A little holiday treat, Invictus style. Perform the movements to the tune of “12 Days of Christmas”
1 – 100 Meter Run or 25 Double-Unders
2 – Power Cleans (135/95 lbs)
3 – Ring Dips
4 – Dumbbell Ground to Overhead (45/30 lbs)
5 – Burpees
6 – Toes to Bar
7 – Push-ups
8 – Box Jumps
9 – Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg)
10 – Pull-ups
11 – Front Squats (135/95 lbs)
12 – Shoulder to Overhead (135/95 lbs)
Follow the movements to the tune of the song 12 days of Christmas. It’ll go like this . . .
1 – 100 Meter Run or 25 Double-Unders
2 – 2 Power Cleans; 100 Meter Run or 25 Double-Unders
3 – 3 Ring Dips; 2 Power Cleans; 100 Meter Run or 25 Double-Unders
4 – 4 Dumbbell Ground to Overhead; 3 Ring Dips; 2 Power Cleans; 100 Meter Run or 25 Double-Unders
. . . and so on.
A. Bryan (100m run, 35# db’s, 24″ box, 24kg kb) – 38:40. Christy – (100m run, 70# barbell, 20# db’s, 20″ box, 16kg kb, banded dips) – 47:56.
Done slow and methodical on Christmas. 32:21 w/DUs. Merry Christmas everyone!
Done on Christmas Morning
RX – 33:45 (w/ running / 20″ BJ / kipping pull ups)
All UB except the front squats 7/4 and S2OH 6/3/3
30:36. Almost RX. I used a small blue band for the ring dips.
BJ 20”
Really hit a wall on the 11th day. Wanted to lay down quietly for a while but forced myself to keep moving. That was harder then I thought.
I looked it up and I did this last year with my hubby. I scaled several things and got 39:46. So I improved by 9 minutes! Yippee!
Invictus Christmas wod. RX with double unders and “24 box.
Couldn’t make it to the gym so hit my Apartments fitness room.
40 minute running clock
0-20 min, AMRAP
15 pushups
10 Calorie row
15 abmat situps
10 Calorie row
20-25 min, rest
25-40 min, AMRAP
30 double unders
5 strich pullups
30 reverse lunges, Alternate legs
~6 rounds
~5 rounds
I didn’t really keep track. I just wanted to get a good sweat going.
Late as well!
1. Mainsite yesterday for 7:07 Rx
2. 12 days Rx = 25:20, did double unders
A. Posting late, but completed in 36:00.
DB alt snatch 30#
ring dips with red band
K2E strict
PU strict with bands
Everything else as listed
Don’t try to kip on monster lite rank!!
37:37 RX, done with double unders
This was about having a good time with my wife. I followed her pace (she was doing a scaled version) until we finished the round of 10 at about 23:00 and she called quits (she had set a time cap of 22:00 for herself, still new to all this). I held a steady pace but didn’t push it today, just wanted to have fun with it. The S2OH and FS definitely took a toll and that’s where it got real
Enjoy your holidays everybody! I’ll be back home tuesday or wednesday
Nice job Joey!
Thanks, you too well done!! Enjoy the holidays my friend 🙂
Good work today Joey! Have great Christmas!
Yay Anabel…you are doing GREAT…this is a tough workout and you stuck with it…so happy for you!! Oh..Joey you did great also..hehe! Merry Christmas guys…have a fun, safe holiday!!
Had to make up my own WOD as I’m stuck at home with sick kids.
4 RFT:
Run 400 m
20 wall runs (10 each arm)
10 ab wheel roll outs
5 low ring MU progression
Wanted to do some of what I’m bad at. I don’t know if I’ll ever get used to the pain of false grip! And that is with my feet on the floor!
I hope your kids feel better soon.
Thanks Mike!
I feel the same way about the false grips! We’ll get there. I hope your kids feel well soon. Happy holidays!
Thank you Joey! Happy holidays to you as well!
28.20 Did 16 kg kb snatch for 4. Double unders for 1 swings at 24kg
Real fast
Thanks. I just kept moving. My du’ s are pretty good I always make time there. And being a light weight body weight stuff suits me.
46:57 100 m run only thing not Rx was ring dips, subbed 120# tricep push-downs.
Everything UB except 10,11&12
5/5 strict pull-ups; 6/5 FS & 6/6 S2OH
I liked it until round 11
Yesterday’s today.
A. 5×4 Pw.Cleans+12reverse lunges. 135,155,165,185,185
B. “Elizabeth” RX: 5:14
A. OT4M x 20 min (5 sets) 4 single arm power cleans followed by 12 reverse lunges PC: 135, 145, 155, 165(PR), 135 RL: 135, 145, 155, 165, 165 Set up two bars for this. Did lunges out of the rack. Still wasn’t feeling 100% today so I went in with an open mind. I Adjusted my set up a bit and hit 165 for 4. Earlier in the week, I hit 170 for a single power clean which was a PR. Didn’t have much after the 4th set so dropped down to 135. B. Modified “Elizabeth”. I wasn’t going… Read more »
Very productive day! Congrats on your PR that is super impressive… and Merry Christmas!
A.37:45; Rx for most part. Did 25 doubles Subbed 50# dbell and 60# KB. Everything else rx. Wheels fell off on day 10…
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!
The DUn were the worst part for me by far
Everybody has their vice…for me it was the dbell ground to oh then the ring dips. Not many reps, but for whatever reason, blew me up.
Great work man! Turns out we were just about on the same pace today!! Had no idea of your time either lol… Merry CHRIStmas man
Really looking forward to doing this one tonight with my wife!
I was too…3,2,1, GO…then all hell broke loose. This is a good one!
Will do it next week. But it definitely looks fun. I did on variation of it last year and it took me 46min. It had man-maker though :/
I did that too and finished around the same time.
47:20. Glad I was the only one at the gym. Subbed bench at 165# for push ups. That wasn’t fun, but thanks Invictus! Merry Christmas everyone.
This is definitely mental. Way to fight through.
48:08 @ 135 and 28kg kb. run and box dips.
Yes, they were. In the last round I broke it into couplets.
I felt the same way about FS and S2OH