4 Minutes of Calf & Hamstring Mobility of Your Choice
4 Minutes of Hip Flexor & Quad Mobility of Your Choice
Followed by…
Tabata Fun! x 3 sets (rest 10 seconds between stations):
Station 1 – Frog Jumps x 20 seconds
Station 2 – Rotational Medicine Ball Throws (left) x 20 seconds
Station 3 – Rotational Medicine Ball Throws (right) x 20 seconds
In teams of two, complete as many rounds as possible in 30 minutes of:
“Dissecting Kelly”
400 Meter Run
30 Box Jumps (24″/20″)
30 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
Team members will alternate tasks, with only one member working at any one time. Thus, Partner A will run 400 meters, Partner B will perform 30 Box Jumps, Partner A will perform 30 Wall Ball Shots, and Partner B will run 400 meters – and so on for 30 minutes.
Sunday workout instead of tomorrow:
A. E2:30 x8
Front squat x3
B. 3 rds
30 Sandbag Squats 45 kg UB/20.10/15.15
10 strict pull ups 7.3/5.5/5.3.2
C. Emom 15
Supine grip ring row x10 @21X1
Sideplank 45 sec
Reverse snow angels x15 2,5 kg plates
Hollow hold 40 sec
Biceps curls x4
IT 20 kg x15 (one DB)
ET 7,5 x8
I did a variation on @thelonghorn’s workout from yesterday:
500 m row
20 cal Air Dyne Pro
30 straight leg sit-ups
100 ft pec stick walk
Total: 5 rounds -+ 500 m row
Last round fastest round!
I did Thursday
Warm-up ✅
A. Pr day! 100kg Hang squat clean.. tried 3 times 105kg but nothing.. next time!
B. 4 superset
DB shoulder press @15kg @40X1 6/7 reps each side
Rest 60 sec
One arm KB farmer walk 20m each side (trunk stays upright)
C. Emom 24’ every 4 minutes 500m row 20WB unbroken @12kg 4-7 unbroken bar muscle ups
I complete the first round, then I scaled the UB wallballs to 15, UB bar muscle ups were 4/3/4/4/5/4.
Have a great weekend guys!
July 9 WOD Really loving the WU with the Back Squats!! A. Back Squats – RAW 130×5, 145×3, 165×1, 140×8, 140×8, 140×8 (up 5# each set from last week) These didn’t feel as smooth and easy as last week (I should say Sunday, that’s when I did them last) the last 2 reps on the last 2 sets were TOUGH. ***5 Strict Stationary Dips + 30s L Sit between first 3 rounds B. 4 Rounds for Time – 4:21/4:20/4:54/4:36 = 18:11 400m Run – 2:00-2:25 each round 100 foot walking lunges @ 35# DB’s – 60’/40′ for rounds 1,2,4 –… Read more »
Did it solo (subbed medball cleans for wallballs since we still haven’t found a spot to do them). Got 4 or 5 rnds + 400m. Hard to count when it’s this hot out, that kinda sucked
Did Kelly Solo-25:36RX
4 rounds . 23:00
400 meter run
30 BJ
30 WB.
Pretty fun. Good way to get something in this am.
See everyone in a week. Family vacation week starting tomorrow.
Got work done! Good job! Have a great week off!
Yesterday’s workout:
A. 4 rds
Deadlift x4-6 @tempo 150×6/160×6/165×5/165×6
Rest 20 sec
10 box jumps
Rest 3 min
B . Amrap 10’
30 DUs
10 DL 100 kg
10 Burpees
This was pretty unpleasant.
Def looks unpleasant on paper.way to go back and hit the tough one. I think I chose the lesser of evils..
BJ and WB are not nice as well! ?
How are those parallette shoot-throughs coming along? 🙂
Yea, right! I really have to place them somewhere as a routine.