Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes (5 sets):
Bench Press x 4-6 reps @ 20X1
Followed by…
Every 3 minutes, for 6 minutes (2 sets):
Bench Press x Max Reps @ 90% of today’s heaviest set
Every minute, on the minute, for 20 minutes (4 sets of each):
Minute 1 – 20/15 Calories of Assault Bike
Minute 2 – 12-15 Toes to Bar
Minute 3 – 10-12 Stationary or Ring Dips @ 1111
Minute 4 – 15-20 Push-Ups
Minute 5 – Rest
A. Bryan (Floor press vs. bench) – 115#, 125#, 135#, 145#, 155# all x 6 reps; 140# x 8, x7.
B. Bryan (10 burpees vs. bike) – Burpees: 10, 10, 10, 10; T2B: 14, 14, 13, 13; Ring Dips: 12, 12, 10, 7; Push-Ups: 20, 20, 18, 17. Christy (18.0) – 7:24.
A. 185×6/195×4/195×2/185×4/185×5
B. I struggled to keep up with the Reps All 4 rounds. My arms and pecs were smoked. I guess it didn’t help that I did that toes to Bar workout yesterday as well.
A. Floor Press
OT2M x 10 (5 sets)
225×6, 235×4, 255×4, 260×3, 265×4
Then max reps @90%
230×6, 230×4
B. EMOTM x20
1: 20 cal AB
2: 15 T2B
3: 12 ring dips @tempo
4: 20 push ups
5: rest
A.) 145 x 5 for first 5 sets. Then 135 x 8/8 on last 2.
B.) was short on time so modified and just did 3 rounds for time of….
250M ROW
10 T2B, Pushup to failure
A. 170lbs
B. 7 reps @ 155 both times
C. Subbed 17 cal row, rest Rx
A. 60×6/75×7/90×6/105×4/110×3.
A2. 90×4 90×3.
B. First round 20/15/12/20 (HR push-ups). Second, third and fourth 15/12/10/15.
A) skipped
B) did 4 Rounds not for time, worked towards upper end of reps. T2B felt great today
C) romwod
A: 125/125/155/165/175/175
135/135 x 8
B: No AB so row for 15 cals per round
12 T2B per round
12 strict dips per round
15 push-ups per round
Day of rest today. Saved for Saturday or might split it up between Friday and Saturday
Only had time for B. Rx’d
AB – 20/20/20/16. My quads were smoked after the 3rd and I couldn’t get the full 20 on round 4.
T2B – 15/15/15/15
Ring Dips – 12/12/12/12
Push ups- 20/20/20/20
A- 225/235/245/250/260 all for 4 reps
235x 7 then 6 reps
B – 20/15/12/20 for all sets
Modified as no bench in today’s gym
5×8 reps at tempo dB bench at 22.5kg
B. My pressing endurance is awful, this was a good session
20 Calorie row around 40 secs
15 hanging leg raises (no ttb bar)
10-12 Stationary Dips
12 Push-Ups
Nothing left for the Push-Ups each round!!
A. E2MOM 5×4-5 #225
E3Min MAX@205. 9,7
B. 20m EMOM
20 cal row (done)
15 T2B (done)
12 Strict ring dip (12,12,10,10)
20 push ups (20,15,15,15)
Had to run up stairs and outside after each row. Sucked.
A. 185, 225, 235, 245(5), 245(3) @ tempo
220 for 6 and 4.
1) 18-19 calls per round on rower
2) 12 per round
3) 10 per round. Switched to stationary dips midway through third round.
4) 20 per round.
Rest Day
Great bench numbers!
I had two unexpected rest days this week. Oh well.
6:16 – pretty sure I miscounted my burpee bJO on this round as much toddler ran in and I had to usher her out.
6:36, 6:29, 6:52 – toddler came in again and I had to drop the Snatches so as not to hit her in the head. ?♀️?
I did a bit better then last time, but truthfully, probably because I was on the treadmill and I can make myself run faster.
Last time is was:
6:44, 6:47, 7:08, 7:14.
It was as painfull as I remember.
Great work!
Great improvement Janelle! Way to go!
A1. At tempo 20X1 85#x6, 95×6, 105×6, 115×5, 125×3
A2. @ 110# 6/6
Row Cals (in about 55s) – 13/14/12/13
T2B – 15/15/15/15
Dips – ring 10/8 stationary 10/10 **worked on my kip with the ring dips
Push ups – 20/20/20/20
Rest – RX
Arms are smoked!
You move through every workout so well. Great job being so consistent. It’s inspiring to us all. I’m with you. I’m feeling this one too.
Thanx Mike…gym time is my go to place…it’s the only place where I actually have complete control..I determine the outcome. .good or bad…I try very hard to stay as positive as I can even when things don’t go as planned…I showed up..I put the work in and tomorrow is another day of opportunity. And as for inspiration. ..u all are my inspiration …I have never met any of u but u all feel like family! I thank you for that!
You killed it once again boss
A.1 UP to 75kgs, PAR 80Kgs.
A.2 67.5Kgs 16, 10.
B. Did 10 Cal row, 10T2B, 10 dips, 15PU
Last round skipped 3 dips 1T2B, 10PU.
I don’t have any shoulders left, anyone care to lend me one so I can cry? lol.
Ever since the online competition, I have had issues doing pull ups or any vertical pulling motion on my right side. Right after the 2nd to last day, I couldn’t sleep my lat hurt so bad but that subsided and now it only bothers my doing vertical pulls. Over head pressing, snatching, cleans, bench, are all fine. Some minor discomfort afterwards from heavy deads, but nothing limiting. I can handle up to about 50 pounds on the right arm doing a single arm lat pull down, but anything more than that and it gets super weak and almost numb. I… Read more »
Hi Jeff,
You should probably go see someone about that shoulder. It sounds like either a strain or a pinched nerve but only a professional actually taking a look will be able to point you in the right direction. Until then, don’t do anything that causes pain!
Let me know if you have any questions or need resources!
Hopefully you get it figured out!
Ditto Michelle’s comments. I thought I injured a muscle in my shoulder and scapula area. That injury pain prohibited me from dips, bench press and strict shoulder press. I saw chiropractor/ ART guy for six months with no relief. One visit to orthopedic specialist, exam, ultrasound, (fluid sac pressing on nerves), cortisone and rehab exercises and I’m back doing all those moves with gains. Good luck
I wanted to catch up on the snatch work I missed earlier in the week.
A. High hang snatch: 65 lb
Hang snatch. 95 lb
Snatch 125 lb
Bench press: 185×6, 185×6, 185×4, 185×4, 185×3
165×7, 165×5
Cals on rower: 20, 20, 20, 20
T2B: 11, 10, 10, 10
Ring dips: 10, 10, 8, 8
Pushups: 16, 11, 13, 12
15 Cal in a minute was not happening after the 2nd round.