Warm-Up | Performance & Fitness
Two sets of:
Palloff Hold x 20 seconds per side
Glute Bridge Walkout x 5 reps
Followed by…
One set, increasing pace as you go, of:
Row x 2 minutes
Kettlebell Goblet Hold Alternating Reverse Lunge x 20 reps
Row x 90 seconds
Kettebell Romanian Deadlift x 15 reps
Row x 60 seconds
Kettlebell Swing x 10 reps
For time:
1000 Meter Row
100-Foot Double Kettlebell Overhead Walking Lunges (24/16 kg)
Five sets for max reps:
Bodyweight Bench Press
Rest 20 seconds
Strict Pull-Ups
Rest 3 minutes
If you are currently unable to complete at least 10 reps of either movement in your first set, please customize the loading or add assistance to ensure at least 10-12 reps of each in the first set.
A. 7:30 (16kg)
B. Adjusted to @80% of BW
6:23 with db 35s
BW 145
BP 115
BP 10/7/6/5/6
PU 10/8/7/7/6
A. 4:28
3:40 row and UB carry
8, 6, 6, 5, 5
8, 7, 7, 6, 6
A. 7:20 Rx
B. Adjusted to @90% of bw
11-10-8- 7-7
A. 8:13 Rx
B. BP@80kg: 10,8,7,6,5; PU: 11,8,7,6,6