General Warm-Up
3 Rounds
Russian Step-Ups x 10 / Leg
Tempo Push-Ups to Box x 5 @ 31X0
L-Seated Banded Row x 10 @ 21X0
Pronated Grip Bar Hang x 30 Seconds
Four sets of:
15 second Ring Support Hold
immediately followed by…
Max Reps of Strict Tempo Ring Dips @ 1111
Rest 30 seconds
Long Lunge Hold x 45 seconds each side
Rest 60 seconds
Against a 3-minute running clock…
350/300 Meter Row
12 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups or 9 Strict Pull-Ups
Max Reps of Wall Walks
Rest 2 minutes and repeat for a total of four (4) sets for max reps of Wall Walks. Please note number of wall walks achieved in each set, then sum them for your overall score.
A. Ok
B. 4-5-6-3 rx
B. 350m row/9 Strict Pull Ups
=5 +3 +3+ 4 = 15 Wall walks
General Warm-Up 3 Rounds: Russian Step-Ups x 10/leg Tempo Push-Ups to Box x 5 @ 31X0 L-Seated Banded Row x 10 @ 21X0 Pronated Grip Bar Hang x 30 Seconds A. 4 Sets 1. Seated DB Arnold Press – 10-12 reps @ 2020 Rest 30 sec 2. Cable Lateral Raises – 12-15 reps @ 2111 Rest 30 sec 3. Incline DB Chest Fly – 12-15 reps @ 2111 Rest 30 sec 4. Preacher Curl (EZ Bar or DBs) – 10-12 reps @ 2111 Rest 60 sec before next round B. 4 Sets 1. 15-second Ring Support Hold Immediately followed by…… Read more »
A. 15/15/10/11/10
B. 4/4/5/5 (300m: 1:20)