12-Minute Mobility for Hip Hinge Day
Four sets of:
Deadlift x 4-6 reps @ 30X1
Rest 20 seconds
Tall Box Jumps x 10 reps
Rest 3 minutes
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 10 minutes of:
30 Double-Unders
10 Deadlifts (225/155 lbs)
10 Burpees Over the Barbell
A: 13:55
dl @ 110(5)/115(5)/120(4)/120(4) kg(reps)
box @ 60/60/60/65 cm
B: 3 rounds 02:22/02:49/03:11 + 34 reps
Worked up to 175 lbs. did the fitness version so also included Russian step ups and push-ups.
5+10 reps – used 70 lbs kb for the deadlift.
DL – 155, 185, 195, x 6 reps, 205 x 5
Tall box jumps 20”, 24”, 24”, 24”
B. 5 + 36
B. 5 + 40
July 8 WOD Fantastic warm up!!! Crossfit Games Open Event 18.1 8 Rounds+7 Row Cals = 265 Reps 8 T2B – All UB and all kipping until middle of round 6 then went to strict 10 Single Arm DB HC&J @ 35# – All UB 12 Cal Row – Between 48-58s (most rounds 53-54s) ***This is 3 reps short of the actual open. A few things that would have made a difference….I didn’t put my row right next to my rig….it was 5 steps to get to it instead of 2….I also had help during the open with counting and… Read more »
DLs 8@90,110,130,145kg
4 rounds + 50yds
Wednesday’s death by push
A. 3×10 225lbs (for last couple reps each set definitely more of a jerk than a press, those knees were dropping)
B. 13:02, Rx( strict HSPU, strict ring dip, strict push up) all over the place with reps. Went in the door without a plan and started too hot and never recovered
A. 155#x6
Box jumps at 24 inches
B. 4+43- double unders were all over the place!
Warm up ✅
A . ✅
B. As RX 4 round +30DU+ 7DL.
C. 3 rounds
Multi width grip pulls 3+3+3
Pause ring dips x3 @3331
Elbowing ring rows x9 reps
Archer ring push ups (keep one arm straight).
x5 per side.
Feeling great, have a Good Friday night!
A1. 225/275/315/315 x 6 @ 3011
A2. ~24”; landed in full extension
Approximately 60s per set.
B. Done at conversational pace today and didn’t track score:
30 Double-Unders
20 cal BikeErg
10 burpees over 12” obstacle
Been doing some of my own programming lately to add some conditioning.
Today’s I took it easy with deads.
A. 245 lbs / 34”
B. Rx 4 rounds + 37.
That was tiring.
Then 4 x 400m run
6:19 total time running.
Happy Friday
I felt like I didnt sleep a single minute yesterday so I did mobility work and low intensity cardio (2 RDS of 1k Ab 400run 500row 400run).
Yesterday A. Up to 265 below knee hang clean. Failed 275.
A. 295-325 on deadlift x6 at tempo. No pain at all. 33″ box (it was a bit low).
B. Rx 5rds + 29 DUs.
New “diet”.
Roadtrip on monday for two weeks. Will bring a band and rope. Have a nice weekend everyone.
Enjoy the trip !
A. 275×6, 33″ box
315×6, 36″ box
315×6, 40″ box
315×6, 40″ box
All at tempo
B. 5+32
C. GHD’s
Yesterday’s workout
A. Hang clean single
Up to 175# which is a 20# pr. My technique has come a long way this spring/summer. It’s not where it should be for me though. There’s work to be done!
B. Yesterday’s fitness
1000m row 3:38
75 kbs 60 lb Kb 50-25
Strict pull-ups
20lbs booooom!
PR Star! Congratulations!
Congrats! That is awesome progress Mike! You work soooo hard everyday and it is definitely paying off…NICE WORK all the way around!
New here. Do you do A or B workouts or do you do A and B workouts?
We do both. A is usually strenght/gymnastic skills followed by B a metcon (metabolism conditioning). It should take you an hour overall including warm up.
Nice. Thanks for the quick response
Let us know if you have other questions! Like what does 30X1 mean…
Hey Ryan welcome aboard! We generally do both in the order they give. I had limited time today so I pieced some things together. This is a great community to be a part of!
Recovery day
10 rounds:
5 cal air bike
10 burpees
15 KBS American
20 double unders
7/11 Wod
1. Heavy-ish Hang Clean 155#
2. 1000m row
25 Hang Squat Cleans 105#
50 Pullups
Off the rower at 4:20, Cleans in sets of 5, finished at 8:33; Pullups in sets of 5, grip was a limiting factor
PJ- 255# tempo DL-5rds + 30 reps RX
Tawni- 4rds @ 105
A: modified to four rounds of:
10 KB DL with 48kg bell
10 Russian step ups with 32kg in bells
15 push ups
B: 3+15 rounds as Fx’d with 32kg bell
Felt good to modify within my limits #egoistheenemy
I love me some Fitness programming! Great job today and way to train smart and still get in an awesome workout. I wish more people would approach their fitness this way.
Thanks, Coach! I need the encouragement. I have such a hard time just competing with myself (despite that I’m a 36 yo dad who wants to rock it as a 86 yo grandpa).
My body was done with resistance training for the week, so I did some active recovery:
30mins: 500m row, 20cal AB. 7 rounds and some change. I usually like to add 400m run to the mix but still resting the Achilles.
Have a great weekend everyone!
I’m gonna revisit that active recovery workout. Nice work listening to your body.
I also had to recover today. Will attack this tomorrow. You too have a great one!
A. 3 supersets Max reps bodyweight bench Max strict pull-ups 10 12 10 Rest 2:30 between sets Max reps at bodyweight would have been zero…reduced to 70kg get around 7 reps as recommended. Went 7, 7 then closed out with 3…not cool. Once I’ve got gymnastics up to speed, need to focus on bench! Fresh max strict pull-ups is 18, not sure how close we should get to this. B. AMRAP 20: 7 Power Cleans (135/95) 7 Burpees 200 Meter Run 10 rounds + 7 power cleans. 1.50, 2.06, 2.01, 2.10, 1.56, 1.55, 1.54, 2.00, 1.59, 1.50. pleased to hang… Read more »