Wall Slides x 10 reps @ 2020
Y’s, T’s & W’s x 5 reps each
Followed by…
Three Rounds:
Row x 60 seconds
Pec Activation x 60 seconds
Five sets of:
Push Press x 6 reps @ 11X2
Rest 2 minutes
Note the tempo – you must pause for one-second in the front-rack position between every lift, then pause two full seconds with the load overhead before re-racking the weight. Use the same loads used on June 24, but aim to achieve at least 6 reps on each set. If you missed this session on June 24, use the first two sets to build to a relatively heavy load, and perform the final three sets at a load that you can complete 5 reps, but the 6th rep will be extremely challenging to make.
For time:
800 Meter Run
80 Push Presses (95/65 lbs)
800 Meter Run
A. Go to 57.5 kgs/125 lbs
B. 14:02 @ 30 kgs/65 lbs
12:49 RX
A. 85, 95, 105, 105, 105 – got real on rep 4 in the last three sets
B. 14:44 Rx
On tm because in my basement and wasn’t feeling like running on the huge gravel on my road.
Pp in sets of ten till 40 then sets of 5. Harsh!
B) 17:22
Did yesterday’s
155, 165, 185, 165, 165, 165
These were hard!!!
B. 5 rounds RX.
A. Push press 175 lbs
B. Done in 20 min.
June 28 WOD
AMRAP 24 min – 4 Rounds + 38 Reps
8 DL @ 185# (77%) – UB, UB, 5/3, 5/3, UB
16 T2B – 10/6 kipping all rounds
24 Rev Lunges w/ 35# DBs – UB, UB, 16/8, 16/8, 14
32 Push Ups – 12/10/5/5 all rounds
***When I first saw this I thought “wow…that’s it???” The joke was definitely on me!!! This kicked my A$$!! Very light headed throughout, but just kept pushing away. I really wanted 5+ rounds…but damn this was way harder than it looked on paper!
That’s great work on that one. It was definitely a big challenge. I undersold it a little bit going in too. Well done!
35# dbs on the z press
50# dbs on the run pp run in 15:10. Absolutely disgusting workout in 98deg heat
Did yesterday’s
A. Back Squat E2.5MOM
5 x 225, 3 x 255, 1 x 295, 8 x 250, 8 x 250, 8 x 250
B. 5+9
Great work Luke! You crushed both parts!
Warm up
A. 225, 225, 225, 225, 225lbs all 6x and at tempo
B. RX 9:18, roughly 3min on both 800s, pp 20/20/20/20
C. Bi/tri work because 4th of July is this week
A. 21-15-9
SHSPU (11/10,10/5,9)
Strict pull ups (11/10,8/7,9)
B. For time
21-15-9 deadlift #225
400m run b/t rounds
C.RDL 5×5 @41X1 (275-295)
Handstand walk practice
A: 70/70/70/70/70 kg
IB: 22:45 rx (more than 800m, i think almost 1km every round)
a lot of stretching
A. All at tempo: 135, 135, 155, 155, 155×4
B. Rx 11:45.
Runs were both right around 3:20. The presses got rough. I don’t think my accessory bench work was the best choice yesterday! I wrongly assumed we wouldn’t do push presses after the thrusters 🙂
Evening session:
4 rds
Incline DB bench press x6-10 25 kg/22,5
Stationary dips x15/13/12/8
Those tempo push press are a game changer. Worked up to 135.
Workout done in 12:33, subbed run for 1000m row
A. 95#/95/105/105/115
B. 18:30- I don’t really know what my “800” was, I just picked a loop around my house and ran it. I’m guessing it was a little long. 80 pp got tough!
A. 135, 155, 165, 170, 170×4.1.1 tempo makes it so difficult.
B. 10:35 Rx. Last 400 of the second 800 was much faster.15, 15, 10…
A) EMOM 12′, with 90 kgs:
1. 3 front squat
2. 6 back squats
B) 3 sets:
10 DB step over (with full extension at the top)
10 DB bench press @40×1
2′ rest
In kgs: 18, 22.5, 22.5
C) For time:
2 km row
10 round of: 3 power clean 155 lbs + 6 push ups + 9 air squats.
Time 20’25”
A. Worked up to 165×6 at tempo. Felt much better this time around.
B. Done Rx on treadmill. 9:47. Legs were toast coming out of the PPs!
Good morning everybody…
Really sore from yesterday.
A. 135#; same weight, different tempo, but still okay
B. 12:48 Rx; broke PP into 10s. tried to do last 20 UB, but dropped at 14.
Love the push to go UB on final set!