Four sets of:
20 Seconds of V-Ups
10 Seconds of Rest
20 Seconds of Cossack Squats
10 Seconds of Rest
20 Seconds of Plank Walks
10 Seconds of Rest
20 seconds of Scapular Pull-Ups
10 Seconds of Rest
20 Seconds of Jumping Squats
10 Seconds of Rest
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 30 minutes of:
400 Meter Run
immediately followed by…
Three rounds of:
15 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lbs)
10 Push-Ups
5 Strict Pull-Ups
Hey, I started January on a high note, but now my body is hitting a plateau. Seems like my regular workout is not yielding anymore results. Any ideas to get back on track?
So I misread this one, and ultimately changed it quite a bit.
5 rounds of
: Row, 500 m
15 Wall Balls, 10 kg, 10 ft
10 Push-ups
5 Strict Pull-ups
Scaled because weekend kind of…
I missed the whole week of training with being sick. I did a couple short Bro sessions to move a little bit, but I’m glad I was able to go hard today.
A. Three sets of RDL and regular deadlifts 10 each at 225.
B. Metcon Rx
3 rounds plus finished round 1 pull-ups at the buzzer.
4 Rounds 5th round only 400m run
05:06 RX