Every 3 minutes, for 12 minutes (4 sets):
Back Squat x 4 reps
Goal is to make all four sets heavy. The first set should be achievable; by the second set the 4th rep should be a grind; in set 3 your chances of making the 4th rep should be 50/50, and the fourth set will be a test of mental fortitude.
For max reps/calories:
2 Minutes of Assault Bike (or Rowing)
Rest 60 seconds
2 Minutes of Thrusters (115/75 lbs)
Rest 60 seconds
2 Minutes of Burpee to Target 6″ Above Reach
Rest 60 seconds
2 Minutes of Assault Bike (or Rowing)
A. Up to 140 kg
A. 245, 255, 275, 285
B. Bike, 25, 28, Bike
A. 275, 315, 335, 335 no misses. 4th set was rough.
B. 40, 28, 30, 30
128 total reps.
Holy hell that was awful.
impressive numbers, nice work!
Thanks I have one good day a monht. Think I used it up. Lol
A. Legs took extra time to get warm… Very sure…275, 275, 295, 315
B. Used airdyne bike, but otherwise RX
50, 22, 28, 37… Mentally cracked on last bike round
137 reps
A. Back squat 4×4 295 to 310
First back squat in a while after focusing on split squats. Satisfied with my numbers.
B. Rx aside from ancient airdyne.
62 “load indicator”/24/31/65 “load indicator”
A. 225-245-265(3)-245
B. AB 32
Thrusters 12
Burpees 25
AB 23= 92 Total reps
As always, a lot harder in the execution than it looks on paper. I sure am glad this wasn’t 2 rounds! That second round of AB SUCKED!!
A. 225/235/245/255. Went off last week’s weights but started with 2nd set since it was 4 sets this week. Went up to 255 from 245 last week. Felt strong today.
B. Rx’d with AB 115 total
AB = 33
Thrusters = 24
Burpees = 28
AB = 30
Quads and glutes are lit up right now. Walking around to coach soccer is going to be fun tonight!
A. Not really accurate on the percentages because I have limited weights at home and can only go up in 10# intervals.
65, 75, 75, 75, 80, 80 – last one was a major fight.
4 @ 75 dropped to 65 for 4, the. Next set at 65
B. 3 + 3 PP.
my lower back did not appreciate the step overs AT ALL. Had to use 20# DB because that’s what I have and the shoulder yelled when I tried 35 kb.
Hi team! This is what I’ve received from marketing about the website/comments: “This happens often with this chat functionality. Unfortunately the workaround right now is to have them comment from a computer – or like what Nathan recommended there. This person is probably a Droid user. The last time this happened, we tried to contact them and they never got back to us but then it seemed to resolve itself. The new look of the website did not change the functionality of Disqus. I will attempt to connect with Disqus again to see if we can resolve the issue and… Read more »
Thanks for the update! @joeymaltais:disqus @disqus_ur8znJU3mm:disqus will appreciate it I’m surr
Libby, you rock! Thank you for taking time to look into it and let us know. It’s feels good to know something even if it wasn’t the best of news.
thanks for the update
In chrome on Android you can select Desktop Site and the page works fine. It’s a glitch with the way the mobile page is rendering.
Wife went back to work on the unit this week so training has been a little tough with the kiddo.
A. Back Squat: 275/285/295/305 x 4
B1. Row: 36 cals
B2. Thrusters: 15
B3. Burpee: 28
B4. Assault Bike: 24 cals
Couldn’t find my breath on any part of B! ?
Great work teddy! Get work done when you can.
I feel your pain! Daddy day care gets super sketchy when trying to work out (especially the workouts posted here) with three boys running around the house/yard.
Agreed! Nearly impossible to do this work with the young ones around
A. 275, 275, 275, 285×3
B. 41 cals
21 thrusters 8/7/6
25 burpees
39 cals
Have a great weekend everyone!
Nice numbers on B!!
Thanks James.
Solid performance Mike, enjoy your weekend!
Fantastic effort Mike!
Thanks Nathan
Great job Mike
A. Back Squat as Rx
4 x 275, 295, 315, 335
… 5 RM is 325 so ended in the range – felt solid.
B1. Row (Cal): 43
B2. 115# Thrusters: 27
B3. Sled Push (Sled + 360#): 120′
B4. Row (Cal): 44
… have a good long weekend folks.
Holy thrusters! Nice work upping the game on B4. Enjoy your weekeed!
Man that is a SOLID day Chris. Way to put in WORK as always.
Great work.
Yesterday: A) SHSPU: 11-9-7-5 with 1′ rest between sets. I felt heavy during these but not surprised with it as I spent the entire day snacking in the office, had to split everything: 3/3/3/2, 3/3/2/1, 3/2/1/1 and 2/1/1/1. I was also super conscious on keeping proper tripod form unlike last week so these felt challenging as hell. B) AMRAP 25′ – 25 DUs – 15 Power Cleans 52.5 kgs – 25 DUs – 10 T2B Completed 3 Rounds + 40 reps (15 PCs) My big goal was to get as far into that 4th round as possible, my other goal… Read more »
That part B looks awesome! Great work dude.
thanks mate, this is actually a scaled version, Rx was restricted to 15 minutes and had 30 DUs and 15 T2B but I just wanted to go longer but knew the rep scheme would crush me
Nice changes, keep the heart rate high!
A. Did some warm-up sets then 215, 235, 255×3. Felt some lower back discomfort so I racked and called it. 255 is probably where my 4th set should’ve been.
B. 45, 18, 22, 42 -127 total
I don’t think rower calories trade at the same rate as a AB calories but I’ll take it.
Getting out of bed was a struggle today
A. 275×4 all sets. Kept on the lighter side since I’ve subbed BSS the last few weeks due to back tightness. Felt good today.
B. AB – 42
Thrusters – 18
Burpees – 30
AB – 32
Total: 122
C. Bi’s and tris
Great numbers accross the board. I knew you’d crush part B!
hey, about the disqus probs I just thought of another solution with the iPhone.The Puffin web browser is free (there are others too I’m sure) and works kind of like a desktop website and seems to be working well on this blog. Thought you might want to try it
Good morning, everybody…
A. 295 across; should have gone heavier. last set wasn’t easy, but it was a test of mental fortitude either.
B. 38/24/28/37 (127 total) RX; went to gym this morning as they have AB.
Going out of town tomorrow, so won’t be doing anything until Tuesday. Have a great Labor Day weekend!
Good work Chris, enjoy the time off!
Great work chris
A. 4x 205-210-215 / 3×217.5 (PR)
Happy with my form and effort for the day. Had a major sticking point in 4th rep of 3rd set but got it up. Couldn’t get the last one up for 4th set but part of the game.
B. AB 35
Thrusters 17 (6-6-5, couldn’t push up the last one)
Burpees to target 30
AB 30
Total 112. Had nothing left during last minute of second AB set, just gave it everything I could
Noodle legs
Congrats on the PR…you’re going to have an ass like Teddy soon! Those burpees…who’s the king?!!
Thanks! Still miles from Teddy’s hams I’m sure
Nice job on the PR and B. This was tougher than it looked on paper.
Thanks Chris! You posted some great numbers today. Enjoy your weekend!
Nice work… noodle legs indeed!
Great work brother, quite the effort on B after PRing on A
Great work all around!
Worked out tonight (usually Thursday is a rest day) because I had Tuesday off and have no time tomorrow night. A. Did 160kg for 4 sets of 4. Easier than the recommended RPE – Every set was hard but nowhere near ‘a test of mental fortitude’. B. Did 1 min of biking then gave up for the night. Truth be told, I’ve been doing so much cycle commuting lately that I’ve lost a lot of motivation to get on the AAB. I’ll probably give this one another go on Saturday morning. Did a quick 10min emom of odd – 6… Read more »
A. Missed last week due to vacation, so made sure to go heavier than the 6 reps from 2 weeks ago
105 110 115 120kg (5kg off my previous 1rm!)
AB 35
Thrusters Rx 18
Burpees 27
AB 35
Total 115
You win today! Awesome effort
You too, only a few cals on the AB! Sure if you hadn’t already PR’d in A (yet another one) you would have had more left.
Awesome virtual competition between you and Joey…you both killed it today..so STRONG AND FAST!!
Haha thanks, we enjoy it! Can’t quite figure out from it on paper who will come out on top but always fun to compare with @joeymaltais:disqus
Great job, James!
Thanks Chris, you too! You smashed those thrusters.
Way to keep consistent on the AB! I felt like my lungs couldn’t catch air on that 2nd round?
Thanks – i was 3 cals behind my first set at the 1 minute mark and just shut my eyes!
that’s how you gotta roll!
Nice work James. Solid 120Kg as well. Bummed it’s my rest day. May have to tackle this one this weekend instead of the partner WOD on sat.
Thanks JB! Honestly this was one of the hardest Invictus sessions i’ve done, but the feeling after hitting B hard is pretty cool, you will enjoy that feeling…but not during it haha.
Another great day James!
A lot easier to have them with the support on here! Looks like you had a big finish to get those final cals in
You’re right. It does help out! It’s encouraging to see how everyone is progressing.
Warmup: Spend 2 mins on ankle mobility + sit in the bottom of the deep squat holding onto a post for balance for 1 min 10 leg lifts per side + 10 glute bridges + 5/5 seated hip ER/IR rotations + 5 tabletop hip circles in each direction With a light-medium resistance band, complete 5 air squats with the band around the right ankle (facing the post, band basically above your Achilles) and 5 with the band on the left ankle Then, 10 pushups + 15 wall balls + 20 cal bike or row Part A: Back for another week… Read more »
Libby Landry • 10 minutes ago Hi team! This is what I’ve received from marketing about the website/comments: “This happens often with this chat functionality. Unfortunately the workaround right now is to have them comment from a computer – or like what Nathan recommended there. This person is probably a Droid user. The last time this happened, we tried to contact them and they never got back to us but then it seemed to resolve itself. The new look of the website did not change the functionality of Disqus. I will attempt to connect with Disqus again to see if… Read more »