Overhead Movement Prep
Pec Activation
Three sets of:
Push Press x 10 reps
Rest 2 minutes
Use the same load achieved on July 2, 2019, and see if you can achieve 10 reps at that load – with no tempo restrictions this week.
“Strict JT”
Complete rounds of 21, 15 and 9 reps for time of:
Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Strict Ring Dips
Strict Push-Ups
A. Bench 20X0 (OT2M)
1 x 200, 210, 225, 230, 235, 240, 245, 250
B. “Strict JT” as Rx
10:46 (PR)
… previous PR was 12:08 (Jan. 2016) w/ kipping ring dips … have a great weekend folks.
A: 57.5 kgs 10, 10, 5+4+1 reps
B: 24:00
SHSPU 15+6, 5×3, 4×2+1 reps
SRD 7×3, 5×3, 3×3 reps
SPU 15+6, 3×5, 5+4 reps
Been focusing on nursing a compressed L5 vertebra so just getting back to actual workouts. Modified the WOD to 15 12 9. 18:29. Playing in a cornhole tournament tonight. Pretty sure I won’t be able to swing my arm. Ha!
A. 12min EMOM
3 front squats
6 back squats
B. 50 cal row
100-80-60-40-20 double under
30-25-20-15-10 GHD sit ups
50 cal row
A day behind
7/9/19 WOD
Back Squat (rested as needed)
95-145-185-145-145-145 Kept percentages very low and worked on technique.
Four rounds for time of:
400 Meter Run
100-Foot Walking Lunges with DB/KB Farmer’s Hold (32/24 kg) Scaled to 35# KBS
6 rounds + 11 reps (Fitness)
Scaled to incline push ups (24”)
Used 40# DB for first two rounds. 95F with 55% humidity.
Solid effort for me right now.
Did a “version” (meaning I read it wrong!) of June 25 WOD:
A. Power cleans- worked up to 145#
B. 4 rounds for time of:
Row 500 meters
5 power cleans at 135#
Warm up
B: 17:27 (custom scaled version, shoulders out of order)
Round 1:
17 strict hspu
15 strict ring dips
15 strict push ups
Round 2:
6 strict hspu + 3 hspu
9 strict ring dips
9 strict push ups
Round 3:
6 hspu
6 strict ring dips
6 strict push ups
Tomorrow I’m going to have a rest day.
Have a good day.
Strict J.T.- 14:13, I do not recommend doing bench press the day before this ?. SHSPU was the time waster.
OT2M for 20- 15cal AB. All rds under 30s✅
Well done horn!
Push press x 10
85lb, 95, 95,
Then push press 95lb x 9
JT was a S show. Spent 13 minutes on 3 rounds of not strict HSPU of maybe 12, 10, 7. Ring dips of 15, 12, 12. And push ups at 21, 15, 15..
Ring dips post HSPU seemed cruel. 2 solid weakness back to back for me.
Cruel and unusual punishment! Nice job battling through.
Nice push dude!
A. 165×10, 165×9, 155×9
B. A fried my shoulders. 18:15 rx
C. Extra core
What do you do for your extra core work?
AB ripper X of course?
A. Alternating “On the Minute” x 8 (4 Rounds): Minute 1 – 2 Pausing Jerk Drives + 1 Jerk Drive – build from 50% est 1rm split jerk. Ended at 77% Minute 2 – :30s Barbell Overhead Hold – start at 35%. Ended at 50%. Focus on keeping ribcage tight. B. Barbell cycling. Weights change after each grouping, climbing from “light-moderate-heavy-moderate-light. :30s On, :30s Off – Deadlifts 20 :30s On, :30s Off – Push Jerks 8 :45s On, :45s Off – Deadlifts 22 :45s On, :45s Off – Push Jerks 9 1:00 On, 1:00 Off – Deadlifts 30 1:00 On,… Read more »
40min of swim
Push press 135lbs, 135, 145
21-15-9 on 10:15
Hard day for my shoulder
Tawni- 85# push press
PJ- 145# push press-kipping hspu, kipping ring dip, strict pull up-16:36
A. 165×10, 165×6 155×4, 155×10
B. Got through the first set of 21s and shut it down. Not enough in the tank today.
A. Push press – scaled down lighter than last week’s as I couldn’t do all my sets for 6 reps. 90kg x 10, 10, 10 Very fatiguing on the triceps.. This didn’t bode well for the workout. B. No rings so I subbed 60kg bench press. Had to scale down the rounds of 15 and 9 reps of hspu to 6 and 0 reps. 15:30 Total tricep decimation.. I just couldn’t do anything straight away. Be prepared to scale this one! (especially if your a big boy like me) Note – I am very out of practice with hspu lately… Read more »
Scaling to 0 reps made me chuckle! Well done representing us big chaps in gymnastics
I kicked up twice into a Handstand and couldn’t even hold a locked out position! That’s why I count it as 0 reps instead of skipping the whole round!
Wow that is serious fatigue ?
Warmup ✅
A. 3 rds PP x10
75 kg x9/x7/70×9
B. Strict JT
This went fast downhill. Range of motion went out of the window in the last round.
C. 3 rds banded triceps extension x15
The hill was steep down for me as well.. nice work though
Those banded tricep extensions must have been solid after B. Nice job staying strict.
I was thinking the same thing!