April 17, 2019 – Performance

Spinal Segmentation Drill x 5 reps
Scapular CARs x 5 in each direction per side
Shoulder CARs x 5 in each direction per side

Followed by…

Kettlebell Halos x 10 (5 in each direction)
Kettlebell Press x 5 (left side)
Kettlebell Windmills x 5 (left side)
Kettlebell Press x 5 (right side)
Kettlebell Windmills x 5 (right side)
Kettlebell Push Press x 5 (left side)
Kettlebell Waiter Carry x 20-25 yards (left side)
Kettlebell Push Press x 5 (right side)
Kettlebell Waiter Carry x 20-25 yards (right side)

Every two minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets) of:
Strict Shoulder Press x 3-4 reps

Go as heavy as possible!

Every two minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets) of:
Push Press x 3-4 reps

For time:
40/30 Calories of Assault Bike
40 Burpee Pull-Ups
(pull-up bar 6-10″ above standing reach)

Compare results to July 5, 2018.

Heads Up – Systems Upgrade Coming!
We are upgrading our commenting system starting Monday, April 22nd from Disqus to Thrive. This is in effort to speed up the page loading and give you more capabilities in the commenting process and community building. The comments that were on previous days training for the past 12 months (April 22, 2018) will be moved to WordPress comments – so you will still be able to see them – BUT they will not be linked to your account in Disqus. If there’s any training information you put in a comment that you didn’t record somewhere else, please make sure you do that this week!

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February 6, 2025 7:47 am

A: 4 reps @ 45 kgs, 47.5, 50, 52.5
B: 4 reps @ 55 kgs, 57.5, 60, 62.5
C: 6:55 min @ 40 cal Row 6*, Burpee 10 reps + 10 + 10, PU @ Orange band 5 reps + 5 + 5 + 5

Bjorn brickell
Bjorn brickell
May 10, 2019 6:33 pm

Shoulder press @55Kg
Push press @72.5Kg
WOD: 7:59 calories on C2 rower

Oliver Severin Mulelid-Tynes
Oliver Severin Mulelid-Tynes
May 10, 2019 3:33 pm

Been missing all this warmup work I never bother doing when not following a program ?

40kg presses

50kg push presses

No assault bike so did 40cal row and 40 burpees to extra high target and then trained some pullups afterwards. Using bands to do burpee pullups just kills the flow of the metcon so didn’t bother with that.

Dad tendons in left shoulder complaining a bit when pressing, but felt pretty good after warmup drills and some extra scapula pushups.

May 10, 2019 3:17 pm

Yesterday evening additional: some 95 kg sandbag carry and 4 sets supine grip ring rows from a box @21X1 x8-10 This blew up my back and neck a bit. A. Strict press E2M x3-4 5x50kg/4×60/3×65/3×65 B. Push press E2M x3-4 4×70/4×75/3×80/3×80 Felt solid, beside low back felt tender. Would you guys recommend wearing a belt here? C. 40 cal AB 2:30 30 Burpees steady and efficient 20 strict pull ups,1,1,1,1 Score: 8:01 Warmup was great, thank you so much for the additional input! I enjoy this a lot! I actually was thinking about a resting today, but I am… Read more »

May 10, 2019 3:17 pm

s.p 135 135 140(3) 140(3)

p.p 155 166 171 176

The clock has turned off.

Andrew K Kirk
Andrew K Kirk
May 10, 2019 3:08 pm

A. Strict 75×4, 85×4, 95×4, 95×4
Push press 95×4, 95×4, 95×4, 95×3

B. 7:15 scaled
40 cal row
20 burpee pull-ups

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