Two sets of:
Assault Bike x 90 seconds
Dive-Bomber Push-Up x 10 reps
Air Squat x 10 reps
Followed by…
Two sets of:
Tall Clean x 5.reps
Front Squat x 5 reps
Hang Squat Clean x 5 reps
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets):
Clean x 1 rep @ 85-95% of 1-RM
“The Devil’s Advocate”
Three rounds for time of:
20/15 Calories of Assault Bike
10 Dumbbell Devil’s Presses (50/35 lbs)
9.05 , 15 кг
A. Reps 1-7 @205
8-10 @215
B. 10’26” devil presses @35
A. 85-95kg
B. 8:27 @20kg
A: 60kg
B: 10:32 RX
CJ 130-140lbs
A. 225,230,235,235,240,240,245,245,250,250
B. 7:45 w/55s
A. Subbed front squat w arms crossed x 2. Have a wrist strain/sprain. Up to 225×2.
B. 9:59. Felt good about it til I saw some of the other times here. 🤣
A. Up to 155#
B. 9:27
Warm up: ✅
275×4 sets
300×3 sets
325×3 sets
4:55 Rx
A. Up to 235#, then back to 225# because dorm was off
B. 6:43 Rx
A) 225 across
B) 9:30. Slow and steady
5:23 RX
Fitness Version
A. E90s for 18 min
1 – DB Death march x 16 @ 3011 – 20# DBs
2 – Slider Hamstring curls x 12 @ 2111 (heels on rower seat)
3- Hollow body hold x 60s
4 – Seated OH DB press x 12 @ 2111 – 15# DBs
B. 3 Rouns for time – 11:42
25 Cal AB – 2:23 / 2:40 / 2:51
25 KBS @ 16kg – UB (hybrid swing/between American & Russian)
***Got the left arm a little more action today, hence the lighter weights…feeling good
Just realized..I was only supposed to do 15 cal AB….UGH…o’well I’m sure I needed the xtra work!!
Way to go the extra mile Candy! 😂