500 m row, nasal breathing
Followed by…
Two sets of:
100 Foot Walking Lunge
:30 Seconds Air Squats
3-5 Strict Pull-ups
8 Dumbbell Push Press each side
Four sets of:
Bulgarian Split Squat x 8 reps each leg @ 30X1
Rest 45 seconds after each leg
Supinated-Grip Bent-Over Barbell Row x 8 reps @ 21X0
Rest 60 seconds
The goal for today is to establish your 8-RM Bulgarian Split Squat. Note this result as it is something we want to see our community build upon. If you don’t have a good selection of dumbbells or kettlebells, you can back rack the barbell to test this lift.
For time:
1000 Meter Row
75 Air Squats
50 Single-Arm Kettlebell Push Presses (24/16 kg; switch arms as you wish)
25 Strict Pull-Ups
50 Single-Arm Kettlebell Push Presses (24/16 kg; switch arms as you wish)
75 Air Squats
400 Meter Run
A: @60 lbs x 4 rounds
B: 17:01
A. BSS 25s,35s,55s,35s
Row 135,165,185,195
B. 19:40
That was a tough one
30 min
That was tough!
A. 30lb, 40lb, 55lb, 65lb all DBs.
35lb, 55lb, 65lb, 65lb all DBs
B. 18:06.. 45lb Db pull ups 9, 6, 4, 3, 3
A: 40#/115#
B: 24:15– 45# DB
Definitely underestimated the WOD!