August 9, 2019 – Performance

Two sets of:
Perform 30 seconds each of the following movements…
*Station 1 – Banded Palloff Hold (standing, squatting, kneeling – mix it up!)
*Station 2 – Banded Lateral Monster Walk
*Station 3 – Banded Squats
*Station 4 – Side Plank Hold
*Station 5 – Russian Step-Ups

Move through this with as little rest between movements as possible. It should take between 12-15 minutes in total.


Take 20 minutes to build to today’s 1-RM…
Tempo Front Squat x 1 rep @ 32X1

Build over the course of 7-10 sets to today’s 1-RM. Show control in the 3-second descent, pause for 2-seconds in the bottom position and explode straight up – no bounce out of the bottom.

New to the program and wondering what “@32X1” means? Please read “What Does @ 30X0 Mean? Why I Like Tempo Training”.

For time:
800 Meter Run
50 Thrusters (95/65 lbs)
800 Meter Run

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Maciej Krawczyk
Maciej Krawczyk
September 21, 2019 3:04 am

A. Go to 115 kgs
B. 9:50 @ 600m air bike, 50x Thrusters 30 kgs, 600m air bike

Diego Tuzi
Diego Tuzi
August 12, 2019 2:31 pm

A: 40/50/60/70/80/90/100/110 kg
B: 14:23

Joseph Whitman
Joseph Whitman
August 10, 2019 12:45 pm

A) Really crunched for time* Worked up to 235 lbs 95/135/165/165/185/215/235

B) I’ve had some Achilles soreness, so modified to Assault biked 800 meters
50 db thrusters with 25’s
Assault biked 800 meters (9 minutes)

August 10, 2019 8:30 am

Did part B after coaching classes and doing Christine from Weds (today = Saturday)
B. Rx. 17:04

Janelle Winston
Janelle Winston
August 9, 2019 9:37 pm

A. Did this after B because I was short on time and energy.
65, 85, 105, 115, 125, 135, 145, 155 – this was close to a tempo max if not the max.

B. 11:52 – yuck.
Thrusters in sets of 10 and just shy of 4:00 for the runs. Slow and sore.

Patrick Valdez
Patrick Valdez
August 9, 2019 9:04 pm

Extremely short on time and jumped right in.

A. 285 lbs. at the Devil’s tempo.
B. Subbed 2k BikeErg for 800m run. 14:43

Jonathan Pahed
Jonathan Pahed
August 9, 2019 5:38 pm

A) got up to 235#
B) ran up my hill that is about 1/3 mile one way for the run. I walked alot of it on the second run….

Mike Slagle
Mike Slagle
August 9, 2019 5:29 pm

Christine from two days ago: 205 bw
11:26 which is a 20 second or from the only other time I did it.

Rows were smooth 1:45-1:47
Deadlifts were UB. My lower back was pretty tight tonight.
Box jumps nice and steady

B. 88 lb single leg deadlifts 8 per leg
325 lb barbell hip thrusts x 8
Side plank

Candy Olkey
Candy Olkey
August 9, 2019 4:58 pm

August 5 WOD A. BMU Progression – 15-20 min working on the videos that Michele shared with me of Travis’ techniques for BMU Progression. I realize I wasn’t starting quite right and that has made a bit of a difference. Getting my knees much closer to the bar…now gotta figure our how to fling the legs back to get up over the bar…PROGRESS! B. Invictus Baseline Interval Test – 2:55/2:53/3:15/3:34/3:32/3:48 = 19:57 10 Strict Pull Ups – All singles 15 T2B – 10/5 (Rounds 1-3 the first 10 were kipping after that all strict) 20 Push Ups – for the… Read more »

Mike Slagle
Mike Slagle
August 9, 2019 6:41 pm
Reply to  Candy Olkey

You’re doing great! Way to push through that meat grinder of a Wod.

Matthew Swartz
Matthew Swartz
August 9, 2019 4:00 pm

A. 55# goblets, 70# rows
B. 14:30 w/ 50# dbs
Just moving the dirt today

Livie Kraft
Livie Kraft
August 9, 2019 12:31 pm

B. 13:16 RX
Did Fitness strength of wall sits, goblet squats and rows after

Michael Evison
Michael Evison
August 9, 2019 10:03 am

Tempo front squat beltless up to 110kg. Thought about sticking the belt on and pushing higher but legs already dead from this week!

Did yesterday’s e90sec for 3 rounds which was enough for me today!

August 9, 2019 9:45 am

A. Worked up to 195 lbs but left knee caved in so called it there
B. 11:24. 4:07 on the first run and then reps were as follows: 20; 10; 8; 7; 5

Anton Neßler
Anton Neßler
August 9, 2019 9:25 am

A: 80/90/100/110/115 kg
B: 12:31 min

Chris M.
Chris M.
August 9, 2019 7:07 am

A. Tempo Front Squat 32X1 (OT2M)
1x 185, 205, 225, 240, 255, 265, 275, 285, 295, 300 (PR)
… no belt and maintained a solid tempo – happy see a 3
B. As Rx: 11:17
… thrusters were ragged (12-8-8-8-8-6) … legs are cooked from the week.

August 9, 2019 9:45 am
Reply to  Chris M.

Congrats on the PR!

Mike Slagle
Mike Slagle
August 9, 2019 6:41 pm
Reply to  Chris M.

Great work Chris!

Oliver Mulelid-Tynes
Oliver Mulelid-Tynes
August 9, 2019 4:44 am

A: 80kg felt easy, 90kg got about halfway up before I sunk back down

B: Still sore throat and had a light fever yesterday, so did 15min of 30/30 assault bike just to get some cardio in.

August 9, 2019 4:19 am

A. Up to 225# @ tempo.

B. 11:16 with treadmill. Thrusters done 20-10-12-8

jeong jinseong
jeong jinseong
August 9, 2019 3:55 am

b 14:01 rxd

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