Workout of the Day
Every 3 minutes, for 18 minutes (6 sets), rotate through the following stations:
Minutes 1-3 & 10-12 – Rope Climb Technique Work – no more than 4 ascents
(if you don’t have a rope, work on achieving 12 perfect L-Pull-Ups)
Minutes 4-6 & 13-15 – Freestanding Handstand Hold Work
(use partner assists to learn balance points and accumulate time upside down)
Minutes 7-9 & 16-18 – Roll to Candlestick x 8-12 reps
Three sets, for max reps/calories of:
3 Minutes of Rowing (for Max Calories)
2 Minutes of Strict Handstand Push-Ups
1 Minute of Strict Pull-Ups
Rest 3 minutes
A. Complete L- Pullups
B. Subbed Rowing for burpees and dumbbell strict press for SHPU’s. Limited on time today so just had to get it done. Great workout though.
Why no burpees?
We don’t have a rower at are normal gym. Sometimes when we have time we travel to get in the rowing, so this time we did all 3 rounds using burpees as a sub.
Ahhhh. Good choice with the burpees then. 🙂
Our box normally follows but today did a modified version of the comp programming from yesterday.
Five sets of:
Clean x 1.1.1
(rest 10 seconds between singles)
Rest 3 minutes
Build over the course of the five sets to today’s heavy triple.
For time:
Row 1000 Meters
50 Pull-Ups
30 Thrusters (95/65)
9:07 rx
Nice, Josh! I did that one too.
Lots of hip, thoracic, and shoulder mobility
DU practice (rope speed was slow today…)
XOS (activation)
A: L-Sit Pull ups, handstand hold with wall as spotter, roll to candlesticks x12
B: Rx’d @ 52/12/11, 51/11/11, 49/13/12 = 222
More hip mobility
Nice WOD! That metcon was a burner…
It was! Glad you liked it.
Question: if time and scheduling were no issue, is there a particular time of day at which it is best or worst to train? I’m thinking particularly about early morning, right out of bed. From a purely physiological perspective, does that put one’s CNS at a disadvantage and thus increase the chance of injury?
Your body will be in a better state for strength and technique work later in the day.
Okay good to know. I was figuring this would be the case. Actually, this fits best with my schedule so it’s a win-win!
I think it depends on the person. For me, I have the most energy in the morning so prefer to train then.
A. Bench
B. Row – 47/41/40 = 128
Handstand pushups – 13/15/13 = 41. Wall-walk to get into position.
Pull-ups – 6/7/8 = 21
TOTAL: 190
Have you ever tried a cartwheel wall mount?
I have not…any tips on how to do that?
Bri check out the last video in this link. This is the cartwheel wall mount. I think you’ll find some helpful info. We can go over some of this stuff next time we have hspu programmed.
Great to get an actual full workout in this morning! 😀 Now for a 16 hour day -__-
A. 3x rope climbs, :30 handstand hold, 12x candlestick rolls
B. 224 reps
Great news on the workout! Not so much on the 16-hour day. :/ What do you do?
44m 6′ 160
-Completed with L-pullups
-airdyne for cals…47 45 44
-hspu 12 12 10
-stict pullup 11 11 9
Mark, do you have anything lower than the yoga mat but higher than the floor? It seems like maybe it’s graduation time!
I think you may be right, I’ll find something or I’ll just go for it from the floor and see what happens
A. Wendler bench – L-sit subsets
B – Row: 60/52/49 = 161
Strict HSPU first rd 9 then modified last 2 rounds: 17/23 = 49 (my depth was horrible so I had to switch)
Strict pull-ups(blue band) 5/5/4 = 14
Total: 224
Anthony, I’d love to see you work some pull-up negatives into your training – possibly as subsets – on squat days. That will help you reach your goal faster!
I’m working on him Michele! At least 2 days per week we do subsets between wendler sets of 5×5 of strict pull-ups. We can start throwing in negatives for him too. Though, I think we need to start with his diet!!!!
Check this out:
Anthony hits all 3!! Haha great article.
Please with my diet. Greg thinks vegetables from cans. I will be fine after birthday week. I began using other subsets when I could do pull-up while kipping. L-sits were to get me ready for dips without bands. Always working on one weakness. If your not moving forward then your not moving.
Did some negatives when I failed toward the later rounds of today’s workouts with strict pull-ups. They were my punishment for being weak.
A. Wendler bench – in between sets did 6x100m sprints
B. Row – 57/53/49 = 169 Rx
Strict HSPU – 6/8/7 = 21 Rx (Most strict I’ve ever done at a time! So much harder not to kip!)
Strict pullups – 12/10/11 = 33 Rx
Total = 223 Rx – fun one
May want to check that row math buddy.
Woops fixed!
You guys are funny!
cant add reps, cant count his laps on our runs, my goodness….
Great job, Greg! #gainz