Workout of the Day
Five sets of:
Snatch x 1.1.1
(rest 5-7 seconds between singles)
Rest 2 minutes
In teams of two, alternate sets to complete 3 each of:
10 Power Cleans (185/135 lbs)
400 Meter Run
Workout of the Day
Five sets of:
Snatch x 1.1.1
(rest 5-7 seconds between singles)
Rest 2 minutes
In teams of two, alternate sets to complete 3 each of:
10 Power Cleans (185/135 lbs)
400 Meter Run
3 sets of 115
2 sets of 120 (felt like I was doing a decent job of getting under the bar)
1:1 work/rest ratio
2:47, 2:39, 2:38 (experimented with different approaches to the bar each round)
Which approach worked best?
Just trying to do as many as possible to start and then pull singles. I thought if I tried just doing singles I could run better but it didn’t make a difference.
M, 33, 222#
A.) All @ 135lb
B.) Done alone, as written. Realized while gutting out the last 100m of the last run I forgot the whole 1:1 rest so I did it straight through, 14:16
Yikes! Well, you made it! How did it feel?
I was happy with my pace, cleans were singles with a couple breaths between them. I started experimenting with Heart Rate Variability the last week, both that and my body definitely say rest day today.
A) still not comfortable with this movement, but I’m getting better. I got a little ahead of myself the first set.
165 x 1,f,1,1
155 x 1,f,1,1
B) Did this with my wife as my partner. She scaled I was Rx. Total time: 18:54 my splits where…
1) 2:35
2) 2:41
3) 2:45
Nice work, Chad. Just note on Part A. A miss still counts toward your reps in the strength portion. But, a miss never counts towards reps in conditioning. 🙂
Sounds good. Thanks for the help!!
A. SN 135-140-145-150-155(1)-155(1)-145
B. 3 rds at 1:1 work/rest
10 x PC (185)
15 x burpees – slight mod with the injured foot, prob should have gone 20 reps (still hurt though)
1:44, 3:12, 2:56 – started missing reps and resting on PC.
Alright, Andy!
A. All sets at 135, working form today.
B. 2:40, 2:53, 3:15 Rx
What’s your weakness in the snatch?
Receiving the bar low enough. I Thought my issue was more mobility in the whole which is probably part of it, but the more my training partners watch they tell me I always power snatch and then drop in the hole. So today I did a lot of tall snatches. Seemed to help a lot but as soon as I went from the floor I ripped it to high again.
Keep hitting the skill work – tall snatches and snatch balance. Or you could make yourself do 100 burpees every time you power snatch…
100 burpees!!!! Ouch, yeah that would definitely be enough motivation.
Shoulder/Hip Mobility
Crossover Symmetry (Activation)
A: subbed KB snatch (no swing, alternating hands) @ 70lbs
B: subbed sandbag ground-to-shoulders @ 123lbs. Round times: 5:35; 6:08; 6:18…Recovered 5min, then 4min.
Double under Practice
Hip/Glute/Psoas Mobility
Crossover Symmetry (Plyometrics)
“Iron Scap Mike”!
I’m a man on a mission…Hey the actual bands came today. I was using voodoo bands at first but the resistance is way different. I can already tell that I made a good decision to shell out for the real thing…
A: 60#, 65#, 70#, 75#, 80#.
B: 12:23 with 85#. Subbed 400m row for the run since it was raining to much in Denmark today.
Come back to SD! It is 75 and sunny. 🙂
Believe me, I can’t wait to go back!! 😀
Had a ‘snowstorm’ in the northeast today…the gym was closed. Did 10 rounds for time of 10 pushups, 10 sit-ups. 5:32. Really wanted to do today’s workout too! Would you recommend doing the above tomorrow, or stick to the schedule you guys provide?
You can do it tomorrow! We just mix around the movements each week so they don’t fall on a certain day each time ensuring nobody misses out on anything.
Same workout – 8:10.
Tweaked my right foot. Hopefully just a sprain although I did hear it pop. Going to the gym tomorrow. Looking for some helpful ideas while I’m recovering.
I need help modifying the workouts. Greg wants to do today’s tomorrow. I may be okay, but if I had to modify what do you suggest?
You could try this for recovery… MWod with voodoo band ankle compression.
A. 30kg/40/45/50/55(faild last rep), 50kg was my 1RM! 🙂
B. Ran on broken treadmil so couldnt go full speed.. 3:30,3:15,2:55
Did you run so fast that you broke it? Way to crush Part A!
Nope, i just go to gym where pretty much every thing is in bad condicion haha
A. 5×155 picked a moderately hard weight for me and kept it constant.
B. 13:52 Rx. No partner so I rested the same amount of time it took me for the round. 2:35, 2:46, 2:50
Great job, Jeremy!
A. 115/125/125/135/135 – Snatches felt really good today. Snapped under the bar, felt pretty light. Ankle is pretty much 100% so I have my speed back.
B. 1) 4:57 2) 5:56 3) 5:38 – rx’d cleans, subbed 500m row for run. Cleans were super slow!
Great news on the ankle!