Every two minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
2 Clean Lift-Offs + Power Clean @ 60-70% of 1-RM Clean
Followed by…
Every two minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
1 Clean Lift-Off + Clean @ 70-80%
Followed by…
Every two minutes, for 6 minutes (3 sets):
Clean x 1 rep @ 80-90%
Five rounds for time of:
3 Power Cleans (155/105 lbs)
6 Front Squats (155/105 lbs)
12 Alternating Front-Racked Reverse Lunges (155/105 lbs)
Pre-A. Worked up to a 1RM Clean. 255.
A. 175, 205, 225
B. Did 8/11 the 8/11 metcon.
A. Was in a rush so went quickly through all of this.
65, 85, 95, 105, 115, 125 ( previous 1rm need to test again).
95 x 8
75 x 8 – could have gone heavier on this.
Tried to do stict but it seems that I go one step forward two steps back with all the hard movements.
Scaled to 60” box
4 + 14 this was so mich harder then expected. And yes the TTB agter the Burpees sucked!
Nice work Janelle! I feel ya on the shspu, I feel like it’s taking me a long time to get the strength up too. We’ll get there
A. Based off 130#
A2. 95/100/105
A3.110/110/115 – all PC squat clean stopped at 105#
B. PC/ FS @85#
Alt lunges 1rd @85#/4rds 53#
2 min pushups
2min abmat sit ups
Did yesterday’s today:
A. heavy bench press rep up to 265 (275 is 1 RM)
3×8 bench at 215
3×8 bent over row at 185
AMRAP 9mins:
9 Burpees
12 TTB
4 rds
135, 155, 185
205, 225, 245
255, 265, 275
9:37 @ 135#
A. 115# – 125 – 135 – 145 – 155 – 165 – 175 – 185 – 195 (5# PR). Started on %s but things were going well so I just rolled with it. Active shoulders are making a big difference in the starting position (thanks Libby!!). That was my focus today + pulling myself under which seems to be improving slowly but surely. Finished with a bunch of deload sets B. 10:11 with 125#. First rd UB then always broke after 2PC and after 4 lunges. Pretty happy with performance since I had to dig deep not to break… Read more »
Strong finish to the week!! PR and a solid time on B. I like it.
Nice pr. Congrats!
A. 195, 195,195 ; 225, 235, 235; 245, 265, 275
B. Goal was 10. Got 10:31 RX.
Killed it. Great job!
A. Clean up to 260. Kept it power when it got heavy (coming off low back injury)
B. 5 rounds #155: 3 pw clean, 6 front squat, 12 all reverse front rack lunge
RX: 12:45
You win JeffNorCal
Nice work on both
A. 115
185 failed
B. Done at 155 at 11:37. The only thing I subbed front squats and lunges for back squats for 18 reps
Hot one today done in the garage after work.. oof
Home from vacation in time to sneak one in before my son’s soccer practice.
A. Up to 245#
B. Modified due to extreme heat(105) and not wanting to demolish myself after a week off.
20min EMOm
1- 20 push-ups
2- 8 strict pull-ups
I just cycled through different grip/hand placement variations of the two.
Good pump. Nice work
Welcome back. It’s been awhile. I just hopped in here again after dealing with a bunch of injuries.
Did WOD at local box (Double Edge CF)
A. E2MOM 5x 1 Power clean + 2 Split Jerks
75, 85, 95, 105, 115
B. For Time:
Run 800m
30 Deadlifts at 125#
A: part 1: 170, 185, 195
Part 2: 195, 205, 225
Part 3: 225, 240, 250
B: Well this was a disaster today. My ankle is still recovering, so I thought it would be a good idea to do all the lunges on one side. That side Said F- you and cramped up.
10:50 RX ?
Felt good today and really been focusing on hook grip, fast elbows and feet.
A. 135/155/175/175/185/195/205/210/210
B. RX, 14:27, this got real quick. Once I figured out the pacing after round 2 it was a little better, went from last 6 lunges to 2 PC, then 1 PC – 5 squats, 1 squat 6 lunges, and so on.
C. every 3 for 15 – OHS x 3 – 115/135/155/175/195
That’s some awesome work Mike, way to finish the week
You are insane for doing ohs after that wod!
A. 105/115/130
B. 16:49, Rx
Great workout today! Looking forward to next week!
We need more barbell! (Insert best Christopher Walken voice)
Love it today!
A. 215/215/225
B. 9:46 Rx
Set out with the goal of under 10 and got it!
The bar has been set.
Beat it!
Right after the lunges just bust out the first 2 power cleans. Then rest, do your 3rd and go right into front squats
Dude, that is impressive across the board. Well done today.
outstanding Jeff!
crushed it. great work!
Outstanding performance!
A. 175-275 off ~305 love the lifting
B. 11:15 did 155 PC and FS but scaled the lunges to 115. Just getting used to lunging again
Strong A!! Looks like there will be plenty of sore legs on here in the morning
Nice strength, and smart to scale if needed. Still smoked it. Well done.
Probably should have done the same (scaling the lunge). Nice job.
Good morning, everybody…
A. 136/155/155/165/175/175/195/195/
195; off 225
B. 15:37 RX; thought about scaling to 135, but decided to go RX for confidence.
goal was one round every 4 minutes (even before I saw Libby’s post), so I hit that.
My legs are pissed off at my decision.
C. crossover symmetry and calf raises
Have a great weekend everybody!
Nice and way to go RX, 20 lbs. makes a huge difference.
Thanks. I’m paying for it today.
Great work crushing it Rx dude
A. Based off an est 1RM 195
2CLO+1PC@ 115lb, 130, 135
CLO+1C @ 145, 155, 155
1C @ 165, 175, 185
B. 10:45 using 115lbs.
Most of lunges done in 2×6. All but one set of FS ub.
Will be feeling this one tomorrow. Enjoy!!
Nice lifts!! Looks like we tackled B in the same way, DOMS alarm is already ringing…
Yes eerily similar!! Nice job hitting this one at 130! I considered 125.. glad I did not.
Awesome week of training J
Skipped the cleans tonight, just not something I felt like working on. B. 11:54 Power cleans + front squats in 1 set, then all lunges in 1 set, for all 5 sets Lunges were horrible. My lower back started to get super tight so my breaks got too long. C. Made up Tuesdays workout, but scaled down to 600m run 2 rounds of 20cal bike + 600m run + 20 pullups in 12min timecap 10:59. Legs were fried after B. Biked at 600 watt pace first round, 510ish watt pace second round. Runs were super slow, pullups done 5/5/4/3/3 in… Read more »