July 18, 2019 – Fitness

Pec Activation

Followed by…

Kettlebell Halos x 30 seconds
Plank Shoulder Taps x 30 Seconds
Glute Bridge Hold x 60 seconds

Rest 30 seconds, then…

Kettlebell Floor Press x 30 seconds
Static Hang x 30 seconds
Reverse Snow Angels x 60 seconds


Every 2 minutes, for 18 minutes (3 sets) of:
Station 1 – Dumbbell Bench Press x 10-12 reps @ 2111
Station 2 – Supine Ring Rows x 10-12 reps @ 2111
Station 3 – Side Plank x 45 seconds each side

Four rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run
10 Single-Arm Dumbbell Push Press* (left side)
10 Single-Arm Dumbbell Push Press* (right side)
15 Stationary Dips

*For the Single-Arm Dumbbell Push Press, hold two dumbbells or kettlebells in the front racked position, then perform 10 reps with one arm while holding the other DB/KB in the front racked position.

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Dan Greyman
Dan Greyman
July 26, 2019 8:05 pm

Warmup completed
Bench press @ 22.5kg db’s
Run done air assault
Kb push presses @ 12kg

Total time: 21:21

Michele T
Michele T
July 18, 2019 6:01 pm

5 months postpartum! Finally ready to get crossfitting again. Going to start with Fitness. How long do y’all recommend following the fitness track? Or are there certain movements I should be able to do before moving to performance?

Warm up complete 🙂

A. DB bench press with 25# db’s.
B. Forgot to hit start on the timer. Completed with 15# db’s for the push presses.

So happy to be back!

Emilio Joubert
Emilio Joubert
July 18, 2019 6:26 am

Warm up: Done.
A. 65 pound dumbbbellw/Strict pulls ups x 8 rings were taken by class/regular plank because side puts a lot of pressure on the left knee.
B.I think this was 7:00. 45 pound dumbbell because push presses are still an awkward movement 14 weeks post surgery D: and Assault Bike for 20 calories each round because running+push pressing is tough.

Still good to be back!

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