Every 3 minutes, for 12 minutes (4 sets):
Back Squat x 6 reps
Goal is to make all four sets heavy. The first set should be achievable; by the second set the 5th and 6th reps should be a grind; in set 3 your chances of making the 6th rep should be 50/50, and the fourth set will be a test of mental fortitude.
Against a 4-minute running clock, perform a total of 3 sets of:
Row 500/400 Meters
Max Reps of Single-Arm Overhead Dumbbell Squats (55/35 lb DB or KB)
Rest 2 minutes between sets.
A. 225, 245, 275, 285
B. Used 25#DB for quality movement. 26, 23, 28
Haven’t squared in forever due to quad tendon pain. Finally have myself rehabbed to lunges and squat so didn’t go heavy just worked on depth and driving with gluts.
A. 85/95/105/105- felt my back kick in so stayed here
Row 1:23/1:28/1:31
SA DB OHS 20# 39/39/33
Wish my row stayed my consistent but legs were shot. Probably could have gone heavier for DBS but my right side was way less stable at 25#
A: 225/275/295/305. Probably could’ve gotten heaver but I’m trying to get used to low bar squats. They feel so much better but I’m a little unstable due to the foot positioning and the knees going forward.
B: Subbed in a 60# KB. The weight stayed closer to center mass that way. Even after warmups, this felt wonky until about halfway though the second set
Almost got a full reverse split! So close!
C: PT pyramid: 1*pull-up + 2*push-up + 3*sit-up+ 4*air squat. Got to sets of 7, then worked back down.
A. Back Squat
225, 245, 275, 305 (thought it was 300)
B. Row 500m
Max rep KB OHS @55lb
Back was feeling a little off today. Not sore but like it could be soon. Leaving for an 18 day road trip with the family and trailer tmrw so didn’t charge too hard on A and B. Tried to be “responsible” and not wreck it before I left. Still a hard WO though!
A) back squat 265×6, 285×6, 315×6, 335×6
B) did yesterday’s conditioning: 2 RFT 25 cal row/800m run/20 pull-ups: went over the time cap – 15:24
WU: 3 rounds of:
30 DUs/ 20 sit-ups/ 8X Front squats 45#/95#125#
A. No rack today so Front Squats with an initial power clean. 155/175/185/185 X6 (lots of chalk!)
B. 17/16/20 with 25# DB
Awkward until set 3, should have practiced them in warm up.
C. 100 m swim
Legs real sore so I broke I it my new runners.
1 x 800m jog, 2 x 400m (1:30), 1min rest b/t
1 x 600m jog, 2 x 300m (1:07), 1min rest b/t
1 x 400m jog, 2 x 200m (:37) 1min rest b/t
1 x 200m jog, 2 x 100m (:17) 1min rest b/t
Total: 4000m
B. Planks/ab roll outs
A. 225,265,295,315
B. 22,27,22 Rx. That was fun.
Solid work
Thank you. Trying to stay relatively fit after a couple of injuries this year.
Great job!! 315X 6 is strong
Feeling good. Question…. when on the tower what should I set it to? I just leave it on ten. Does it matter?
A. 185
B.1:50/ 30
Rower not tower
@thelonghorn posted an interesting link awhile back where it talked about something like a 8-10 for short sprints but 4 or 5 for 1k or further. I’ve been doing 8 on sprints and 7 for 1k+… liked getting more out of each pull and winded myself less as the pulls per minute came down… but my rowing is abysmal so take it with many a grains of salt
Thanks for the info guys. Yeah next time I’ll set it to 7-8 I do find that my forearms get more sore with it being set on 10. Definitely make a conscious effort to use my legs Mike after watching some rowing technique videos
Sounds like a plan. It will help out for sure. There’s a lot of great content out there.
That’s a good question. It does matter. Setting it at 10 doesn’t do anything but require you to pull harder. You can find good resources on the dark horse rowing website to help out. Setting the rower between 4-7 is generally the way to go. I’ve tested them all out to find the results are consistent. Make sure you’re focusing on primarily using your legs instead of wearing out your back muscles on thebpull.
A. 275, 275, 285, 295 – took a little more than 3 mins in between these…seemed like I needed the extra time to get warmed up to the loads (even 225 for 6 felt heavy).
B. subbed 500m Airdyne and 35# KB and that was enough load for today
49, 47, 49
C. squat 135 for 6 – this was tough actually after all the fatigue
D. false grip for time :30 hold; :30 hold
Great ‘scale’ on A… gotta listen to the body, but it clearly didn’t reduce ur loading, great job
A. 235/245/255/265. Last few reps on sets 3&4 a struggle. Needed a couple extra breathes between reps on the last set to make it.
B. 93 reps (33,32,30) with the 53# kb. I am able to get deeper with a kb as opposed to a db. Used a med ball to keep me honest on depth. Very humbling movement.
Great idea with the med ball. Wish I’d thought I’d that
That’s a lot of reps
A. BS x 6 135, 145, 155×4, 155×5 ***warmed up with 3 reps at 55, 85, 105 and when they felt heavy…I knew I was in trouble. But I tried to block it mentally and push through B. Scaled to 25# DB 1:39.1 / 27 1:40.4 / 27 1:40.6 / 28 ***Very pleased with my row times…trying to push harder on them and be as consistent as possible….The SAOHS where “ok”. My right side did much better than left…the left side made my torso want to turn toward the left…but I tried to fight that and stay straight and tall.… Read more »
Killed it!! Way to go ???
Dang girl fast rows! And awesome, glad the notes helped!
Congrats on the row improvement, nice work today
Great work Candy!!
That was really great work today. I know you have struggled on the row. It looks like it is coming around. Congrats!
I am struck with major row envy
Awesome progress on your row times!
A. 225, 245, 275, 290 (only made 4 on the last set). They all felt like a grind ?
B. Sub’d 1000m AB and a 35lb KB.
That was different! My left side hated it a lot more than my right side ??
Nice work, the squats were tough. I have the same issue with the left arm; I found that if I really pin my bicep by my earn and hold the dumbbell with down on an angle it gives me the best success.
Yes! I tried to articulate that in my notes but perhaps you’re saying it better — holding the DB down at an angle definitely helps!
290 x4 is no joke, great job
A: Set 1: 275
2: 285
3: 300
4: 310
B: 151 Reps RX (55 lb KB)
Set 1: 51 Reps
Set 2: 48
Set 3: 52
Chase Chase Chase….You’re killin all of us…in a most excellent way…amazing work dude!
Nice job!!!
Bruh. Seriously? Seriously? Jesus. This dude. Lol
A. 155/165/175/180
B. 35, 38, 39
Wow! This was way harder than I had anticipated. I only used 15# and still my form was terrible. I just couldn’t keep that arm holding the dumbbell straight. I think I got slightly better as the workout wore on 🙂
Totally awesome work Anika…those BS…DAMN!!!
I know, that movement is a doozie!
You killed it. I feel ya on the single arm db OHS… but we’ll get there eventually!
Did a snatch warmup working on high hang.
Legs are definitely fatigued today just from the week.
A. 255/260/260/260
B. 24/24/20 with a 50# db. Heaviest I have
Rows: 1:43/1:42/1:47
A. 230, 245, 260, 275
B. 68 RX: R1=23, R2=22, R3=23. Forgot to keep track of my splits on the row but if I had to guess they were all 1:55-2:05. Didn’t want to push too hard on the row so I wouldn’t be worn out by the time I got to the DB.
I like ur strategy! I try not to smoke myself off the rower too
Yesterday: A) AMRAP 5′: 10 DUs + 1(+1 per Round) HSPU. Completed 5 rounds + 7 DUs. DUs are getting smoother, very comfortable doing them. HSPUs are still a work in progress. B1) AMRAP 4′ 27 cal row + 27 burpees + 27 C2B. Completed 55 reps (1 C2B) Rest 4 min B2) AMRAP 4′ 21 cal row + 21 burpees + 21 T2B. Completed 49 reps (7 T2B) Rest 4 min B3) AMRAP 4′ 15 cal row + 15 burpees + 15 pull ups. Completed 45 reps (1 Round) C) EMOM 10′ 1. 3 unbroken C2B 2. 4 unbroken… Read more »
Jorge….why weren’t you happy with your results in B? That’s pretty awesome from where I’m sitting….That row kills the legs for the burpees and that’s a TON of burpees! Great job on C….I need to do something like that!
thanks candy, I just wanted to get more work done on the bar in those 4 minutes but those indeed were a TON of burpees
Dude, you smoked B, that looked like it just hurt more and more time.
thanks man, that first set of 27 was the worst, hurt like hell
Dude u’re a sadist hahahaha great work, that B looks horrific
After yesterday legs were really fatigued.
A. 280 for 3 sets, 285 for last
B. 45 lbs. DB, Row – 1:53/1:53/1:56 – 24/26/27
Really felt drained today, but glad I was able to get through both. Like the OH movement really get deep into squats.
Way to grind thru, great squats x6 for sore legs
Hi guys! Sorry this is late today — truthfully, yesterday just got away from me. Warmup Flow thru the “perfect stretch” 5 times on each side + 10 cat cows (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0QVKJ4Hlng) Complete 20 wall slides – sitting on the ground, back against the wall, arms at 90 degrees, raising arms up as much as you can keeping core tight and arms against the wall With a light dumbbell, perform: 5 single arm strict press + 5 goblet squats + 5 squats + strict press in the bottom position + 5 windmills per side With a heavier dumbbell, perform: 5/5 single… Read more »
+1 for the vid on breathing!
Glad you liked!
Me too, definitely something I need to be more consistent with