February 4, 2015 – Performance

Workout of the Day
Every 2 minutes, for 18 minutes:
Minutes 1-2, 7-8 & 13-14: Muscle-Ups x Max Reps in 45 seconds
(OR 3 Rolls to Candlestick + Low Ring Muscle Up Progression x 3-4 reps)
Minutes 3-4, 9-10 & 15-16: Handstand Walk x 10 meters
(use partner assist or Handstand Wall Runs if you don’t have handstand walks yet)
Minutes 5-6, 11-12 & 17-18:
L-Sit Hold x 45 seconds accumulated time

Every 5 minutes, for 25 minutes (5 sets), complete as many reps as possible in 3 minutes of:
5 Burpee Toes to Bar
(perform a burpee, immediately followed by a toes to bar)
Run 400 Meters
Max Reps of Bar Muscle-Ups – or – Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups – or – Pull-Ups
Rest 2 minutes, and repeat when the clock strikes the next five-minute interval for a total of five sets.

Note in comments which movement you selected to perform for max reps.

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February 6, 2015 4:58 pm

Late post 🙂
A. Had to skip
B. 4, 3,3,3,3 ( 16 C2B ) Subbed rowing for the run, not sure if that was more difficult or not?

Andy M.
Andy M.
February 4, 2015 6:09 pm

A. MU sets of 9-7-6
HS walks – decent, but trouble getting in gear and going forward
L-sits – started strong, faded hard.
B. No-go, short on time and needing a light day.

Michele Vieux
February 5, 2015 11:08 am
Reply to  Andy M.

Nice work on those muscle-ups!

Todd E.
Todd E.
February 4, 2015 4:30 pm

A. Worked on Progression for all movements.
B. 6/6/6/5/5 Pull-ups, the 2 minute breaks were a savior today!

Michele Vieux
February 5, 2015 11:08 am
Reply to  Todd E.

Yay for breaks! Great job!

February 4, 2015 12:42 pm

Warmup Double Under Practice (got 6 in a row with good form! That’s a pb.) Shoulder Mobility XO Symmetry Activation A: Focused on kipping hips to the rings. The transition to dip is still evading me. Hoping that is get my first muscle up today but alas it was not meant to be. Worked handstands and some handstand wobbling (not quite “walking”). L-sits are coming along but pretty tough on the rings.  B: 2 attempts (slow run); 2 competed+1 attempt; same; 2 complete; 3!… Bar muscle ups are a lot harder when you’re tired. 🙂 Cooldown  XO Symmetry Recovery Shoulder, hip,… Read more »

February 4, 2015 7:45 pm
Reply to  Mike

Question for community and coaches: I’ve done a lot with kettlebells, pull-ups, and sandbags, but not barbells. So I’m hitting relatively low numbers on, e.g., back squat (255 and I’m 167lbs and 6’0″). So would I better served to stick with the Strength programming here or switch to Starting Strength or Wendler for a bit (but keep the metcon, skill work, etc here). As a barbell newbie, I know there’s a lot of gains to be made and I wonder if I would be better served by something like that until I get a better OL strength base? I’m sure… Read more »

Joan D
Joan D
February 4, 2015 8:30 pm
Reply to  Mike

Mike, Here are my 2 cents, all depends on your goals, personally I love the Invictus programming but at the end of the day it all depends on what your goals are, you will definitely get stronger here but not as fast as doing a strength based program, but then your conditioning will suffer….However when you get stronger your conditioning catches up, it takes a very long time to get strong not the same for conditioning…..So strength is priority to me and I do metcons 2 to 3x a week from invictus, but am addicted to Strength now so my… Read more »

February 5, 2015 9:10 am
Reply to  Joan D

Thanks so much, Joan. Really helpful stuff here.

Michele Vieux
February 5, 2015 11:07 am
Reply to  Mike

I’m always partial to the Invictus programming. 🙂 But yes, it totally depends on your goals. You can always add in front squats every day: https://www.crossfitinvictus.com/blog/cool-socks-pops/

February 5, 2015 11:13 am
Reply to  Michele Vieux

Thanks, Michele. Since my goals are involve having a balance of strength and fitness, I’m going to stay put. 🙂 That said, I may start adding some front squats…

Michele Vieux
February 5, 2015 11:07 am
Reply to  Mike

Check out our blog post series from last month which was Muscle-Up progressions!

February 4, 2015 6:18 am

A. rolls to candlestick/muscle up transition; 45 sec handstand hold against the wall; completed L-sit

B. 6/5/5/9/7 = 32 pull-ups rx. Loved today’s workout.

Michele Vieux
February 4, 2015 8:37 am
Reply to  Anthony

Great work!

February 4, 2015 6:09 am

A. Rolls to Candlestick, practiced getting into proper handstand position, did L-sits
B. 5/6/6/5/5 = 27 chest to bar pull ups.

Michele Vieux
February 4, 2015 8:37 am
Reply to  Brian

Awesome, Brian!

February 4, 2015 8:39 am
Reply to  Michele Vieux

Thanks Michele!

February 4, 2015 5:54 am

Active recovery day. Took the dog for a three mile trail hike and then some stretching/foam rolling.

Michele Vieux
February 4, 2015 8:36 am
Reply to  Mark

Are you focusing your mobility work on a particular area or is is just general? Did you know that February is “Love your hips (mobility) month”?

February 4, 2015 8:54 am
Reply to  Michele Vieux

I just focus on general mobility for the most part but, if there’s a real sticky point I’ll try and work that out and loosen up. And sadly, I was totally unaware it was “love your hips” month

February 4, 2015 4:47 am

A. Worked on muscle up transition / practiced handstand walks / completed L-Sit
B. 15/12/11/10/10 = 58 chest to bar pull-ups – this was a fun one! I’d like to try bar muscle ups, but there is no rig that allows it at our gym.

Michele Vieux
February 4, 2015 8:36 am
Reply to  Greg

Nice work, Greg!

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