January 9, 2018 – Performance

Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes (2 sets of each):
Station 1 – Muscle-Ups with a Pause at Receiving and Pause at Full Extension x 2-5 reps
(OR Low Ring Muscle Up Progression + Dip Catch & Extension x 3-4 reps)
Station 2 – Handstand Walk x 10 meters
(use partner assist or Handstand Wall Runs if you don’t have handstand walks yet)
Station 3 – L-Sit or L-Sit Progression x 45-60 seconds

Three rounds for time of:
30/20 Calories of Rowing
15 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
10 Strict Handstand Push-Ups

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February 19, 2018 2:10 am

A. Bryan (low ring mu progression x 4 reps, handstand wall runs x 60 sec, chair tuck hold x 60 sec).
B. Bryan (20 burpees vs. row, 15# plate round 1, 25# round 2, both plates round 3) – 21:17. Christy (20 burpees vs. row, both plates all sets) – 21:09.

Janelle Hudgin Winston
Janelle Hudgin Winston
January 9, 2018 11:02 pm

A. Low ring MU progression 4/4
Wall walks 26 shoulder taps with a few additonal kick up to hold
45 sec l sit progression one leg out a time

B. 13:36.
CTB killed me. Had to do singles for the most part alternating grips missed a few reps but counted them because these are hard and I suck at them.
HSPU kipping because I wanted to get all the way upsidedown this time.

Ryan Bliss
Ryan Bliss
January 9, 2018 8:21 pm

A: done.
B: I thought I was over my stomach bug but I was wrong.
Rx but it took me 24:19 with several stops to keep it together.

Janelle Hudgin Winston
Janelle Hudgin Winston
January 9, 2018 11:03 pm
Reply to  Ryan Bliss

Wow, way to fight through it! Iwanted to take long breaks and I’m not even sick!

Joey Maltais
Joey Maltais
January 10, 2018 2:06 am
Reply to  Ryan Bliss

Get well soon man!

Philippe Barraud
Philippe Barraud
January 9, 2018 7:17 pm

No space for mu in my garage
Did c2b pullup and paused bottom top dip
Also did wall run they were really hard

B subbed 20 burpee for rowing
19m the handstand slowed me down

Ryan Bliss
Ryan Bliss
January 9, 2018 6:10 pm

Anyone tried the keto diet? I have read a few articles and it looks interesting. I think if I did it, it might help my family reduce the starchy carb intake a bit. My wife is Italian and a lot of the American/Italian eating habits live at my house.

Philippe Barraud
Philippe Barraud
January 9, 2018 7:20 pm
Reply to  Ryan Bliss

I personally don t recommend keto on a program like this one. I tried it a few years ago and was burned after a few weeks. On a metcon heavy program I require carb to perform in and outside the gym

January 9, 2018 7:32 pm
Reply to  Ryan Bliss

I’ve only read about it over the years as it sounds scientifically interesting. I’ve always thought it seems difficult to put into practice. If you’re looking to shed some pounds I think shifting more calories to protein and fats and limiting carbs(not avoiding them all together) is more realistic. I grew up with soda, Little Debbie’s, tons of bread, etc….. in my mid 20s I had to hit reset on the entire thing. I’ve been 180lbs for a decade but at 36 with a wife and two kids (all very opinionated) it’s a challenge. Coach Michelle took the time to… Read more »

July 12, 2018 10:07 am
Reply to  thelonghorn

how did you go about having Michelle asses your diet? Did you provide a macro count or just give the general idea or did she have a questionnaire that you filled out? I’d like to do something like this myself.

July 12, 2018 10:25 am
Reply to  Nathan

She sent me a spreadsheet after we had a phone call about my current levels and goals. At the time it was minor changes, like get more protein in the afternoon etc.

July 12, 2018 10:28 am
Reply to  thelonghorn

would you be willing to share that spreadsheet with me? (the template she sent over not the one with all your data) if so kindly email me at nwylder at gmail

July 12, 2018 10:42 am
Reply to  Nathan


July 12, 2018 11:42 am
Reply to  thelonghorn

thanks bro!

Joey Maltais
Joey Maltais
January 10, 2018 2:20 am
Reply to  Ryan Bliss

I agree with longhorn. From what I’ve read and heard from experts in podcasts it can be a useful tool depending on your goals, especially used as cycles. It is not easy to get your body to fall into ketosis though, and a lot of people end up getting it wrong. As something for the whole household to do I think would be a challenge and might not fit everyone’s needs. That said, on average, people eat way too many starches and it often seems as « the norm » which is something I’ve been working on myself over here and trying… Read more »

Candy Olkey
Candy Olkey
January 10, 2018 3:31 am
Reply to  Ryan Bliss

I’ve not eaten bread or pasta for almost 3 years. It’s difficult at first, but there are soooo many new things on the market now that replace bread and pasta that it’s not all that bad. I can tell you that if I were to eat a slice of bread or any sort of pasta I would almost instantly have a stomach ache and most certainly feel as though I had just eaten a 10 coarse meal. I replace bread for a sandwich with some sort of green leafy veg (ie lettuce, spinach)or I’ve learned to love naked sandwiches. I… Read more »

January 10, 2018 7:55 am
Reply to  Ryan Bliss

Keto can be good for specific goals. But we should differentiate between a paleo/primal diet and a true ketogenic diet. Paleo is high in protein, high in qualify fat, and lower on the carb side, but folks can and will cycle in potatoes, rice, and other quality carbs into paleo if it works for them. Keto is extremely high in fat intake, moderate/low in protein, and virtually zero in carbohydrates. The goal is to switch your body from burning glucose as fuel to burning fat as fuel. It can be beneficial for those looking to lose weight, and achieve some… Read more »

Chad Evans
Chad Evans
January 9, 2018 5:36 pm

A. EMOT2M (2 sets ea)
1: 8 L-ring pull-ups
8 ring dips with pause
2: 20 shoulder taps/wall runs
3: 30 sec L-sit

B. 15:28
Subbed strict pull ups for C2B

One of those days. This went rough. Grip in right hand was gone after A and the rowing so pull ups were broken up into sets of 3 by 3rd rd and SHSPU felt worse. Went to an Abmat and these were still rough. Clustering into doubles at the end. Rest and give’er tomorrow.

Joey Maltais
Joey Maltais
January 9, 2018 5:37 pm
Reply to  Chad Evans

way to push through man, great work once again

Chad Evans
Chad Evans
January 9, 2018 8:12 pm
Reply to  Joey Maltais

Thanks Joey!

Joey Maltais
Joey Maltais
January 9, 2018 5:11 pm

Strength this morning
Debated on doing today’s B this evening but decided otherwise, needed something a little « lighter » tonight
« Flight Simulator »
UB DU: 5-10-15…50-45-40…5
Rx: 8:07 (no misses)
Took a few extra seconds between sets above 25 to be confident I wouldn’t miss
Thanks Chris M!

Joey Maltais
Joey Maltais
January 9, 2018 5:36 pm
Reply to  Joey Maltais

Thanks for the wod @disqus_IoydauK31X:disqus !

Chris M.
Chris M.
January 9, 2018 6:12 pm
Reply to  Joey Maltais

Crushed it.

Ryan Bliss
Ryan Bliss
January 9, 2018 6:21 pm
Reply to  Joey Maltais

Well done, Joey!

Chad Evans
Chad Evans
January 9, 2018 8:12 pm
Reply to  Joey Maltais

Destroyed it!

Candy Olkey
Candy Olkey
January 10, 2018 3:35 am
Reply to  Joey Maltais

My guess of 9:11 was way off…but 7:11 is definitely doable for you…GREAT work Joey!

Dustin Coughenour
Dustin Coughenour
January 9, 2018 4:27 pm

A. Did 5×5 back squat
Clean pulls
B. Subbed 20 cals Ab for row

January 9, 2018 3:43 pm

Curious how long the rows took everyone? Gym only has a water rower and I think cals are a little different. each round took about 2:10 or so

Candy Olkey
Candy Olkey
January 9, 2018 4:37 pm
Reply to  ColoradoLivin

Wow. ..I’m a very slow rower…work in progress. .but mine took between 118-135. So u prob rowed twice as much.

January 9, 2018 4:39 pm
Reply to  Candy Olkey

haha. This may explain the 15+ minute time

Trion Horgan
Trion Horgan
January 9, 2018 3:18 pm

Had to adjust A & B due to space and equipment.

A. Subbed 3 sets of:
Max bench @ 155 = 9/7/7
Max weighted pull ups @ 35 = 7/6/5

B. Rx’d with 20 cal Assault Bike instead of row. 11:36. Did it with a partner and had a 1min rest b/w rds 2 & 3. I wasn’t upset about it!
AB sucked but we just got it and don’t have a rower so… I did each rd close to 1:15
5/5/5 in C2B’s
UB on strict hspu’s

Martin B.
Martin B.
January 9, 2018 12:58 pm

A. Done with 5 MUs
B. 9:24 rx
My body feels tired so I will work on resting.

Ryan Bliss
Ryan Bliss
January 9, 2018 6:06 pm
Reply to  Martin B.

Keep working on that resting. Soon you will be able to do it in half the time.

January 9, 2018 12:30 pm

Somedays you got it, somedays you don’t! Felt weak and sluggish today after a great workout yesterday. Time to rest up for a new day tomorrow

A.) done

B.) 15:47 RX

Candy Olkey
Candy Olkey
January 9, 2018 11:47 am

A1. 4 banded SRMU progression A2. HSH/HSW – feeling way more steady at about a 5′ walk A3. L-Sit on parallel bars 40s/20s both rounds B. 13:46 20 Cal Row 15 C2B pull ups 10 SHPU (switched to kipping in rounds 2&3) C. EMOM for 10 min (45s of max effort/15s rest) – GHD full ext sit ups -15 – Weighted sit ups -19 – Abmat sit ups -21 – Med ball sit ups -20 – Rev sit ups – 18 – V ups – 22 – Right side plank reach unders -21 – Left side plank reach unders –… Read more »

Joey Maltais
Joey Maltais
January 9, 2018 12:56 pm
Reply to  Candy Olkey

HSWs are in sight! Your C is … got no words

Candy Olkey
Candy Olkey
January 9, 2018 1:02 pm
Reply to  Joey Maltais

That always scares me when you have no words……hmmmm

Michael Newton
Michael Newton
January 9, 2018 10:34 am

Went back to basics today

A) 4/4 on low rings and 16” Box
Worked on weight transfers
45s hold on jerk blocks, kept legs straight. Need to work on hamstring and hip flexor mobility

B) 12:24 with Ring Rows off a 16” box. Those got hard real fast. Pull-ups felt off today

Chris Pugliese
Chris Pugliese
January 9, 2018 8:41 am

Good morning everyone…all of my favorite exercises in a single workout…or not

A1. 5/5
A2. Done
A3. :45 each off dumbbells. This is a brutal exercise for me.
B. 13:00; 1st round Rx. Last 2 did regular pullups and kipping hspu. Otherwise, I would miss work.
C. 5:08 Half of Flight Simulator. Finished round of 50 with only 1 miss on rep 4 of first round

Candy Olkey
Candy Olkey
January 9, 2018 11:32 am
Reply to  Chris Pugliese

I was going to try the flight simulator…but I would miss work the rest of the week…lol
Good job Chris!

Chris Pugliese
Chris Pugliese
January 9, 2018 12:01 pm
Reply to  Candy Olkey

I started the “landing” and in the round of 45, I missed on 23. Started again and missed on 42! At that point, I was blown and stopped there.

Kelly Welborn
Kelly Welborn
January 9, 2018 8:35 am

A. 5 slow dips on bullhorn with 5 sec hold at the top on tight hollow.
HS walks unbroken for 10 meters. Surprisingly easy for not having done them for a long time.
L sit hold for 30 seconds unbroken.

B. 13:56
C2B’s were all singles. Just getting beat up with any type of metcon work. Hoping it gets better soon!
Scaled strict HSPU’s with toes on box and body stacked from hips to wrists. Could’ve done them Rx but it would’ve made for an even longer wod.

Chris M.
Chris M.
January 9, 2018 6:49 am

A1. Pause Muscle-Ups: 3 reps/round
A2. Kick to Free Handstand w/ max Hold: 10x / round
A3. L-sit: 3 x 15s (w/ 15s rest between)
B. As Rx: 9:47
… humbling day at the gym … muscle-ups, handstand walks, L-sit and C2B – if there’s an opposite to “in my wheelhouse” these are them.

jorge gonzalez
jorge gonzalez
January 9, 2018 8:05 am
Reply to  Chris M.

this game is all about turning weaknesses into strengths, am i right?

Chris M.
Chris M.
January 9, 2018 8:45 am
Reply to  jorge gonzalez

Other weaknesses include scotch, craft beer, ice cream and gummies – if you have any ideas on how to turn these into strengths I’m all ears …

jorge gonzalez
jorge gonzalez
January 9, 2018 8:54 am
Reply to  Chris M.

practice, practice, practice XD

Holly D.
Holly D.
January 9, 2018 4:17 pm
Reply to  Chris M.

Red wine and chips & guacamole over here. Haha…

January 9, 2018 4:51 pm
Reply to  Chris M.

Whiskey and PB&Js… leave it to the Canadian to like scotch ?

Ryan Bliss
Ryan Bliss
January 9, 2018 6:03 pm
Reply to  Chris M.

Well, the first two give you a great false sense of security. I am sure that can be viewed as a strength from some angle. ?

Chris Pugliese
Chris Pugliese
January 9, 2018 8:48 am
Reply to  Chris M.

I’m with ya brother

January 9, 2018 4:27 am

A few mods today to avoid left shoulder discomfort. No MUs or HSPU

A. OT2M for 18, 3 sets each
A1. Weighted strict pull-ups 45#x 7 reps
A2. 30 ft handstand walk. Done as 2x 15ft due to limited space. Really happy to be doing 15ft+ consistently.
A3. L-sits still suck, max hold is like 15s

B. 12:34 – Subbed 20 single arm DB Press 55# (10R/ 10L) for HSPU. C2B were slower than usual after A1.

C. 5 min Emom, 12 cals on AB in seconds (18/23/28/36/30)

jorge gonzalez
jorge gonzalez
January 9, 2018 4:57 am
Reply to  thelonghorn

Great job on that HSW man

James Dalton
James Dalton
January 9, 2018 5:27 am
Reply to  thelonghorn

Awesome handstand skills!!

Joey Maltais
Joey Maltais
January 9, 2018 9:20 am
Reply to  thelonghorn

Congrats on the HSW that is awesome

Holly D.
Holly D.
January 9, 2018 2:18 pm
Reply to  thelonghorn

I’ll be following your mods. This is virtually everything I still can’t do due to my surgery! ?

January 9, 2018 3:02 pm
Reply to  Holly D.

?? Funny thing is my right shoulder was bothering me around the time you had surgery. It’s all better now, but the left feels like the right used to. At least I know how to bring it back to health, but I’m considering permanent mods if my mission to strengthen and stabilize my shoulders doesn’t work.

Holly D.
Holly D.
January 9, 2018 4:07 pm
Reply to  thelonghorn

Avoid surgery as long as possible! Or forever, if possible! The damage to mine was far too extensive to avoid it. Years of athleticism since being a kid…haha. I hope you continue to avoid what I endured. So much mod for me right now. Upside…hopefully getting stronger! ??

January 9, 2018 4:59 pm
Reply to  Holly D.

I bought crossover symmetry bands and have been using them 3 times a week at minimum. Really hoping to strengthen the entire muscle complex surrounding the shoulder to rehab as well as to prevent relapse. Catching a bad jerk at 245 is what is to blame this time, last time it was sloppy ring dips.

Holly D.
Holly D.
January 9, 2018 7:13 pm
Reply to  thelonghorn

Good call! I’m sure it will be helpful. We were thinking of ordering also. I love the burn! ?

jorge gonzalez
jorge gonzalez
January 9, 2018 4:07 am

Morning session:

A) Tabata 22’:
– Turkish sit ups 15 kgs plate
– Air Squats
– Deadlifts 90 kgs
– DUs
– Rope Climb

My average reps were 7, 12, 7, 4 and 3/4. Not a good day for DUs and rope climbs for me today. I had a hard time locking the rope in the J hook and in two descents I literally did free falls. I also had some issues with the length of my jumping rope but I was very out of synch with it.

Looking forward to this evening session.

January 9, 2018 4:30 am
Reply to  jorge gonzalez

Rope climbs when fatigued are scary. My wife dropped like 15ft during a competition once ?. Arms just gave up:

jorge gonzalez
jorge gonzalez
January 9, 2018 4:52 am
Reply to  thelonghorn

It’s like “oh shit! This is happening!!!! Don’t freak OUT!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAARRRRGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!”, all in a split of a second ??

January 9, 2018 4:59 am
Reply to  jorge gonzalez

Ha that’s a great way to put it! And you don’t want to grab on because the skin will rip off your hands if you try to stop!!

Joey Maltais
Joey Maltais
January 9, 2018 9:06 am
Reply to  thelonghorn

Good thing you were there to catch her!

James Dalton
James Dalton
January 9, 2018 1:44 am

A. Had to modify due to new class taking up the functional area in the globogym. Wall walks, bodyweight rows with a pause were subbed in, L sits were abysmal! Stupid heavy legs.

B. 11.50. Modified to 10 C2B (first time trying C2B in metcon!) and 10 HSPU with feet on a box.

C. Bouldering tonight, they have some rings in the corner so will play about on them, planning most of an Invictus gymnastics session.

January 9, 2018 4:29 am
Reply to  James Dalton

Great work, way to improvise!

James Dalton
James Dalton
January 9, 2018 5:25 am
Reply to  thelonghorn

Thanks, looking forward to getting better so less need to improvise scaling!

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