*Set 1 – 10 reps @ 50% of 1-RM
*Set 2 – 10 reps @ 60%
*Set 3 – 10 reps @ 65%
*Set 4 – 8 reps @ 70%
*Set 5 – 6 reps @ 80%
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
If you don’t know your current 1-RM you can make an educated guess, or you can use this resource. For full disclosure, I don’t love percentages and tend to adjust them for the athletes I coach based on what I see…but I can’t do that for you all, so without getting into a huge discussion on how best to calculate based on your individual abilities and muscle fiber types, let’s just stick with this simple, even if slightly flawed, calculator.
In teams of four, complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 18 minutes of:
15/10 Calories of Assault Bike (or 200 Meter Run)
20 Walking Lunges with 32/24 kg Kettlebells
Each team gets one Assault Bike, and as soon as one partner finishes on the Assault Bike, the next may jump on.
A. Bryan – (E3MOM) – 160#, 200#, 215#, 235#, 270#.
B. Bryan (1:1 work:rest, 200m run, 35# dumbbells) – 5 rounds.
A. Based on RM of 150kg
B. Alone, did E4MOM for 16′, 200m Run + 24kg KB
Did 5 sets of 10 Deadlifts at 135lbs. Taking it easy on my back and focusing on good position all the way through the lift. 🙂
Hello all! back from Vacay. We were in Whitehorse YT Canada for a week with my parents. I went to an affiliate for the first time and got my Mom to come the second time. Trying to get her hooked! She is 64 and ready to try. 🙂 A. Ran out of time as I was having a needed conversation. B. Did option 3 because I needed to get it DONE! Scaled to 16KG KB because I wanted to be able to walk tomorrow. 1:55, 1:43, 1:44, 1:43, 1:45 – Only waited about 15 seconds between round 4 and 5… Read more »
A: 205*10/245*10/275*8/275*8/295*6. Came too hard out of the gate on this one. Had to pull back.
B: Did option 3 with assault bike + maxed pull-ups between sets. 1:25+9/1:52+7/1:59+6/1:51+7/1:58+8
C: Captain’s Crunches + 4 sets: 10 flutter kicks, 10 oblique crunches, 10 4 count reverse situps
A) Deadlift based on 475 1RM
B) No partner and only kettlebell of each weight so I did yesterday’s conditioning instead
3 RFT 30 cal row / 15 CTB pull-ups / 10 strict HSPUs: 13:07
Felt sluggish and fatigued today after deadlifting. Rowing took forever, 10-5 on CTB, HSPUs ub.
Crazy strong!
thanks! i’m feeling it today though lol
A. 10×150
All Double Overhand Grip
B. Option C. Rode bike for 1′ per round since counter is broken.
2:18, 2:11, 2:16, 2:05, 2:04
A. 10×205
3×320 (grip failed after 3 with Double Overhand Grip)
*Would it be wise to reset my 1-RM with the DOG? Been doing it for about 2-3 months now and it definitely gets a lot harder than mixed grip at higher weights.
B. Option C w/ 1′ Bike per round
1:58, 1:54, 1:58, 2:01, 2:04
Great work guys!
You guys killed it, nice job! About DOG I did have to lower my 1 RM a little (although lower back issues also played a role) since I made the switch from mixed grip and it really helped me. Now I’m starting to feel stronger with it so hopefully gainz are down the line!
Definitely stick with the double overhand grip I say. The benefits of increasing grip strength carry over to almost every other movement and especially cleans, pullups/muscle ups.
The joy of being a teacher when you get to smash yourself over the summer. Was running late, so had to join in and today’s work backwards. Five of us, so we did 24 min, only had 40 lbs. and 35 lbs. KB. B. 7 rounds plus 15 Kcal A. 210/255/275/305/340 – first 3 was with DOG, last 2 mixed grip, Then worked on clean and split jerk Assistance core and mobility Tried to swim, had 3 sets of 250m under 3 min, then I cramped up starting the 4th set. Hope all have a great weekend, looking forward to… Read more »
1st day of CrossFit Invictus training! Started with the performance programming.
A. 105×10, 127×10, 137×10, 147×8, 170×6
B. Did it with one partner, you go I go
We got into the 7th round with 2 lunges. (32kg)
Welcome Stephan!
Welcome! Thanks for sharing. You will love this community
Looks like you started really well and have a workout partner to boot! Welcome aboard Stephan!
Great job and welcome!
Welcome, good work today.
1 day behind, no time yesterday and it was a much needed rest day regardless A. Alt E2MOM x12 min (2 sets) 1- 4 ring muscle ups with 5s pauses in receiving and full support. This was a good one 2- Freestanding HS hold attempts. My best one was about a whole 2 seconds… Last few times I did thigh taps so needed to switch it up today 3- paralette L sit x10s into parelette tuck support x50s B. 3 RFT: 11:57 30 cal row 15 C2B 10 SHSPU (with 1 abmat follow by pike off box- 5/5 4/6 3/7… Read more »
hello Volume…I take it you’re not running long distance tomorrow?
Noooo not running again until my knee is back to 100%. It’s much better now but still want to be careful. Besides I want to make up today’s session tomorrow so I don’t think i’ll be adding long aerobic work to that. Next weekend though if my week goes well and I dont need to skip a day my plan will be to do a long distance on the rower, it’s been way too long. 5km perhaps. You have anything planned for tomorrow? Get the yolk out! Hah
I’d love to get the yoke out! But alas, I’m leaving for a week-long vacation. Planning on taking my rings, speedrope, parallettes, and indestructable wallball (fringesport – that thing is awesome and can be used literally anywhere). So the wods will get creative. There’s also no wifi where we are going so I’m not sure I’ll post them :. Hopefully the mobile version of this site gets fixed next week! @libbylandry:disqus
You really like these long aerobic things don’t you? Crazy!
I just looked up the wall ball – that is really awesome! You can always let us know what wods you did when you get back to civilization. Nooooo I don’t particularly “like” these long aerobic sessions… but a few months ago, after listening to this podcast for the 2nd time… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MhsmVQskyA I realized that there can be many benefits to these long endurance sessions that can totally translate to other time domains. Back then I was training mon-tues-wed-fri-sat and taking thurs and sun off but kinda wanted to go back to following Performance mon-fri instead and decided that on… Read more »
Nice work, volume up the wazzoo, well done.
Thanks! Great work today!
Great job getting a ton of work done!
Thanks! Btw when does that squat cycle end?
There are two more weeks where the % get to 90% of my previous fs max of 255. A deload week follows that to prep for going after a new fs and bs max.
Awesome, can’t wait to see
Overall, it’s 10 weeks of training.
Not working out tomorrow and possibly Sunday so expanded on some strength.
A. From competition
3 sets every 2 min
3 high hang snatch 115#
3 sets every 2 min
High hang snatch + hang snatch
3 sets every 2 min
Hang snatch + snatch
3 sets every 2 min
Snatch pull + snatch
B. Deads from performance
Kept going
C. 4 rounds, rest 1 min in between
15 cal assault bike
20 walking lunges with 53# kbs
Nice work today, way to challenge yourself.
I’ve spent the last couple of days recovering from being sick. It was good to be back at it today!
A. 7/13 squat cycle
5 sets 3 fs 6 bs at 195 lbs
B. 12 min amrap
25’ front rack lunges 44 lb kb
10 push press right arm
25’ front rack lunges 44 lb kb
10 push press left arm
4 rounds +25’ 4 reps
C. Jumped in with my wife to help her finish her workout
10, 8, 6, 4, 2 burpees with 400m run in between
11 minutes and change
She started at 20 burpees.
you’re a good man Charlie Brown for that C. My stars, that is a lot of running…(she did a total of 10 400s right?)
Yeah she did and 110 burpees all together.
wow ?
B looks like an upper back burner! Good job
Nice work Mike!! Very nice C lol
A. 130×10,140×10,150×10,160×8,180×6 kg
B. Alone 9x2min (200m +20x lunges 30kg)
A. 250, 295, 325, 345, got greedy cause this was going well so last set was 400 (3 only) immediately dropped to 385 (3)
Deloads: 365 (1), 315 (3), 225 (5), 135 (10)
B. Did option 2 with 70# DBs at a reasonable (not fast) pace 3 rounds + 200m run
Nice work Nathan!!
Well done, good work on the deload. 3 at 400 is still impressive after that volume.
A. Based off 430#, did last two sets at 6×325# which is 75%, not 80.
B. OT3M for 5 sets:
15 cal AB
20 body-weight walking lunges
54s/56s/50s/55s/54s. – jelly legs
Moral of the week is I need more PB&J, energy levels and weight are low. Have a great weekend, enjoy the Chex mix and Hot Cheetos, I know I will!
Nice and consistent.
Awwww, she’s so cute and amazing! That is just adorable. I would love to see side by side of Daddy attempting that move:-)
Your daughter is amazing! Lets add a few carbs!! Enjoy the munchies man… I definitetly will! Don’t forget the scotch!
A. DL. 165lbx10, 205×10, 220×9, 235×8, 270×4 Could not hit all 6 on last round. I have a hard time keeping tight from on heavier DL. So I usually don’t push too hard in this movement as I know my back will pay for it if I do. B. Option 3 with the 5Rds with the 1 min rest. Due to lack of kettlebells I strapped on my 45lb vest (which I never fill to 45) and grabbed my 2 35 lb KBs. Twas heavy for me!! Run 200, 20 walk lunge, 1 min rest. Times do not include rest… Read more »
Super consistent on the B times!
Thanks man! Not sure i ran hard enough, I think if I had a bike I would of blown my legs up like I am guessing you did. How long does the 15 cal take in the AB?
Haha totally blown up. For a slow coach like me on this workout, about 55 secs to 1 min 20!
Awesome times dude you crushed it. Nice work
A. Deadlifts 120kg x 10, 135kg x 10, 150kg x 10, 165kg x 6, 180kg x 5 Really felt weak tonight. Bumped up the percentages a tad (felt good going into this) and couldn’t make the reps on the last rounds. B. Modified last nights work into a relatively low-intensity EMOM 24mins, on the 2mins, 3 rounds of a) 30cal row b) 10 strict pullups c) 10 strict chinups/pullups d) 1min plank Completed. Row in 1:25 each time (1350 cal/hour average pace) HSPU – UB Pullups – 5 UB strict chinups + 5 singles on strict pullups Plank – completed… Read more »
A. Gave myself a new 1rm of 170kg, as %s at previous 1rm of 165 have felt pretty easy. All lifts felt great. B. Took option 3 from Libby’s notes 5 rounds 15 Bike + 20 Walking lunges with 1 minute rest in between each round. Lunges scaled slightly to 28kg kettlebells. Goal was same time for each set…that did not happen! Mostly due to power dying away quickly on the bike, likely a mix of me being rubbish at short power output / anaerobic stuff and doing Kelly yesterday late afternoon. Will mix in some assault bike intervals to… Read more »
Way to push through James! That part B seems pretty unforgiving
Totally regretted taking the short rest option. Looks like a rest day did you good, great performance
Still not sure which option I want to go with tomorrow but Im still thinking of picking that one ???. The rest definitely helped. Gonna get another good session in tomorrow then rest again on Sunday to start next week fresh
Hi team! Libby here, taking over for Michele while she’s at the World Cup. Warmup Let’s start with some hip mobility and glute activation. • 10 Lying leg raises / side • 5 Lying hip circles each direction / side (on this, I don’t want your bent knee to move or your hips to leave the floor. Limit the ROM if you have to but focus on just movement of the hips) • 5 Standing hip circles each direction / side • 10 Banded good mornings • 10 Monster walk steps in each direction • 10 Bird-dog’s / side with… Read more »
I love that you provided this much detail for a workout. You guys are amazing