Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Two sets of:
Thoracic Flexion x 30 seconds (focus on breathe)
Thoracic Rotation x 10 reps each side
Banded Hamstring Pulses x 8-10 reps
and then …
Rocking Bridge Shoulder Opener x 45 seconds
Two sets of:
Strict Muscle-Up Rocking Transition x 5-6 reps
followed by . . .
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
Strict Muscle-Up x 1-2 reps OR False Grip Strict Pull Up to Sternum x 2-4 reps
followed by . . .
Two sets of:
Prone Upper Back Muscle Recruitment for Ring Muscle-Ups x 10 reps
*Set 1 – 10 reps @ 50% of 1-RM
*Set 2 – 10 reps @ 60%
*Set 3 – 8 reps @ 75%
*Set 4 – 6 reps @ 85%
*Set 5 – 4 reps @ 90%
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
Every minute, on the minute, for 15 minutes, complete:
Minute 1: Thrusters x 8 reps
Minute 2: Burpees over the Barbell x 10 reps
Minute 3: Toes-to-Bar x 12 reps
and then . . .
Three rounds for time of:
Thrusters x 8 reps
Burpees over the Barbell x 10 reps
Toes-to-Bar x 12 reps
40-49: 115/75 lbs
50-59: 95/65 lbs
60+: 65/45 lbs; Burpees over the Barbell x 8 reps; Toes-to-Bar x 10 reps
Took rest day Wednesday so did this Thursday.
Mobility done.
A. Nowhere near a muscle up so adapted all of this to still be challenging – as many false grip pull ups I could do.
B. DL done up to 85kgs
C. Opted for front squat as can’t manage thrusters at the minute. Almost done, I slipped on the 5 round of the EMOM & smashed my knee on the floor and had to stop! Bruised but no real damage
Done on Thursday.
Mobility done.
A – Still struggling with rocking transitions. Did EMOM with 2 Strict MUs.
B – 10@210, 10@255, 8@315, 6@355, 3@380 (bailed on 4th rep – could feel back rounding)
C – The part of this workout I enjoyed the most was putting the weights away when it was over. Done. Thrusters @115. Subbed V-ups with 20# med ball for T2B. 3 RFT 7:42.
A day behind with limited time today before physio.
Mobility done
Then 1 strict MU per minute for 10 minutes.
Then Deadlift section: 140/175/205/235/245– only got 2. Was a bit hesitant on last set. MU ok–a few really slow pulls so turn over was slow but still made them all
DMA done.
A. Pick-a-boos, MU transitions, dips. All felt good.
B. DL 135/155/195/225/255 and then 1 @ 275#.
C. Started w/Thrusters @ 75# (light), but out-of-nowhere felt some pain in left shoulder. Did not continue with burpees. T2B felt fine, so did several sets of 5 reps just to be safe. Stopped there. I hope it’s just because of I haven’t taken a day off since last Thursday since my days off were Wed/Thu last week due to scheduling.
Then just ran a 6:30 mile and went home downbeat. 🙁 Hopefully, Friday will bring me better news.
Mobility done A. Strict MU min 1-2, 2MU. Min 3-10, 1MU. Had a couple fails in the 3-10 sets. This was harder than I expected today. Haven’t done strict MUs in awhile. Need to do more of them. Looking forward to completing this emom in the future with doubles for all 10 sets. Muscle recruitment done B. Deadlift 10@165, 10@195, 8@245, 6@275, 4@295 C. Did not go well for me today. Mentally still nursing my calf muscles and the burpee jumping over the bar was taxing. Cut the reps in half on the 15 min EMOM and decided to call… Read more »
It is hard when you are dealing with pain that makes you limited in your movement. I hope that calf heals up quickly!
Mob done
A. SMU 10×2 I’m no gymnast but I enjoyed those. Thanks again for the drills. I’m feeling stronger/smoother on these movements it seems each week.
A2 done
B. 230/275/345/395/415
C1- done
C2- 6:33. Blog Post on T2B helped me clear up a mechanical flaw. Thanks.
Post rev hyper.
Strong deads Art!
Thanks, settling in with my DL over the last several weeks DL work. Moving my running from Wed to Thursday has helped as well.
Awesome Art!! And great work on your DL!
Some of the MOB
A. only able to get like 1-3 of those at one time- a work in progress
A2. Did singles got most of the them- did about 10 strict today
B. did bench 10×155/10×185/12×225/5×245/2×265
C I did 12 cals on bike/5 bar muscle ups/12 TTB
8:16 the combo of TTB and Bar MUs started to be a bummer
You were cranking out those bar MUs today Al, getting proficient!
That training that you and Cheryl helped me with last time really is starting to click. The TTB made it challenging to keep doing that volume of MUs. I did the math it was 96 TTB and 40 MUs
But who’s counting? ?
You!!! You are always counting.
Not me! 😉
Mobility done
A1. Rocking transitions done
A2. 10 sets strict x 2 reps
B. Up to 355 x 4 reps
C. Went unbroken until 4th round toes to bar
3 rounds for time 8:13 totally lost my core on toes to bar everything else went well.
Nice going on the MUs Jeff.
Great work Jeff!
Mobility done
A1. Rocking transitions done
A2. Mins 1-3: 2 strict MU, Mins 4-10: 1 strict MU
A3. Upper back muscle recruitment done
B. 185×10, 225×10, 275×8, 315×6, 330#x4. Oofda!!!
C. Subbed out thrusters with 3 UB Ring MU
(MU: 12-16 secs, BOB: 20-22 secs, T2B: 15-16 secs).
3 rounds for time: 5:10
Fun workout but have a feeling I will be feeling those heavy deads….6 reps at 85%, 4 reps at 90%!!! Ouch!
Oh my that’s heavy Cheryl! ? Good for you!!
Super strong today Cheryl. Nice job on the deads!
So strong Cheryl!!
How are you feeling today after the deads Cheryl?
Surprisingly good! Only a slight bit of tightness in the posterior!
Mobility done.
A. Ring pullups to sternum EMOM.
B. Dead lifts. Got to 85% and only got 1. Lower back and psoas not feeling it today.
C. 15min. EMOM of 8 Thrusters, 13 cal. bike and 12 ttb. Rested 1 min. then 3 rounds in 8:45. Thrusters felt good but bike slowed and ttb really fell apart.
So wrecked today. Getting a massage and resting hard…
Agreed feeling really beat up
Rest up Kincaid!
Mobility Done
A. 2 Strict False grip Pull-ups-Work in progress
B. 135/160/200/230/240
C1. Done
C2. 7:14-T2B not on point today-Slowed down on the last set.
Felt good today-Glad to rest tomorrow…Hands are sore 🙂
Strict ring to chest pull ups
Built to 275 4xs
Did the emom using 85lbs and bar facing burpees also did the 3 rounds for time using 85lbs 5:07 lateral burpees this time .
Swim practice with the kids
All on 5 hrs of sleep goodnight ?
Great work Bethanne – hope you got more than 5 hours of sleep last night!
B. 215-255-325-360-385
Skipped everything else. Resting some body parts.
Mtb ride in the evening.
Mobility – done
A. Did 2 SC2B pull-ups using rig instead of rings on each minute
B. DL’s 150/180/225/255/270 Felt pretty good on these!
C. Altered the workout to rest shoulders again today:
Squat cleans instead of thrusters
Air squat then box-overs at 24″
GHD’s X 10R’s
Time for 3 rounds: 5:55
Nice Barry!
DMA done
A1: don’t have rocking transition or strict MU. did false grip PU
B: 185,205,255,285,300
C1: done C2: 5:19
Great work Gene!
Thanks Nichole.
Did strict Chest to ring pull up x2 emomx10min
Will do Deadlifts tomorrow. Emom and rft took a lot out of me today.
D&A done
A. Just did 10 strict MUs short on time. 1 every minute
B. 150/175/205/250/265
C. Thrusters 15-16 sec
Burpee 18-22
T2B 15-16
3 rounds:
4:53. RX
Total time_ 19:53
Good day!
hot Bikram Yoga tonight!
Fast Tracy!!
Is the 3 rds for time suppose to start immediately following the EMOM?
Yes. Unfortunately. 🙂
Yes! 🙂
dyn/Mob Done A1) strict m/u transitionx5rps ( i used a thin blk band-there was no way I could do this drill otherwise 🙁 ) 2) emom m/u : successful got up to 4rd doing 2 singles after that got two more in with the rest fails total of 7rps 3) prone upper w/2 1/2 lbs B) DL: 145×10,175×10,220×8,250x6rps,260×4 ( last two rps used straps..I suffrered a pevious injury from a failed rep. I had lifted and my grip failed so I took precaution-it alllowed me to keep the same tempo after I put them I hope thats ok? my arms… Read more »
Great work today Lise!
thanks Nicole! 🙂 this programming is working! XO hope your great ! keep up the good work!<3
10 strict MU *kinda feel weak today
DL based off 475 could not pull the 425 today, tells me my CNS might be a little cooked
2 kipping MU every 2 min for 12min
Wodapalooza 40 HSPU, went UB 1st try 50sec
C.only did Emom
Avg: 17 sec for thrusters @115
23 sec for burpee
25 T2b
Everything UB
40 UB HSPU? I can’t even get 40 UB reg. pushups. Wow!
Lol I surprised myself I have a fear of these because I hurt my neck doing GRID match two years ago and it still bothers me. It worked out today
Now go decompress it!
It’s crazy cuz this morning I woke and it felt awful, now it feels fine, as long as I’m standing up. Scheduled scraping and dry needle for next week
Nice Job Pete!
Ha! You are doing awesome Pete! Good luck with the rest of your Wodapalooza!
I don’t understand why I’m so slow on T2B, no matter what I always feel I should be way better and way faster when needed.