Wall Slides x 10 @ 3131
Russian Baby Makers x 10
Cuban Press x 10
Overhead Squats x 10
Single-Leg Jumps x 10
Every 90 seconds, for 15 minutes (10 sets):
2 Snatch Lift-Offs + High Hang Snatch
(pause 2 seconds at mid patella on each of the lift-offs)
Build from approximately 65% to today’s heavy. If you miss, reduce the load and repeat that set. If you miss twice, move to the next portion of the workout.
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
7 Power Snatches (135/95 lbs)
14 Toes to Bar
A. go to 52.5 kgs
B.3 rounds + 7 reps @ 40 kgs
A. Subbed in the Snatch workout from the competition blog, always liked their snatch sessions
HHS @ 115/125/135
HS @ 145/155/165
3 position HHS+HS mid thigh + HS below knee @ 145/155/160
Snatch lift off x2 + Snatch @175/185/190
B. 3+7Rx
Tougher combo than I was expecting, I thought I would be close to 4rd
A. Up to 105 lb
B. 5 rounds w 110 lb
A) Weightlifiting session. I did hang squat snatches, power clean + power jerks, back squats, db bench press and glute ham raises
B) I didn’t want to cicle snatches after 80min of weightlifiting. So, I did the competition workout
12min AMRAP
30 air squats
20 C2B
10 burpees to 6″
4 rounds + 35 reps (a few no reps during the C2B)
A. Haven’t done this sequence before so just stayed with 95lbs for all sets
B. Scaled to 95lb
3 rounds + 7 PS and 6 TTB
Back after a few weeks on the road with a few hotel WODs scattered in.
A. 2×95, 2×115, 2×135, 4×145
B. 4 rds even w/95#
C. Max AB cals in 30s on the 2.5min for 4 sets: 20/21/17/18
It’s going to take a few weeks to get things working correctly again?
Basecamp W2:D1
A. Back squat 3 x 5-7 @3331; rest 2-3min
165/175×7, 185×5 @tempo
B1. Suitcase RNT split squat 3 x 5-7 @3111; 1 min rest
3×7 @tempo with 45’s
B2. S-A kb front rack carry 30m ea/arm
Done with 70lb
C1. Lean away strict ring pull up 3 x 3-5 @31×1; 1 min rest
3×5 @tempo
C2. Weighted forearm plank 3 x :40-:60
3 x :50 with 25lb plate
D. 3 rds for quality
12 kb walking lunges 53’s
:30 rest
10-12 dB upright rows @21×1
10 ea/arm with 25’s then 2 x 12 ea/arm with 15’s @tempo
Went up to 70Kg for final sets of snatch. Found it hard to keep speed under the bar near the end. Bottom position felt sloppy.
WOD @ 40Kg. 3 rounds 4 T2B