One set of:
Assault Bike x 1 minute (note your RPM, breathing in and out through nose only)
Assault Bike x 1 minute @ base RPM + 10 (For example, if you started minute 1 at 50RPM, hold 60 RPM here. Maintain nasal breathing!)
Assault Bike x 1 minute at original RPM (focus on lengthening your exhales and bringing heart rate back down. Again, maintain nasal breathing)
Followed by…
Two sets of:
Single Dumbbell Burpee Deadlift x 3 per side
Kipping Pull-up x 6 OR Scapular Pull-up x 12 (perform kipping pull-ups if you plan on doing bar muscle-ups, perform scapular pull-ups if you plan on doing strict pull-ups)
In teams of three, complete two rounds for time:
100/70 Calories of Assault Bike
800 Meter Run (all teammates together)
60 Dumbbell Burpee Deadlifts
400 Meter Run (all teammates together)
20 Strict Pull-Ups
Time Cap = 40:00
Teammates can partition calories and repetitions as they see fit on the Assault Bike, Dumbbell Burpee Deadlifts and Strict Pull-Ups, but must all complete the running together and may not start on the next element until all three teammates have completed the run.
Had to adjust for solo and calf injury. 70c bike, 800 run, 20 DL Burpees, 400 row, 7 pull-ups, 33c bike, 800m row, 20 DLB, 400m row, 7 pull-ups. 35 minutes.