August 17, 2018 – Performance

Every 2 minutes, for 18 minutes (3 sets of each):
Station 1: Muscle-Ups x Max Reps in 45 seconds
(OR 3 Rolls to Candlestick + Low Ring Muscle Up Progression x 3-4 reps)
Station 2: Handstand Walk x 10 meters
(use partner assist or Handstand Wall Runs if you don’t have handstand walks yet)
Station 3: Alternating Pistols x 16-20 reps
(if you’re proficient, add weight with a kettlebell)

Every minute, on the minute, for 16 minutes (4 sets of each):
Minute 1 – 200/150 Meters of Rowing
Minute 2 – 15 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Minute 3 – 15 Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
Minute 4 – 30-Second Front Leaning Rest on Rings

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Richard Madrid
Richard Madrid
August 17, 2018 9:57 pm

Did yesterday’s today

1) front squat x2 every 3mins for 15mins: 275-285-295-295-295

2) karen – 8:37

Britt J
Britt J
August 17, 2018 9:26 pm

Karen wrecked my quads and I have a 15 mile hike tomorrow so did strength stuff I missed during the week.

Libby’s warm up but added elevated fire hydrants and donkey kicks

DB Shlde press 8@2111 @20#
Supine ring rows 8 @2111
DB skull crushers 12 @ 2011 20#
Vups 8@2110

Janelle Hudgin Winston
Janelle Hudgin Winston
August 17, 2018 8:36 pm

A. Just used the time to work on low rings with feet on a box, bar muscle ups with a band. And handstand walking and holds. No real progress, other then falling on my hip and elbow on the concrete.

B. Done. Scaled to kipping HSPU to build capacity.

Row was 30 – 32 sec


August 17, 2018 5:19 pm

Did Monday’s workout yesterday after yesterday’s, so a sub was needed today.
A. Weighted pull up 5×6 #53
OH Strict press 5×6 up to #150
B. Weighted chins 3×9 #35
Strict paused deficit HSPU “3 4×7
C. Accessories

Trion Horgan
Trion Horgan
August 17, 2018 3:06 pm

A1. 4/4/4. Worked on BMU. I have trouble stringing them together. Strung 1st 2 each round
A2. Subbed handstand balance :45. Definitely improving here and it’s fun!
A3. 20 pistols each round. Unweighted.

B. Did kipping hspu otherwise rx. Rows were around :40, hspu & bjo around :35 every round. Have a great weekend everyone!

August 17, 2018 3:04 pm

Did yesterday’s workout today. Missed the last two days moving.

A. 135 narrow front squat supersetted with 10 strict toe to bar

B. 15 pound medicine ball for 7:09. 20 pound ball was being used

C. Some ab work to cool down

Chase Popp
Chase Popp
August 17, 2018 1:24 pm

So much shoulders!! Mine were so destroyed
that I had to modify a few things today:

A: Did Bar MU instead of rings because they would be a little easier on the shoulders:
Set 1: 15
2: 12
3 10

Handstand walk and Pistols UB

B: Did Kipping HSPU instead of Strict to rest the shoulders. Everything else RX

Anika & Luke Tipton
Anika & Luke Tipton
August 17, 2018 11:29 am

A. Did low ring MU progression, handstand wall runs and pistols with a band for support. All tough and all good practice!
B. Done with pike pushups. I agree with everyone else, it was nice to have a workout that got me moving but didn’t pound me into the ground on a Friday! Happy weekend everyone!

Joey Maltais
Joey Maltais
August 17, 2018 1:03 pm

Totally agree with you and I was relieved when I saw part B this morning. It was “just what the doctor ordered” as Chris M would say. Nice work!!

Anika & Luke Tipton
Anika & Luke Tipton
August 17, 2018 1:06 pm
Reply to  Joey Maltais

You too Joey, have a great trip!!

August 17, 2018 10:59 am

Slept in today and snuck this one in at lunch:
A. Mainly focused on HS Walk and L-sit. 15 ft is manageable every time on HS Walk, just trying to get the 180 turn down.

B. Done Rx, very manageable, especially compared to Monday’s nonsense. Last set of 15 SHSPU took some willpower.

Great prescription for my dead legs from yesterday! Have a great weekend everyone.

Anika & Luke Tipton
Anika & Luke Tipton
August 17, 2018 3:10 pm
Reply to  thelonghorn

180 turn, nice! I will have to remember that one for next time. Great job bro! (Luke)

Chris Pugliese
Chris Pugliese
August 17, 2018 4:33 pm
Reply to  thelonghorn

The legs….

Candy Olkey
Candy Olkey
August 19, 2018 2:33 pm
Reply to  thelonghorn

HSwalk sounds like it’s coming along nicely….congrats TLH!!

August 17, 2018 8:53 am

A. MUs: 10, 7, 10
HS walking uphill driveway: meh, better best – I did get the 10m in but quality was iffy with lots of restarts
Pistols: 20, 20, 20

B. Subbed 300m airdyne for the row and HSPUs were 14, 12, 10, 9.
Box jump overs were fine rounds 1 and 2 but had to scale to 5 stepovers 10 jump overs on 3 and 4. 30 sec leaning rest on rings were steady.

C. Ripstik practice with son for 30 mins

Anika & Luke Tipton
Anika & Luke Tipton
August 17, 2018 10:24 am
Reply to  Nathan

Uphill? What’s next, pylons and parallel bars? Great job man. It’s amazing how the smallest change in conditions (e.g. grass, sand, obstacles, slope) can make such as difference. (Luke)

August 17, 2018 11:47 am

it’s only a very slight incline but it does alter the movement significantly in my opinion. The other alternative is to work on 180 degree turns like @disqus_ur8znJU3mm:disqus … but I’d rather commit time to skill development outside of wod time.

Joey Maltais
Joey Maltais
August 17, 2018 1:02 pm
Reply to  Nathan

That’s awesome. I can’t wait to be able to HS walk!! Let alone do obstacles. One day…

John Murphy
John Murphy
August 17, 2018 7:55 am

From Yesterday:

A. E5mx5 – Front Squat x 2

B. “Karen” 8:45 Never done this one before. Thanks for the advice Libby! This was rough, but doing 18-17-16, etc. made it doable.

jorge gonzalez
jorge gonzalez
August 17, 2018 6:14 am

Yesterday: A) EMOM 8′: 2 Deadlifts. In kgs: 132.5, 137.5, 142.5, 147.5, 150, 152.5, 155, 157.5. Prescription said to start at 70%, I did DOG in the first 4 sets then switched to crossed grip, also no belt. i didn’t really feel like going all out on this so I wasn’t seeking huge numbers and stayed around my 80% range for the finish. B) AMRAP 18′: – 20 deadlifts 102.5 kgs – 10 jumping C2B – 20 cals row – 10 jumping C2B Got 3 Rounds and 10 reps Rx called for 15 C2Bs, tried to pull myself up to… Read more »

J But
J But
August 17, 2018 7:34 am
Reply to  jorge gonzalez

My C is always coffee due to early am sessions. But I am definitely jealous of your C. Cheers to the latter part of the quote. Nice work on B. Looks like a tough one.

Joey Maltais
Joey Maltais
August 17, 2018 9:23 am
Reply to  jorge gonzalez

Nice work Jorge and enjoy the beer!

Candy Olkey
Candy Olkey
August 19, 2018 2:36 pm
Reply to  jorge gonzalez

Now that’s my kind of C!! You better have PR’d it Jorge!

jorge gonzalez
jorge gonzalez
August 20, 2018 11:13 am
Reply to  Candy Olkey

I did my best

J But
J But
August 17, 2018 5:45 am

A. Tight on time this morning so worked on some MU – 2 relatively strict MU focusing on staying in the false grip. Did 5 sets. Then wrists were all tore up.. does anyone use any wrap or tape for muscle ups? Or do I just need to spend a day a week on the rings in false grip to build up some tougher skin? B. E1MOM (4rds) 1. 200 meter row 2. 2 strict HSPU + 4 HSPU 3. 15 BJO 4. 1 ring MU to 30 sec in top position in hollow rock Pushed hard on the row.… Read more »

August 17, 2018 8:56 am
Reply to  J But

I think more time in the things will help though your skin. I’ve seen some wrap the rings with tape but I see others who don’t. May come down to personal preference

J But
J But
August 17, 2018 10:46 am
Reply to  Nathan

Thanks. I will man up and stick with it!

James Dalton
James Dalton
August 17, 2018 9:10 am
Reply to  J But

I had the same issues with wrists early on, just took time!

J But
J But
August 17, 2018 10:45 am
Reply to  James Dalton

Thanks. I will keep working at it. Be nice to be comfortable in the false grip.

Joey Maltais
Joey Maltais
August 17, 2018 9:31 am
Reply to  J But

I agree with James and Nathan about time helping with the false grip skin irritation, it did with me. At first just holds were so painful but they’re alot better now. Stick with it! Nice work today, I like the add-on in B.4 btw

J But
J But
August 17, 2018 10:44 am
Reply to  Joey Maltais

Thanks! I actually don’t know what B4 is so I guessed! Is what I did front leaning rest? Guess I better check since I did not take time to Google this am. I will def try to add in a few min of ring work each week to keep getting more comfortable. Its amazing how much easier the MU is in false grip.

Joey Maltais
Joey Maltais
August 17, 2018 1:00 pm
Reply to  J But
I think what you did would be called full support on rings, not as much focus on core. Not a bad idea though I think it fit right in

J But
J But
August 17, 2018 6:17 pm
Reply to  Joey Maltais

Perfect thanks so much!

Chris Pugliese
Chris Pugliese
August 17, 2018 4:02 am

Good morning, everyone…woke up this morning and felt like the sheets kicked my butt during the night. Anyway…

A. Worked on MU progression only
B1. About :45
B2. Off 24″ box 15/15/15/15 all UB until last round 8/7.
B3. About :40. All jumps (as opposed to steps ups). I only step down now.
B4. Done

Have a great weekend!

Joey Maltais
Joey Maltais
August 17, 2018 4:09 am
Reply to  Chris Pugliese

Solid week of training Chris

Chris Pugliese
Chris Pugliese
August 17, 2018 4:36 pm
Reply to  Joey Maltais

Thanks Joey. You too!

August 17, 2018 8:58 am
Reply to  Chris Pugliese

Be sure to add negatives to your MU progression training. Try to get at least a :04 negative and try to slow down during the transition. This will build strength up quickly

Chris Pugliese
Chris Pugliese
August 17, 2018 4:36 pm
Reply to  Nathan

I will take that advice. I can actually do muscle ups. I am working on strict MUs. Using momentum is easy. Moving dead weight, not so much!

Joey Maltais
Joey Maltais
August 17, 2018 3:22 am

A.1: strict rmu transitions with band: 5 reps with smallest one immediately followed by 5 reps with a bigger band
A.2: HS practice facing wall trying to break off and stay balanced: not much progress here
A.3; alt pistols x 20 reps slow and controlled
B.1: rx under 40s
B.2: shspu feet on 20’’ box: 15-12-12-15
B.3: rx step off (30s)
B.4: rx
C. Emom x 5 min; strict hspu 5s negatives x3 reps kipping back up in between
Leaving for vacation this weekend so will be away next week and back the following monday. Keep training hard people!

jorge gonzalez
jorge gonzalez
August 17, 2018 6:17 am
Reply to  Joey Maltais

smart scaling brother, great work

Candy Olkey
Candy Olkey
August 19, 2018 2:38 pm
Reply to  Joey Maltais

You better be checking in on all of us while you’re away…we may just slack off without you around!

Shaun Gross
Shaun Gross
August 17, 2018 2:21 am

Did last nights front squats

145kg for 5 doubles. They felt hard.

Scaled down to 10 strict HSPU.


Rowed at 1:42 pace, in about 41 seconds each round
HSPU in 5/5
Box jump overs – in about 40 seconds
30 second front leaning rest – easy enough.

This wasn’t too bad.

James Dalton
James Dalton
August 17, 2018 12:39 am

Morning everyone, happy Friday! Area to do B was taken up by a class. Went bouldering last night, always seem to manage to do that before an upper body gymnastics day ha.

6 Muscle up transitions from L sit with black band. Pull feeling stronger each session.
8 DB strict press at 20kg
20 Pistols to a low box – lowest i’ve gone with these, feel like unsupported could happen soon.

B. Kickups to handstand practice, nearly have 2 feet to the wall!

C. Superset of chinese rows and back extensions.

Joey Maltais
Joey Maltais
August 17, 2018 4:15 am
Reply to  James Dalton

Looks like those rmu transitions and pistols are coming along pretty well. Great work

James Dalton
James Dalton
August 17, 2018 6:09 am
Reply to  Joey Maltais

Next stop: red band! Enjoy the week of rest, you’ve definitely earned it.

Libby Landry
Libby Landry
August 16, 2018 10:04 pm

Warmup: Row 250 m with normal grip then row 250 m with a supinated grip (palms up) Then, 2 rounds of: 20 hollow rocks 10 donkey kicks 5 reverse burpees Bear crawl with wrist stretch x 20 steps 20 second ring support hold + 10 second bottom of ring dip hold Part A: Find something to have fun/challenge yourself with on the gymnastics. I always tell my classes that this is 18 minutes of adult play time and I want them to try something new! If you like structure, follow the set plan for Part A. If you… Read more »

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