Five sets of:
Shoulder Press x 2-3 reps
Rest 2-3 minutes
In teams of two, partners will alternate to complete 7 rounds each of:
7 Push Press (115/75 lbs)
7 Toes to Bar
Five sets of:
Shoulder Press x 2-3 reps
Rest 2-3 minutes
In teams of two, partners will alternate to complete 7 rounds each of:
7 Push Press (115/75 lbs)
7 Toes to Bar
A. 115×3, 135×3, 145×3, 155×3, 155×3
B. 95# press, 7:31
A. 115×3, 120×3, 125×3, 135×3, 150×2 (PR)
B. 10:05 RX no partner rested 30sec after each rd
A. 135, 155, 165 (pr), 160 (2), 170 (pr – did a slight push press just to get started…but reps 2 and 3 went up without any assistance)
B. EMOM style
A: 30/40/45/50/55kgx3
B: in team of 2 15:30 as Rx
A: 30,40,45,50,55kg x 3 then 60×1 62.5×1
B: in team of 2 15:30 as Rx
Missed 75
Missed 72,5
Got big problem with disproportionate lats ?![comment image](https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bdbd57c3abe9d8629c5fb9c9b64f3a769084b9380d1cb8c45dceddf3e0634495.jpg)
After some activation work (lat pulldown) it looked better, but still… i’m terrified ?
B. 5:46 Rx.
I’m not a form guru, so I’ll leave that to someone else… But doing wods in khahki shorts?? That’s a level of commitment or unpreparedness…good job going and getting after it either way!
A. Strict Press
5 sets x 2-3
135×3, 145 x 3, 155 x2, 165 x2, 170 x2
A1. Max rep strict Press at 115lb (65-70%)
10 reps
B. EMOTM X 7min
7 push Press
7 T2B
Scaled up a little on the the push press.
All rounds :30 or less
#85, 95, 105, 115, 120 (PR) all x 3
B. 7 rounds solo at #75
Guessed at 1.1
B. 19:18 Rx. Did it with my son Christian. He’s my workout buddy. He is Special Olympics athlete so kinda goes at his own pace. He and I won’t set any records, but it’s worth it for the Father – son time together. He did 45# and knees to elbows
Hey everyone,
A. Worked on keeping back straight instead of aiming for a PR, after warm-up did 85x5x3.
B. 1:1 work:rest; finished at 10:38, 75# (probably could have done a bit more) toes to rings – really working on stringing together. Did well for the first 4 rounds, then lost it the last 3 and was doing 2-3 at a time.
A) 95, 105, 115, 125, 120
B) 11:35 RX, done with wife
A. 40, 40, 50, 50, 60 Kgs.
B. As rx in 8 mins
A. Shoulder press all at 3 reps
Most of done since surgery and thumb
B. Did this with hubs 7 rds each
7 pushpress (115/75)
7 k2e for me t2b for him
Grip still isn’t there for K2B but getting better
C.3 rds
1 min Jacobs ladder
70/72/82 ft
1 min rest
1 min aboard sit-ups reach to toes
1 min rest
Bite the bullet and bought most of the stuff for a home gym since I’m getting station in Hawaii and base gyms aren’t set up for CF.
I’ve been working out in the park the past few days for a change. Today I was back in the gym for Fitness Part A followed by Sled Pushes and Strict Toes To Bar. I was able to do KB rows the other day with my injured shoulder and today I pressed the 15# barbell so improvement! Probably still a few more weeks before I’m back on it for real but heading in the right direction and drastically better than last week!
Glad to hear the recovery is going well … have a great long weekend Coach.
awesome news!
126×3, 135×3, 146×3, 157×3, 165×2
9:08 rx’d with the misses
A – Got last 2 rounds at 135*2rep
B – 7 rounds in 7:38
C – 2 rounds, 250m row, 25 curls 50#, 15 dips
Feel’s good to be back at it!
A. 115×3/135×3/135×3/135×3/135×2
B. 9:56. Scaled push press to 95lb x4. Then 105lb round 5. Then 115lb rounds 6 and 7. Sold myself short_ I usually find cycling on push press much harder than rx weight (or anything overhead for that matter) but I should have started off rx. T2b started breaking up on round 5. Felt my abs gave up before my grip.
A. 3×135/150/155
2×162/163 PR! (Previous was 2×155)
B. To my surprise, I was able to manage it OTM: 32s/28s/28s/30s/30s/41s/34s
Super pumped!
nice PR!!
A. 110×3, 130×3, 135×3, 135×2, 135×2
B. 1:1 work/rest ratio. As Rx.
A. Shoulder press 5×3 at 135
B. I did RX, my partner did scaled toe to bar on the ground. 9:28