suitcase DL x 10 @ 24kg KB + 50′… Read more »

Candy Olkey
Candy Olkey
July 21, 2020 1:50 pm
Reply to  Michele Vieux

I think they should be a little stronger and then maybe i would tap into them better? I believe with my right arm im getting more pec activation than with my left. The 15# for sets of 10 was a struggle for the right arm..but a little to easy for the left. Or maybe I used more pec on the left and that made it easier ??? Omg…now u have me thinking. Im going to do them at some point this week…i will definitely focus more on who’s doing the work… But i guess my ultimate goal here is to… Read more »

Mike Slagle
Mike Slagle
July 21, 2020 1:44 pm
Reply to  Candy Olkey

Strong work again today! Be careful how much bicep work you do. You might hurt people if you aren’t careful 😉

Candy Olkey
Candy Olkey
July 21, 2020 1:59 pm
Reply to  Mike Slagle

?…im not looking for some huge man like arms…but i guess I just feel like 15# isn’t even comparable to what my tris and lats can do. Even today..arent supinated pull ups suppose to be easier…well i struggled after the first couple sets of 5. And by round 6 I had to break them 3/2. Maybe im wrong and 15# is a decent weight..but i don’t think so…as hard as I train I want a little more …

Mike Slagle
Mike Slagle
July 21, 2020 2:49 pm
Reply to  Candy Olkey

Haha! I don’t think you’ll end up with man arms. There’s always another thing that you can improve upon. Especially if you’re me!

You’re crushing workouts week after week.

Karen Park
Karen Park
July 21, 2020 5:31 pm
Reply to  Candy Olkey

I like range of motion mechanical drop sets.
Using light-ish weights, start with reclining (45 – 60 degrees) DB curls 6-8 reps. Then immediately stand up and do another 6-8 reps with the same weight.

Mike Slagle
Mike Slagle
July 21, 2020 11:59 am

A. deadlifts four sets at 275 and four sets at 285.

B. done with 44 lb kb

Al F
Al F
July 21, 2020 12:21 pm
Reply to  Mike Slagle

Smashed the metcon Mike! ?

Mike Slagle
Mike Slagle
July 21, 2020 1:44 pm
Reply to  Al F

Thanks Al! You had a great day as well. Those are monster numbers on the deadlifts!

July 21, 2020 9:55 am

8 SET x 5 REP (65%)


3 SET X 12 REP @22X1

Today I worked on hypertrophy.

Karen Park
Karen Park
July 21, 2020 9:48 am

What’s a good substitute for the assault bike calories for today’s workout?

July 21, 2020 10:00 am
Reply to  Karen Park

What you most want to do and have available.
Or 50/60 DU

Karen Park
Karen Park
July 21, 2020 10:02 am
Reply to  Alessio


Al F
Al F
July 21, 2020 9:45 am

Warmup done

A. Deadlift x3 every 2 mins 8 sets

Blimey this makes me appreciate my bar at home instead of using well worn ones in the gym, I could hardly grab hold of it without it slipping as all the knurling was very smooth!!

B.5 rds FT
15 cals AB
10 Devil press @22kg DB

Little bit of transitioning between the 2 but that probably wasn’t a bad thing as let me regroup. Don’t do DP all that often so felt a bit awkward the first few reps but then got into it, good fun!

July 21, 2020 12:00 pm
Reply to  Al F

Nice work Al!

Al F
Al F
July 21, 2020 12:20 pm
Reply to  Hunter

Thanks Hunter, nice to be back in a gym again and lifting some weights!!

John Knox
John Knox
July 21, 2020 10:30 pm
Reply to  Al F

Well done! Nice work on them deadlifts!

Al F
Al F
July 21, 2020 11:35 pm
Reply to  John Knox

Thanks John, hardest bit was trying to keep hold of a slippery bar for sure!!

Jeremy Hammock
Jeremy Hammock
July 21, 2020 6:50 am

Warmup done
Deadlift x3 emom 2 min 16 min
1-185 2-225 rest of the sets 285

5 rounds
15 cal row
10 devil press 40s

Pablo Doval
Pablo Doval
July 21, 2020 6:00 am

Dl at 110kg
5 rft : 14:55

July 21, 2020 5:00 am

Scaling back due to injury so focused on slow and steady today. Here’s what I did:

Five sets of:
— KB Z-Press x 6 @ 3011 (35s)
— DB DLs x 8 @ 3011 (60s)

Three sets of:
— 30 seconds of Glute Bridge
— 30 seconds of Side Plank Reach Throughs (per side)

I look forward to being a part of this community again!

Michele Vieux
Michele Vieux
July 21, 2020 5:57 am
Reply to  Teddy

Teddy! We missed you! Welcome back, friend!

July 21, 2020 6:44 pm
Reply to  Michele Vieux

Gracias amiga, I can’t wait to get it in gear again!

John Knox
John Knox
July 21, 2020 10:31 pm
Reply to  Teddy

That is the toughest, working around injuries.. the mind always wants to push more than the healing injury ?

July 20, 2020 11:54 pm

At work with my 40# DB, did yesterday’s at home workout with some strength accessories Warmup: 3 x 30 DB goblet hold walking lunge Up 6 flights of stairs, alternating at each landing… Even: 3 DB strict press + 3 push press + 3 thruster/arm Odd: 10 pushups + 10 DB goblet squats Three sets of: Right-Arm Suitcase Deadlift & Hold x 5 reps @ 2115 Med Ball Rotating Slams (Right) x 10 Reps Rest as needed Left-Arm Suitcase Deadlift & Hold x 5 reps @ 2115 Med Ball Rotating Slams (Left) x 10 Reps Rest as needed 3 sets: 10 Alt… Read more »

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