Take 12-15 minutes to practice three gymnastics skills of your choice.
Options include, but are not limited to – Pistols, Handstand Push-Ups, Wall Climbs, Kipping Pull-Ups, Butterfly Pull-Ups, Muscle-Ups, L-Sits, Toes to Bar, etc…
Five rounds for time of:
10 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
20 Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg)
30 Anchored Sit-Ups
40 Double-Unders
A. Every 3 Min for 12 min
5 HSPU negatives
30 Sec ring L sit holds – tucked position extending one leg at a time
10 Pistols 20# DB
B. 16:47 – KBS w/ 45# KB (heaviest I have at home)
CTB somewhere between a kip and a jump
KBS & Situps UB
DU were good considering I was on carpet. A whole new DU experience if you haven’t tried it. 🙂
A. 5rds
20 plank shldr taps
45-60 sec wall hs
10 ring rows (wow these need work)
20 KBs 44# height was between Russian and American
30 anchored abmat sit ups
15 cal row ( it’s pouring here and garage is too low to jump rope)
C. Ab ripper x
Second session of the day because why not?
A) OT3M x 5: hang snatch + snatch + OH squat + snatch balance. In kgs: 45, 50, 52.5, 55, 55
B) AMRAP 12’: 10 Alt db snatch 20 kgs + 30 DUs. 4 rounds + 27 reps.
A. HSPU negatives, Ring L-sits, headstands/handstands
B. Rx except for C2B. Subbed strict pull-ups getting as high as possible. Some C2B at the beginning but right grip was getting weak at the end.
A. Pistols, shoulder taps, & butterfly C2B work
B. Rx’d with hybrid swings. 18:03.
C2B – 10, 7/3, 6/4, 6/4, 3/2/3/2
Kb – UB
Sit up – UB but slow
A. Extended warmup
B. 24kg kbs, all else Rx. 17:04. C2b in first and last rd, 6/4 in middle rounds. All else ub with a few trips on the du’s.
Felt good to get some solid work in.
A. E2M for 16 min
-BMU Progression
-Handstand hold/walk (actually held for 10s and walked 3 feet that felt stable)
B. RX – 18:51
C2B done single to avoid no reps
KB swings – 24kg UB
Anchored sit ups UB
DU – soso…misses each round
C. 5K run on treadmill – 25:15
Trying to get my breathing back under control after not being able to do any extras the past month+. I feel my endurance has slipped a bit and I need to get that back up and running!
A.) Free standing handstand holds, handstand walk, C2BPU’s.
B.) Rx w/ American KB swings, 25:15. Came out of the gate good with the butterfly C2b’s but after about 2 rds that was done. By the 5th round I was kipping 2-3 reps at a time.
A) Five sets of :30 handstand holds (w/wall). Some of the first inversions since surgery!
B) 19:46, with strict c2b ring rows instead of c2b pull-ups.
welcome back, shoulders!
A: Worked on kipping pull-ups and pistols.
B: 18:53
53lb kettle
60 SU.
Great job!
Thanks, Alex. Today, instead of “cat got your tongue” it was “monkey got your butt”? That was a lot of sit ups and my core needs a lot of work.
22:36 @ 28kg kb and kipping pullups…too much cheese cake.
A.) Did some HSPU, L Sits on Paralettes.
B.) 18:57 with a 24KG bell. Pretty tough after lots of sugar and crappy foods, but felt good to get back in!
A. SHSPU’s, handstand walks, kipping
B. Rx, except sub 60 singles for DU’s
No chance of getting into the gym today so I did Mary:
AMRAP in 20 minutes
5 Handstand Push-Ups
10 Pistols (alternating legs)
15 Pull-Ups
9 + 29…a second away from 10! Thanks holidays…?
No gymnastic today, yesterday I Did a few heavy reps of squat press and pullup for around 20-25 min
B as Rxd 29:22
A. HS walk and l-sit progressions
B. Did a mash-up of fitness and performance
8 strict C2B
20 kb swings
20 med ball sit-ups
12 cal AB
19:01 Rx ?
That looks like misery
I wanted to follow your med ball sit ups..but I knew the C2B’s and DU’s were going to take me some time…so I stuck with the plan…Nice work by you!
Argh I’m feeling those med ball sit-ups today!
12 days of christmas: 1 snatch 50 kgs 2 front squats 50 kgs 3 wallballs 9 kgs 4 box jumps 24” 5 t2b/k2e 6 push ups 7 deadlifts 50 kgs 8 burpees 9 kb american swings 30 kgs 10 walking lunges 11 box dips 12 pull ups Time: 30:31 I did all lifts in all rounds unbroken, including the swings, had a good pace in the push ups, had to switch from t2b to k2e in round 5 or 6; the real problem was in the burpees, I was blazing my way through the wod until i reached them. Funny… Read more »
Great work Jorge! I did that one yesterday and it was painful!
Nice time!
Nice work Jorge!!
Emom 15 min 30/30
1. Handstand Balance kick ups
2. Bar Muscle up progression
3. Pistol progression
Did at Sunday “pull em all” so I had to scale the C2B to pull ups strengthswise.
Nice workout after bincheating yesterday!