Workout of the Day
Five sets of:
Unsupported Seated Strict Press x 4-5 reps
(sit on a bench without back support and press the barbell from shoulder to overhead)
Rest 2-3 minutes
Against a 7-minute running clock, complete:
500 Meter Row
As many rounds and reps as possible of:
5 Single Arm Press each arm (55/35 lbs)
10 Box Jump-Overs
Did Wed conditioning on Thurs….
B1- 4:24
B2- 5:08
B3- 9:30
Throwdown this weekend so going easy til Monday
A) 5 reps each set at 125
B) 4 + 3 box jumps. 50# DB and 24″ box
Great job, Chad!
Sorry, I did a modge podge of the past three days today. Weird week with work and kids! Was trying to make sure I hit all of the strength qork i missed, plus a quick metcon.
Front squats from Monday : all sets x3 reps at 135# ( kept it on the easier side today)
Snatches from yesterday : all five sets at 83#
Metcon from Monday: 1 round plus 15 wb rxd. I swear I will never be efficient at pullups! I hope I am not the only tall gal with this problem.
Check out our pull-up skills & drills articles on this blog. They were published once-a-week back in August starting here.
A. 95-105-115-125-135 at 5 reps
B. 4 rounds even
Now that you know how strong you are, start much heavier next time these come up! Great job!
A. 5X5@165
B. Subbed Row for SDHPX50. Read this wrong and did 2 rounds of High pulls. Finished 2 rounds +20 pulls.
5x 105, 115, 115
4x 115, 115
Row plus 4 rounds plus 5
Great job, Noah! Your picture always cracks me up, btw.
A: Stronglifts 5×5 (squats, bench, barbell rows)
B: 4 rounds + 15 reps (35#/subbed row for 400m run)
Great, Vic!
55lbs for strict press
B. 20 inch steps ups press with 20lbs
4 rds
Smolov negative squats at 375lbs
B. Rx 6 rds + 13 500m done at 1:39 the fastest I ever row, and is been a while must be all the back strength work and legs
Odette is coming along quickly, isn’t she?!
Yes she is, am so glad
A. 5 x 115-120-125-125-125
B. 500m row
5 ea DB Press (35) — 55 wasn’t happening, especially L hand.
10 x alt Pistols — still no jumping, considered KBS as sub…worked out fine
1:36 row, 5 rds + 6
C. FS handstand and TTB practice afterwards.
Sweet row!
Warm Up:
Double Under practice
Shoulder/Hip/Glute/Psoas floss and smash
Crossover Symmetry (Activation)
A: 93lbs sandbag x 5 for all, save 4 reps for first set
B: Subbed 50 SDHPs @45lbs for row (Can’t set this circuit up in my gym): 1:47 50x SDHP unbroken // 2 + 10 rounds @ 53lb KB. Really gassed from the SDHPs. I guess that’s the point but I was hoping I’d have more in the tank.Â
Crossover Symmetry (Iron Scap)
Have you received any unsolicited scap comments yet?
I wish! But my overhead position is certainly improving…
A. 50kg(5)/52,5(5,4,3,(1+2 with 50))
B. 5+2, row 1:45
All right!
A. 1×5@115, 4×5@125. Last rep of last set was a 12 second struggle!
B. 5+9 sub 400m run for row (no machine) ran 1:32
Awesome job, Jeremy! Way to push through that 12 seconds!
A. 95lbx6, 115lbx5, 135lbx4, 135lbx4, 135lbx4
B. 3+12. 55lb DB and 24″ box.
worked on double unders afterwards
Keep practicing those double-unders! A little bit every day goes a long way!
Thanks Michelle – I will stay on top of this.
A. Wendler – bench
B. Modified due to strained right foot. 4+16; row/single arm press @ 35lb; 20in box step ups.
Were the step-ups ok on your foot?
Yea. Alternated stepping up with each foot and felt good.
I tried jogging and that did not go well. I was able to due the row around 1:50 which turned my spirits around.
A. 6x 75#/80#/80#/80#/80#
Didn’t see we decreased reps this week … still a very tough movement for me but I added some volume from last week
B. 3 + 14 @ 36# presses, 24″ box, row was 1:45
Awesome job, Aaron! Great row!
44m 6′ 165
A. 95 lb all for sets of 5
B. 5 rounds even, 45lb bar for presses and 1:45 row
I’ve been feeling kind of run down so I took a week except for a few miles here and there backpacking with the dog.
Are you having issues with recovery or just energy?
I feel like it’s not a recovery issue. I sleep well, take what I feel is enough time off and my diet is pretty good. I’ve just been drained and worn down for a bit. The week off may have helped some but we’ll see.
A. Wendler deload
B1. Did yesterdays, but modified a bit. 3 rounds for time of 10 power cleans @95lb and 400m run at a brisk jog. Worked on cycling the cleans, so went pretty light to work on form. Ended up with 7:20.
B2. Did today’s shortly after. 4+12 Rx. 1:41 row time.