February 3, 2020 – Performance


The Complete Snatch Warm-Up

Followed by…

Snatch Barbell Complex


Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):
Hang Snatch x 2 reps @ 65-70% of 1-RM Snatch

Rest 60 seconds, and then…

Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (6 sets):
Hang Snatch + Snatch @ 75-85% of 1-RM Snatch

Three rounds for time of:
10 Snatches (135/95 lbs)
15 Toes to Bar

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Andrés Arias
Andrés Arias
February 11, 2020 3:57 pm


A) 2 Hang snatch: 70-70-73-73 kg
Hang Snatch + Snatch: 78-80-84-88-90-90 kg

B) Metcon: 5’01 (RX)

Home Grown
Home Grown
February 10, 2020 10:58 am

PR. 160 (worked up been 2DLng)
A. 105
B. 120
Rx. 7 min

February 9, 2020 8:48 pm

A. 40kg/50kg
B. 9:08@40kg

February 7, 2020 4:50 pm

A. 4 sets @ 185
6 sets @ 195

B. Rx @ 5:22

February 3, 2020 10:14 pm

A: 45, then 53 kg; technique felt better and safe this time with the barbell complex; low weight for a better technique

B: 9:36 @ 45 kg;

Mike Slagle
Mike Slagle
February 3, 2020 6:52 pm

A1. up to 105
A2. 135 each set

B. 8:44 105 on the snatches

C. It was a sunny warm day so I added in 4-400m runs which were all 1:45-1:50.
I forgot to post earlier. It was good to get back in the rhythm after being sick.

Boston MROD
Boston MROD
February 3, 2020 6:29 pm

A1. HSS x 2: 115/115/125/225
A2. HSS + SS: 125/125/135/135/140/140

B. Oh boy this went off the rails 3rd set. Hit the wall SS and lots of real slow singles and misses.

Rx 11:50

Luke Tipton
Luke Tipton
February 3, 2020 6:07 pm

A. Hang Snatch x 2, E90”OM
125, 125, 130, 135
Hang Snatch + Snatch, E90”OM

B. 6:48

C. Crossover Symmetry + GHDs

Candy Olkey
Candy Olkey
February 3, 2020 12:01 pm

Off the radar as far as posting last week…got in all the workouts..just fell behind on posting. I assure you that I did NOTHING spectacular…just getting the good work in. Love the WU!! A1. Hang Snatch x 2 – all at 65# A2. Hang Snatch + Snatch – all at 75# ***Got in some video time for these and wow…I was actually keeping the bar close and hitting full extension on most them. With that being said…I opted NOT to do BB snatches in the metcon! B. 3 Rounds for time – 3:43 10 Alt DB power snatch @ 35#… Read more »

Anika Tipton
Anika Tipton
February 3, 2020 1:01 pm
Reply to  Candy Olkey

You flew on B Candy! Great job!

Mike Slagle
Mike Slagle
February 3, 2020 6:54 pm
Reply to  Candy Olkey

Your work last week was definitely spectacular. Maybe not compared to what you would like, but think about all the people you pass by each day that won’t start putting work in.

David Marin
David Marin
February 3, 2020 11:48 am

Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):
Hang Snatch x 2 reps @ 65-70% of 1-RM Snatch
– 50kg

Rest 60 seconds, and then…

Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (6 sets):
Hang Snatch + Snatch @ 75-85% of 1-RM Snatch
– I don’t know my rm of snatch yet

Three rounds for time of:
10 Snatches (55kg)
15 Toes to Bar
– 10’36 with 50kg.

Anika Tipton
Anika Tipton
February 3, 2020 10:58 am

A1. 70#/75/75/80
A2. 80#/85/85/90- missed the hang snatch/90/90
Snatches felt super hard today.
B. 6:52- did power snatches

Anika Tipton
Anika Tipton
February 3, 2020 11:11 am
Reply to  Michele Vieux

Haha! Maybe… ? You?! This workout was like, wake up and work off all the crap you ate/drank yesterday! It’s Monday!

Chris M.
Chris M.
February 3, 2020 9:56 am

… format as Rx w/ Power Snatch
A1. HPS x 2: 115, 115, 125, 125
A2. HPS + PS: 135, 140, 145, 150, 155, 160 (f.1)
… missed the HPS at 160.
B. For time: 500m Row | 50 – 45# DB alternating power snatch | 500m Row
… wanted to keep moving but was feeling a little tight and muddy this morning – compromises.

Candy Olkey
Candy Olkey
February 3, 2020 11:56 am
Reply to  Chris M.

Great work for tight and muddy Chris…but I know exactly how you’re feelin!

Jeremy Hammock
Jeremy Hammock
February 3, 2020 8:32 am

Invictus warm up

Emom 90 sec 4 sets
Hang snatch x 2
Rest 1 min
Emom 90 sec 6 sets

Conditioning 3 rounds for time
Hang snatch 115 x 10
15 toe to bar

C Galvan
C Galvan
February 3, 2020 6:05 am

A. E1:30×4- 2 hang snatch 110/115/120/120#
B. E1:30×6- 1 hang + 1 snatch 125/135/135/140#x3
C. 3 rounds for time: 4:27RX

Joseph Butler
Joseph Butler
February 3, 2020 5:47 am

Went with CJ this am. 90sec
1HCJ + 1CJ
115lb /125/135/140

10 G20H 115lb
15 T2B

Candy Olkey
Candy Olkey
February 3, 2020 11:55 am
Reply to  Joseph Butler

Oooohhh Boy…you know its been a long day when you start reading this post and think “who is CJ and where did they go”. Yup…I’m only blonde on the inside. Great work JB!!

Joseph Butler
Joseph Butler
February 3, 2020 5:48 pm
Reply to  Candy Olkey

Lol! Got a good chuckle from that!

Jason Young
Jason Young
February 3, 2020 5:19 am

8:39 I’m new to snatches so I only did 50 kg to keep it safe. I feel really tight in my hips if anyone has any recommendations on stretches

Jason Young
Jason Young
February 3, 2020 11:26 am
Reply to  Michele Vieux

Awesome! Thank you!

Al F
Al F
February 3, 2020 5:18 am

A. Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):
Hang Snatch x 2 reps @ 65-70% of 1-RM Snatch

Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (6 sets):
Hang Snatch + Snatch @ 75-85% of 1-RM Snatch

B. 3 rds for time 11’00
Slow but steady and focusing on technique

Ben Cochrane
Ben Cochrane
February 3, 2020 12:45 am

I A. Over head squat 5×2 @80,80,85,85,85

Every 90 seconds, for 6 minutes (4 sets):
Hang Snatch x 2 reps @ 65-70% of 1-RM Snatch


Rest 60 seconds, and then…

Every 90 seconds, for 9 minutes (6 sets):
Hang Snatch + Snatch @ 75-85% of 1-RM Snatch


Three rounds for time of:
10 Snatches (50kg)
15 Toes to Bar

10 chin ups
20 dips
30 sec hollow hold

1 min rest x 3

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