Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 6 minutes of:
10 Pull-Ups
15 Push Press (115/75 lbs)
20 Kettlebell Swings (24/16 kg)
Rest 4 minutes, and when the clock reaches 10:00 complete the following…
Complete as many reps as possible in 6 minutes of:
Row 1000 Meters
Max Reps of Burpees Over the Erg
Rest 4 minutes, and when the clock reaches 20:00 complete the following…
Complete as many reps as possible in 6 minutes of:
Run 800 Meters
20 Toes to Bar
Max Reps of Push-Ups
A. Bryan – 2 rds. + 10 pull ups. Christy – 1 rd. + 10 pu + 15 pp.
B. Bryan (run 800m v row) – 25. Christy – 17.
C. Bryan – 22. Christy – 16 t2b.
D. Bryan (1rm front squat attempt) – 235#. Christy – 125#.
A. 2 rds + 18
B. 18 Burpee
C. 40 push-up
A. 2+15 PP
B. 21 burpee
C. 50 push-up
A: 2 rounds + 14 reps @ PP 75# / KB 12kgs
B: 1000 m Row = 100 Row 45# BB / 26 Burpees Over the BB
C: PU 22
A: rx: 2+37
B: 16 burpees
C: 14 pushups
A. 90# push press 2 rounds +3 pull-ups
B. Rx: 20 burpees
C. Rx: 20 push-ups
As Rx: 2 rounds + 10 pull ups
As Rx: 17 burpees
As Rx: 21 push ups (Huge transition time to get from the treadmill to the pull-up bar killed me on this one. Probably wasted at least 30 seconds. Really annoying)
A. 2 rounds + 20 reps – busted chin on one of last push presh reps (had to slow down towards the end)
75# PP, 75# DL instead of KB – need to buy a 24 KG KB.
B. Sub’d 20 med ball cleans for row (14#)
42 reps
C. 28 reps as RX’d