Take 20 minutes to find today’s 1-RM Clean & Jerk
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
4 Ground to Overhead (185/125 lbs)
8 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Take 20 minutes to find today’s 1-RM Clean & Jerk
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 8 minutes of:
4 Ground to Overhead (185/125 lbs)
8 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
A. Bryan (E3MOM) – 115#, 125#, 130#, 140#, 160#, 175# (f). Christy – 65#, 70#, 75#, 80#, 90#, 100#, 105#.
Wasn’t able to see the eclipse OR got to the gym 🙂
I went for a run instead because was feeling the need for a grind. I am so much slower then I used to be it’s kind of discouraging, though it can’t really be, because I am running once a week maybe and I used to do 5 or 6 days. But I don’t like losing ground anywhere…. (I don’t have time to do both. Some days I have exactly 45 min and that squeaks me through a Performance WO and that’s it.)
3 Miles @ 23:24
4×3 1 arm DB snatch 25/35/45/52.5
Super set
5×10,8,6,4,4 close grip bench. 105/115/125/135/150.
4×10 banded face pulls
5×10,8,6,4,4. Supine grip chin ups. BW/20/35/53/53
4×10 strict press behind neck. 55/65/70/70
3×6 1 arm DB bench. 25/45/45/45
3×6 DB row. 25/45/45/65
5 rounds for time
20 push-ups
15 supine rows
10 T2B
A. 70kg (i was tired after monday team wod i didnt go higher i worked on technique)
B. 60kg, C2B – 3rds + 6reps
A. 75kg
B. 60kg, C2B – 4rds + 5reps
This is my first invictus and actually my first crossfit workout ever!! – I’m a day behind but it seemEd like a good workout to start with.
A. Worked my way up to a benchmark PR of 160lbs.
B. Scaled down to 135lbs and switched Pullups with toes to bar due to fatigue.
– 5 rounds complete.
A. First time 1RM c&j. 155#. Cleaned #165 (PR) twice but couldn’t jerk it up.
A.(Fitness) #35 KBS, 30#DB’s on lunges, 45s plank
B. G2OH 115#, C2B
4 rounds + 2 g2oh
A. PR @ 185!
B. 5 Rounds at 135#
A. 180#. Could not get 195 for the PR.
B. 4 rnd +4 reps
Did inverted rows instead of banded pull ups.
Tough one for me as I have to protect my neck after the herniated disc.
A. 165
B. Used 115. 6 rounds + 1 g2o
Evening session to complement…
Gymnastics program session #3 (from last week)
Part A lv1 (hspu) part B lv2 (ring dips)
+ mobility work
A. Up to 265
B. 4 G2OH #185
8 C2B
4 rounds + 1 rep
Third day in a row for pull ups, real sore.
nice lift @ 265!
A. Up to 220 – current PR. Failed the jerk on 225. Cleans were smooth but my jerk started falling apart around 85%. I’ll be doing some extra work there.
B. Scaled to 165lbs. 4+2. Fast singles on G2OH & 4/4 on C2B.
What do you think the problem with the jerk was?
Today – footwork. It seemed like I had trouble getting my front foot far enough in landing. Like I was rushing to catch the bar. That resulted in not dropping low enough and not being able to lock out.
Any thoughts/drills?
well…he monopolizes the conversation…loves to talk about himself…he’d rather play fantasy football than spend time talking…never pays attention when something’s on tv…is a narcissist…pick one I guess
couldn’t resist that setup, could you ha ha! Thanks for the laugh.
A) 135×2/155/170/185/195/205/215/225/235(10# PR!!)
B) @155#s 3rds + 4 G2OH
P to the R star!!
… back from 2 week vacation … (enter excuses here).
A1. SC&J (OTM – 10# increments) : 95 – 195
A2. SC&J (OT2M – 10# increments) : 205, 215, 225, 235 (missed jerk), 245 (clean only)
B. 3 RFT of Rx: 3:59
… elected to reduce the Metcon volume before jumping in … as always happy to be back.
Welcome back. I’ve been missing your posts these last 2 weeks. Hope you enjoyed your time away!
Welcome back! At the lake?
3rds in 4 mins is impressive.
A. 135, 145, 155, 165, 175, 185#
B. 5rds +2 GTO
Great job on B!
A. Split Jerk only 75#, 85, 95, 105, 115, 120, 125, 130(f)
(tried to do an empty bar clean and still can’t do it correctly wo pain to my finger/knuckle. And I certainly do not need to create any more bad habits by doing it incorrectly.)
***5 pistols each leg with 10# DB’s between rounds
B. AMRAP in 8 min – 6R + 10 reps
4 G2OH (35# DB’s)
8 C2B
C. 2 Sets
1100m Run (5:15 / 5:20)
25 S Hammers each side
You crushed B!
Here’s what I did today: Part A. Fitness Four sets: KBS x 25 w/ 53# (this is the 2nd week I’ve added these back into my program – so far so good on the knee!) Alt. Rev. Lunges x 20 w/ 70# KBs Paloff Press x 10 each side @ 2120 (side plank hurt my shoulder) B. From Burn 30 Three sets for max reps: 60 seconds Goblet Squat 60 seconds DB Push-press 60 seconds Prowler Push/Sled Pull 60 seconds Reverse Snow Angels (@3030 tempo = 10/round) 60 seconds Row Rest 2 minutes C. From Burn 30 Two sets of:… Read more »
How’s the injury?
SLOWLY getting better. It has only been 4 weeks since I was told 6-8. I realized during the workout that this was the first time I have been able to row in a while so there is progress! Thanks for asking!
Good deal, I know it’s no fun laying off. It takes a lot of willpower for people like us to wait out the recovery! Hope the progress continues.
A. 113kg
5+5 Rx
Clean&SplitJerk up to 55kg, so there is no change (no progress, but no regress too). I feel, that I have strengh for more weight, but in heavy weight (heavy to do Split Jerk for me) I don’t throw my one leg back enough. So my problem is the same as in Snatch – I still must more work on getting myself under the barbell.
Barbell: 40kg
I did 4 full rounds
I did C2B first time, so it was very hard to me, but I did it 🙂 On GTO I did Clean&PushPress