General Warm-Up
Grab pair of DB and complete:
5/4 Cal Assault Bike
Kang Squat x 10
Plank DB Pull Through x 10 / side
DB Front Squat x 10
DB Death March x 10 / Leg
X 2
Take 20-24 minutes to build to today’s 1-RM Clean & Jerk
Compare your results to February 27, 2024.
“2008 CrossFit Games Finale”
For time:
30 Squat Clean to Overhead (155/105 lbs)
Compare your results to February 19, 2024.
A. 200# life time is 207.5 last time 202.5
B. scaled to 135# 6:42, 34 sec PR
Weird schedule right now makes it hard for me to get days and be fully recovered for strength work. I’ve PR’ed most of the conditioning tests we’ve done he last few weeks though so there’s that.
A. New 1rm 101%
B. 8:02 Rx worst time ever😅
4:29 1rep /9sec
95/135/165/185/205/225/245/failed 265 on jerk
5:40 RX