Teams of two will alternate movements to complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 24 minutes of:
3 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
6 Strict Pull-Ups
9 Toes-to-Bar
12 Russian Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg)
15 Calories of Rowing
Partner A will do 3 handstand push-ups, Partner B does 6 pull-ups, Partner A does 9 toes to bar, Partner B does 12 kettlebell swings, Partner A does 15 calories of rowing, then Partner B does 3 strict handstand push-ups, and so on…for the duration of the 24 minutes.
11 + 6
Kipping HSPU the rest RX
A. Overhead squat up to 185×3
Partner wod Rx
11 rounds +20 reps
A. Box Squat
155, 165, 185,185, 185
B. OT4M x 24min (6 rds)
6 strict pull ups
9 strict T2B
12 KBS
15 cal Air Bike
Rx but did solo
Did yesterday’s.
A. Only up to 395, way off max. my form has deteriorated big time.
B. 7+14, with my PIC(8yo daughter). She did med ball cleans (#14) and jump to plates
Showed up at the gym with my 3 kids in tow…child watch was closed… So I set them up with my phone and did the wod solo anyway.
10 rounds + 3… Followed the format above and waited for my imaginary partner to complete their reps sorta before moving to the next movement. My God do my TWO suck. I think snatching might actually be easier to learn…
No judgement here, sounds like you took care of yourself, that’s a big deal for us parents. Kids will dominate everything we do for years so an hour here or there is much deserved!
A parent’s gotta do what a parents gotta do. Great job!
1. Test 1RM push jerk
220lbs PR
2. 5 rounds
No rower, cals done on assault bike
No partner, 1:1 work to rest
Guessed my rest for the alternate as I completed solo, also scaled HSPUs to heavy strict dbell press.
7 + 25
Hey, stranger. Nice to see you again.
Been way too long. Getting back into the groove of things after getting married; glad to be back!
A. Four sets
Tempo bench press 40×1
C2b 40×1
6 reps, 4 reps 10 lb weight, 4 reps 10 lb, 3 reps 15 lb
B. 18.0
I don’t think I could move more quickly through it. I’m really pleased with that time.
Have a great rest of the weekend!
8 + 7. Some scaling. 28/22 kg KB, Anika did HS lowers, Luke used 2” deficit.
A. 18.0 RX. 4:55
B. RX (wife scaled) 12 rounds.
Nice work today JT!
That’s the time I was looking for…nice work JT and wife! I just did 18.0…it got tough real quick!
Just did all the reps with
1:1 work/ rest 6 rounds
HSPU wuth 4 Inch deficit
Just tried to stay steady
HOLY HELL!!! Awesome work Colton!
A1. Clean/jerk complex with 35# bar x 5 reps A2. High Hang+Hang+Floor Clean x 1 @ 55#, 65, 74, 85, 95(high hang only) **caught the bar funny on the 95# hang clean and really tweeked my L wrist and palm…tried to shake it off and move on but it was sore and I was then nervous…so it was really ugly…mission aborted for today’s cleans B1. Tall Jerks x 3 @ 35#, 45, 55, 65 B2. Split Jerk from rack x 1 @ 75#, 85, 95, 105, 115 (all of these felt good…but that L hand was starting to stopped… Read more »
I had a hard time counting but the misses said we did 8 + 7kbs. I think it was more like 10 ?
Great Work Mr. and Mrs. Swartz!!
Subbed 12 95# high pull snatch grip for rowing
Tried to maintain 1:1 work rest ratio
5rnd +3+6+12
DAMN…that’s FAST! Great work Philippe!