Two sets of:
60 Seconds of Muscle-Ups
Rest 60 seconds
60 Seconds of Alternating Pistols with Kettlebell (24/16 kg)
Rest 60 seconds
60 Seconds of Strict Handstand Push-Ups (or L-Seated DB Press)
Rest 60 seconds
60 Seconds of Strict Supinated-Grip Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
Rest 60 seconds
60 Seconds of L-Sit Hold
(try to accumulate 30-40 seconds within the minute)
Rest 60 seconds

Every minute, on the minute, for 9 minutes (3 sets each) for max reps:
Minute 1 – 30 seconds of Toes to Bar
Minute 2 – 30 seconds of Assault Bike for Calories
Minute 3 – 30 seconds of Ring Dips

Three sets of:
Reverse Snow Angels x 20 reps
Rest 30 seconds
Hollow Hold x 60 seconds
Rest 30 seconds

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May 3, 2016 5:20 am

A. Bryan (banded muscle ups, 16kg kb, hold knees to chest) – muscle ups – 6, 7. Pistols – 9, 9. Hspus – 4, 3. Pull ups – 13, 13. Knees to chest – 40 sec, 40 sec.
B. Bryan (burpees v bike) – t2b – 11,11,11. Burpees – 8, 8, 8. Ring dips – 8, 7, 7.
C. Bryan – Rx.

Dustin Coughenour
Dustin Coughenour
April 21, 2016 8:25 am

A.6/12/5/20/30 sec 5/10/5/16/30 sec
All I had time for

Matteo Kravczyk
Matteo Kravczyk
April 21, 2016 7:23 am

A: 3 / 24 / 12 / 13 / 45sec
3 / 22 / 14 / 12 / 45sec @ 1 MU = 3 Pull Ups + 4 Dips

B: 11 / 200m Run / 16
12 / 200m Run / 14
11 / 200m Run / 14

Yámande Philip Cartaxo de Alme
Yámande Philip Cartaxo de Alme
April 20, 2016 5:43 am

First round
14/15/14/14/l sit done
Second round
4/14/11/13/ l sit done
Pistols @12kg


Alex Villa
Alex Villa
April 19, 2016 6:49 pm

MU: 0/0 (would love advice on working up to muscle ups…)
Pistol: 10/11
HSPU: 7/5
Pull-Up: 8/7
L-Sit: 40/39

T2B: 5/6/7
Assault Bike: 0.24/0.24/0.25 KM (doesn’t have calories…)
Ring Dips: 4/3/2


Dustin Coughenour
Dustin Coughenour
April 20, 2016 8:36 am
Reply to  Alex Villa

Curious what app is that your using? I got my first muscle ups with focusing on an aggressive swing had to really kip forward hard in the beginning

Alex Villa
Alex Villa
April 20, 2016 2:28 pm

It’s called Strong. It’s not perfect for CrossFit but it’s FANTASTIC for a more typical linear progression lifting program where you have fixed routines.

I like it because they let you export all your data, and easily see progress/PR’s on your lifts.

April 19, 2016 3:13 pm

A. MU: 10 / 8
Pistol: 9 / 11
HSPU: 26 / 24
Pull-up: 13 / 12
L-sit: 43 / 46 (both cumulative)
B. GHD: 12/13/13
Row: 12/13/14
Push-up: 29/25/24
C. Rx

April 19, 2016 1:07 pm

A, B, C: Done. Skill work today

anders folger
anders folger
April 19, 2016 11:15 am

A. MU’s: 5,4
Pistols off of a box(still working on balance and form): 16, 16
SHSPU’s: 16, 14
Strict C2B’s: 14, 13
L-sit on rings: ~24sec each round 6-7 sec at a time

B. T2B: 20,16,16
Rows(no assault bike): 13,12,11
Strict ring dips: 16,14,13

C. Core too smoked for hollow holds, so just did 2 sets pop reverse snow angels. Still spicy.

Christopher Gransbury
Christopher Gransbury
April 19, 2016 9:49 am

Started my day with daily ROMWOD to try and work out some hip/lower back pain before this workout. Made a huge difference! A. Bar Muscle ups: 2 & 2 (Couldn’t find a rhythm today, failed 4-5 each minute, not sure why) Subbed 20″ step ups w/ 40lb DB’s (Can’t do pistols): 6 & 6 each leg L-Seated DB press w/ 50lb DB’s: 6 & 12 (40lb DB) Strict chest to bar pull-ups: 8 & 8 L-sit: 35 seconds & 35 seconds accumulated B. Toes-to-bar: 14-11-13 Subbed rowing for cal (no assault bike): 13-13-14 Ring dips (kipping): 13-13-13 C. Rx Cash… Read more »

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