Two sets of:
Row x 250 meters
Kettlebell Sumo Deadlift x 10 reps
Kettlebell Suitcase Deadlift x 10 reps per side
Followed by…
Two sets of:
Wall Ball Kang Squat x 10 reps
Dive-Bomber Push-up x 10 reps
Wall Ball Walking Lunge x 10 reps
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 30 minutes of:
500 Meter Row or 400 Meter Run
40 Double-Unders
300-Foot Farmer’s Carry (32/24 kg KBs)
20 Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg)
10 Strict Pull-Ups
scaled to 50# dbs and 24kg, what I had but also what I needed
3+19 du like last week all about the du. I don’t know where they went but they are gone for now. At singles and could do unbroken 10s and 20s even when gassed a while ago.
400m row
4 20m-lines of farmers
Kipping pull ups
#4 rounds and the farmers
4 even
3+5 pull-ups Rx
A. 4+327m row
B. E2MOM for 10’
10 V-ups
5 tall box jumps
6 rounds
31-22 min
1000 bike erg
40 singles
100 lb farmer -50 per side
40 lb kb swing
130 lb lay pull downs
In wall ball kang squats and wall ball lunges, do you actually throw the ball, or does it just mean carry the weight?
4 rounds even with 400m run and 55# dbs on the farmer carry.