Warm-Up | Performance & Fitness

500 Meter Row

Followed by…

Two Rounds of:
100 Foot Overhead Kettlebell Carry, Each Arm
5 x Single Arm Kettlebell Windmills, Each Arm
10 x Kettlebell Sumo Deadlifts
10 x Kettlebell Swings


Every 5 minutes, for 40 minutes (4 sets of each) for time of:
*Station 1:
1000 Meter Row or Ski or 2000 Meter Bike Erg

*Station 2:
Four rounds for time of:
3 Wall Walks
12 Kettlebell Swings

Note your times for each of the 8 sets, then sum them for a total overall working time. Goal is to have the lowest total working time.

COACHES – Please inform your group that Wednesday will be a 1-RM Front Squat day BEFORE they start this workout. Please educate them that if they went for a 1-RM snatch on Monday, and plan to hit a 1-RM front squat on Wednesday, they should be treating Tuesday as an aerobic flush. We want their RPE lower as part of the intention of the session. Of course, you can instruct the rest to hammer it if they aren’t concerned about Wednesday’s training, but please help to educate our members so that they can make the decision that is in their best interest.

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Luke Tipton
Luke Tipton
August 29, 2023 7:39 pm

1k Row
3rds of couplet per 5’

August 29, 2023 6:46 am

Rows: 4:09/4:18:4:30/4:29
WW + KBS, 35# (scaled to Russian swings after first rd): 3rd+3ww/4:40/4:50/5:00

Shoulder stamina is def a weakness for me, so scaled to keep the wall walks. Really good volume work that I needed. Tough.

Gabriel Q Oropollo
Gabriel Q Oropollo
August 29, 2023 3:30 am

A. 3:14.. 3:16 x 55lb kb
3:04.. 2:57 x 55lb kb
3:05. 3:10 x 55lb kb
3:14…3:21 x 55lb kb

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