Every 5 minutes, for 30 minutes (6 sets) for times:
Run 400 Meters
8 Strict Pull-Ups
12 Toes to Bar
16 Push-Ups
Please note times for each of the six sets.
Every 90 seconds, for 12 minutes (2 sets of each):
Station 1 – 60 seconds of Reverse Snow Angels (slow & controlled)
Station 2 – 60 seconds of Side-Plank Hold (Left Side)
Station 3 – 60 seconds of Band Pull-Aparts
Station 4 – 60 seconds of Side-Plank Hold (Right Side)
A. Did six rounds, got slower by 30 seconds each round haha. Muscle failure on pull ups and push ups in 3rd round…. I’m too heavy, strict pull ups are pretty much weighted lol
3:02, 3:28, 3:54, 4:31, 5:06, 5:40
I rested 1:30 between each round
Runs were between 2:00-2:20 each round
Skipped part B. Got a 5 week old baby boy to get home to!
Took thursday off and did this on the afternoon of Friday.
Hi hang – 70kg/75kg/80kg/85kg/90kg/95kg
Hang clean – 100kg/105kg/110kg/115kg
Clean – 120kg/125kg/130kg
All reps felt good today. This is the most I’ve cleaned since Dec 2016. Stoked!
B. 5:54
Bike in 1:42
BBJO’s finished at 4:20ish (I really fell apart on these).
Cleans were steady singles.
I was legitimately terrified on my first few BBJO’s – was not sure I could get my legs high after cycling pretty hard! Held on at the end on the cleans although my legs were dying..
I might do Fridays upper body work now..
Deadlifts up to 425
B.Than did emom 10
10 pull-ups
C. 70 push-ups and 50 TTB in 7 mins
Freezing rain here today so punted on the running….I did however put up a rope climb/ring muscle up station in my backyard last weekend will post pics soon
Really strong on the deadlifts and I like the change ups on the workout too. There was no way I was running outside on Monday here either. I look forward to seeing the setup.
Thanks mike hopefully we all see a warmup soon!
Killed it. Can’t wait to see the new toys
Thanks Joey!
A. 2:48 – 3:03 – 3:10 – 3:29 – 4:11 – 4:46
Gymnastics progressively got slower as lactic acid built up and I couldn’t recover, it totally snowballed. Cramp started during 3rd run and amplified with time. Not gonna lie folks, it got ugly out there
B. Done
Completely destroyed but glad I got through it
Rest day tomorrow!
Way to push through. Go take care of your body now.
Thanks Mike!!
Finished with the cramp anyway. I call that a victory. (Just don’t tell the girls. They would laugh at us). ?
haha Thanks Ryan!
2.48 first round!! Well done for making it through
Thanks! Your super consistent times are impressive on this one
You deserve the rest brother!!!
Thanks boss!
A. 3:40, 4:10, 3:56, 3:35, 4:10, 4:32
Props to everyone who went under or right around 3:00 a round!
B. Done
C. Foam rolling and stretching. My legs are sore from yesterday. I thought I was going to cramp up on the first run, but loosened up after that.
Nice consistency Mike! You took it home on that 4th round well done
All done subbed 200 single under for 400m.
Between 2m15 and 30 sec left
A. 2:40, 2:50, 2:40, 2:43, 2:50, 2:55
B. Will hit later tonight
Dude, you’re on fire this week!
Thanks buddy! It’s bound to happen once in awhile!
Holy shit your A!! You really kicked ass congrats
Thanks man! Had to do the run on a treadmill which helps keep the pace. If I was running on the road, I’d for sure slow down.
Yeah I ran on a treadmil too, it helps keep the pace for sure! It’s either keep going or fall on your face which I almost did a few times haha
Snatch from blocks: 1@195lbs, 3×2 @ 175 lbs
2 front squats + 1 jerk, 4 sets at 225 lbs
Deadlift 4×5 @ 235
Modified to
40 double unders
8 strict pull-ups
12 T2B
16 push ups
4 rounds+ 55 reps
Pull-ups were zestier than I expected.
3:15?, 3:12, 3:15, 3:12, 3:10, 3:08
I had a 12 min break after the first round because of a pjone call I had to take. But I didn’t feel like redoing.
I really wanted to scale but made myself go for it. Broke everything up but the running. Oh well. Mixed grips on the pull ups after three rounds. All ttb were 8/4, push up were 10/6, pull ups were 4/2/2 or sometimes singles on the last couple. All told ouch.
B. Done but did shoulder mobility instead of pull aparts because I was without a band.
Awesome work!! Great times
Thanks Joey!
Great work! Really fast and consistent.
It’s the treadmill. Pacing is so much easier then outside. Soon it will be spring enough to venture out. ?
Pjone calls are the worst.
A. 2:33/2:39/2:50/3:11/3:07/3:24 Everything cramped on the last rd. ?
B. Done
Your posting late. Rough day? Forgot the coffee? Second workout of the same one today but don’t tell any of us because you work that hard? That sentence make sense?
Ha, I’m at training for 2 weeks back at the academy. Night workouts it is for this week and next! No reason to get up early since I literally have nothing to do after 5:30pm except workout and eat a double helping of Chipotle ?
Double Chipotle is legit! You crushed it. I feel you on the forearms.
Really I just get double meat, sometimes they’re stingy. Plus, I’ve still got time to get rid of the love-handles before summer ?
There you go. Gotta get that extra ab work in for beach season!
Crazy fast and I like the post workout choice!
You destroyed this my friend
A. Done. Subbed 1000m AB for run again to save my right knee from a pounding.
AB/total 1:32/2:35, 1:29/2:43, 1:30/2:56, 1:38/3:09, 1:41/3:22, 1:45/3:48.
AB got real and definitely affected my other movements. That was a good one.
B. Subbed with quad/IT band/ knee MWOD’s. Hoping to take care of this nagging knee issue without bringing in an orthopod.
AB makes it even worse, good work
This is the simplest truth I’ve seen written today. My buddy was running and it was demoralizing watching him go UB on pull ups/t2b rounds 4&5. I can normally do that with these reps but not after the devil’s tricycle.
I know what you mean, It’s really not a fair sub for anything
You chose the AB? Monstrosity.
I HATE the AB but it doesn’t hurt my knee. The choice was dictated by some lateral pain in my right knee. It’s either my meniscus or IT band. I feel better everyday so I’m putting off a doc visit but if it goes past tomorrow I’ll be making an appointment.
Mobility Mobility Mobility…tons of work on the lower half…feels soooooo much better now! A. 3:16 / 3:09 / 3:08 / 3:17 / 3:44 / 3:26 400m run on treadmill 8 Pull ups (5 strict / 3 kip) 12 T2B (8/4, 7/5, 3/9, 7/5, 8/4, 8/4) 16 Push ups (UB,UB, UB, UB, 10/6, 10/6) B. Done….man this part was WAY harder than it looks on paper! My shoulders have gone to find a new home! Snow Angels un-weighted Side planks (on hand with arm in the air 1st sets / on elbow with arm in the air 2nd sets) Band pull… Read more »
Killed it!
Crushed it girl
A. 4:30,4:35,5:00,5:04,4:52*
Added an extra minute of rest after rounds 3 and 4. Also did 5 rounds because I can’t read good and stuff.
B. Out of time, off to toddler swim lessons.
A. 3:33,3:22,3:28,3:50,4:06,4:31*
B. Done, under protest and with considerable bitching.
*Our setup is not extremely conducive to the 400m run. Probably adds 30s+ in travel time per round between rig/platform and run start. We won’t complain though, we probably need that rest!
GREAT work Anika and Luke! Toddler swim lessons sounds WAY more fun than B was!!
Toddler swim lessons, where some kids are fish and others just scream ?
Late to the party
A. Back Squat: 260/270/275/285/280 x 6 reps each set — should have gone a little heavier!
B. 12-min AMRAP
— 10 Burpees
— 20 Meters of Walking Lunges
— 30 Double-unders
Rx: 7 Rounds
Only up to 285#…what was this your rest day Teddy? Haha JK…awesome work…and great to see that you got the running lunges down also!
Ditto, even I did 285 yesterday. I think he posted his warm up sets!
Candy I’m trying I’m trying! Just wasn’t feeling it today. I actually got TOO much sleep last night, AND with a one year old, say whaaaaa!
Beast. That is all.
Teddy… do you even lift, bro?
Sometimes I wear a headband and hit the elliptical.
A. E5min: 400m run, 8 S.pull ups,12 T2B, 16 push up.
First 3 rounds unbroken, then only broke T2B
B. Done
Crushed it – great work.
Thanks. I was real woozy on the last two 400s.

Hahahahaha! I’m sure that’s a very accurate portrayal! Love it:-)
smoked that man, well done
Killed it!!
Nice work JT!
A) Rx 2:50, 2:58, 2:57, 3:03, 3:18, 3:22
– pull-ups 5/3 all sets
– T2B 8/4 first four sets then 5/4/3 last two sets
– push ups 10/6 all sets
T2B fell apart at end of fourth round
B) completed
Nice consistent times! Great work
So fast 🙂
Fast Wes, super fast
Smart to break from the beginning. I should have read this before trying
A) EMOM 12′ 1. 20 DUs 2. 1 SHSPU This is a repeat from last week, DUs were not that smooth today, after all of yesterday’s practice my calves were on fire. My victory was on the HSPU section, last week I had to switch to negatives in the middle of the EMOM, today I managed to knock do at least 1 HSPU in all sets. B) Not for time: 35 GHD situps 1 accumulated minute of knee raised sit on parallel bars 35 GHD situps Took me around 11 minutes to complete; I don’t use the GHD that much… Read more »
Solid solid volume today! Awesome work on the SHSPU progress. That’s a ton of GHD work; let us know how the abs feel tomorrow 🙂
Love the SHSPU progress… small victories are starting to add up! Nice work
A. Modified for shinsplint: 1mile AB for run
2:57 3:11 3:34 3:45 3:58 4:06
Nice steady decline in power output
B. Today is the first beautifull springday of the year here in The Netherlands so I went outside for some heavy sandbag carries and some vitamin d!
You live in the Netherlands? Can I move in?
Actually, you can haha
Nice use of AB, I am going to do the same tomorrow. Well done though
Haha thnx. The AB definitely worked into the other movements so that got real pretty quick. Good luck tomorrow!
The AB has a way of wearing you down quickly. It’s much Easier to maintain a steady 400m pace
I’m trying to make friends with it, still waiting for it to buy me a drink back
Haha I know the feeling. Just when I think I’m getting somewhere with it, BAM it puts me in my place
A. As Rx (except 12 – 2p American KB Swings for TTB)
2:45, 2:48, 2:48, 2:58, 3:09, 3:25
… compelling inner discussion about why 5 rounds would be enough … happy that I saw it through.
Good work. The fifth and sixth rounds were some mental gaming!
GJ pushing through that man… always feels good after
Way to grind it out bud!
You paid the man on that fourth round ?
I had that same conversation about 5 rounds being a good idea. Ha
… more respect for your times after doing it myself tonight. Was totally going to bail on the 6th round but I couldn’t be that guy after what i said this morning lol
A. 120, 125, 130, 130×6, 125×10 reps
B. Did fitness today. 5+15 cals