Workout of the Day
Dynamic Mobility and Activation
Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes, complete:
Minute 1 – Banded Hamstring Floss x 12-15 reps per side
Minute 2 – Bird Dogs x 10 reps per side
Minute 3 – Banded Lat Stretch x 30 seconds per side
and then . . .
One set of:
Cat/Cows x 10 reps
Every minute, on the minute, for 9 minutes:
Minute 1 – Bar Muscle-Up x 3-5 reps OR Jumping Bar Muscle-Up x 5 reps
Minute 2 – Rope Climb x 2 ascents
Minute 3 – Double Unders x 40 unbroken reps
Every minute, on the minute, for 9 minutes (9 sets)
Deadlift x 1 rep @ 80%
*Get tight and the concentric portion of the lift needs to be performed as fast as possible to a strong lockout by the glutes
Every 5 minutes, for 30 minutes (6 sets), complete:
Run 400 Meters
Toes to Bar x 15 reps
Kettlebell Swings x 30 reps
40-54: 32 kg/24 kg
55+: 24 kg/16 kg
Three sets of:
Dumbbell Roll Back Extensions x 10 reps @ 2111
Rest 60 seconds
Heavy Farmers Carry x 60 seconds
Rest 60 seconds
Seated Dumbbell Press x 8-10 reps @ 2011
Rest 60 seconds
We are pleased to announce our next Invictus Athletes’ Camp! Camp will be held October 23-25 at Behemoth CrossFit in Houston, TX. Please click here for more information and to register.
Sign Me Up For the Invictus Athletes’ Camp
Mob. Done
A. Done
B. 132.5 = 80%
C. 3 rds scaled to 400 m run 12 t2b, 20 kbs@ 24kg. 3.05, 3.11, 3.32. Limited time today.
A: 3 Bar MUs as singles, still working on stringing them together. Rope climbs and DUs
B. 9x 310#
C: Round 1,2,3 went fine. Capped on KBs in round 4, and 5 started KBs just after the 3 minute mark. Completed last round beyond the cap.
D: Done with 2x 1.5 pood KBs
Did some m and a first. On the Thursday nz time I ended up doing a wod for a pound for pound competition. Then I did this workout the next day without c and d. So kinda did a split workout. A did MU unbroken x 3, rope climbs and only did 1set of du 40unbroken. Having issues with left Achilles. Am seeing someone about this at mo. B did snatch 3 pause deadlift, wanted to do this as hadn’t done in a while, have been doing this since seeing u Nicole in May. Feel this has helped my snatch… Read more »
Mobility done
A) done sort of. This whole thing was a struggle today.
B) still don’t want to do a lot of reps at weight so did this building instead. 115,135,145,155,165,175,185,195,205
Wod with class Helen. Subbed .5 mile air dyne for run and ring rows for pull ups. 9:02. Kbs really made my back cranky today. Had to do a lot of decomp and mobility after
Mobility done
A. 5 unbroken bar muscle ups, 2 rope climbs 12-15 seconds, all rounds unbroken dubs
B. #330 all rounds
C. So modified this a little, it was a cool 104 today lol with crappy air quality so we did 200 meter row, 8 ttb, rounds 1-4, 15 on rounds 5,6, went 8-7, 15 u.b. to finish all rounds 2:25-2:35.
D. Ran out of time.
Feeling better though red lines are getting easier to handle.
Wednesday off day for work stuff.
A. Ring MUs, dubs
B. 365
C. Completed, scaled down KB volume gradually after 1st set.
Activity & Mob done
A. No place to hang rings or rope at home – will try to do this tomorrow
B. 225# (I think I need to move up)
C. 3:10 / 3:11 / 3:26 / 3:24 / 3:32 / 3:59 (* had to use a 24kg KB)
D. Done
Been busy this week, this session was cherry picking from the last couple days.
A. 1-RM OHS: 175, a 20# PR. Was comfortable with 185 sitting in the bottom, lost it about half up. A bit surprising as its been months since I’ve been able to hold weight overhead with a snatch grip, my hand has been pain free for a couple weeks now.
B. 1-RM Split Jerk: Up to 195, 10# below PR
C. Front Squats: Done
D. Todays C. 32kg bell turned out to be a bit too much, so 5 rounds every 6min and only 20 swings.
Great job on your OHS!
A. Done but struggled with BMUs, needs work.
B. Done 130kg
C. Rnd 1-5 3:40-4:20 Rnd 6 5:00
D. Ran out of time
A – Done. DUs solid. MUs – alternated regular with jumping. Used jumping ones to focus on timing of grip transition for press out. Sometimes I get a little off with that and don’t rotate my hands on top of the bar efficiently.
B – 345
C – 3:50/3:52/4:02/4:12 then got booted because CF Kids class starting
D – done. DBRB at 35#, FC with 70# KB with towels thru handles, Seated Press 45# DB
A. Done with Jumping M/U; avaliable rope height is only 12′
B. 225lb at bit more than 80%
C. Sub’d 250m Row: 4:09,4:24,4:15,4:14,4:27,5:02
D. 2x 35lb / 2x 70lb / 2x 45lb
A. worked DU 16/26/15; did EMOM 5 1 BMU; no rope…really working ring transition work on side
B. (310); 250.4
C. actually did all the running; scaled to 18 russian kbs/12 TTB to stay within time frame
D. had no hands left for this
Nice work Karen!
Thanks Nicole. I found a means to keep the symptoms of my plantar fasciitis at bay. I have had no pain for weeks…until today. This was a test. It’s back, but hoping I can reel it in again in 24-48 hrs. Here is my taping method with regular athletic tape…plus a few exercises spreading my toes and tweezing something as if to pick it up off the floor.
Fantastic Karen – thank you for sharing!
Mobility and activation done
A. Done (5 MU, 2 Rope Climbs, 40 DU unbroken)
B. 365# (superset w/bent rows 5 reps at 155# per set)
C. 4:12, 4:36, 4:56, goodness. The last 3 all over 5:00. This had a high level of suck to it. :). But I enjoyed it..
D. DB exit at 35, FC w/ 70# KB, DB w/ 35#
Post -Iron Scap and Rev Hype work
MOB done
A. 5 bar mu UB, 2 climbs, 40 UB DUs
B. 285#
C. 3:12, 3:10, 3:08, 3:13, 3:25, 4:01. (Wowsers! Grip killah! UB through 5 rounds, had to break on 6th round-grip failure; we did Russian swings)
D. 20# DBs, 24kg KB, 20# DBs
Solid Cheryl!!!
A. Done with 3 bar MUs, 2 rope climbs, 40 unbroken DUs
B. 205#
C. Wow! That was awful! 4:05/4:20/4:40(25 KB swings)/4:40(20 KB)/4:35(20 KB)/4:55(20 KB)
Great work Leticia!
C-Class Today
10 min emom Clean/HC/Jerk up to 215
3 rounds at 165
12 PC
9 S2O
6 Bar MU
D-Done-25/70 no DB Press
Another hot day at the box. Sweating before I even started! Got my new Nike Invictus Metcon 1 today. I LOVE them! A. Done 5 Bar MU 2 rope climbs (getting better at rope climbs fewer pulls to get to the top) 40 DU B. 225 C. 3:09, 3:22, 4:03, 4:00, 3:54, 4:12 RX Kettlebells nearly killed me but I did it! Goodness me that was one of the most challenging WODs I have ever done. in fact I had to did deep on rounds 5, 6 just to push myself through. It’s hard training solo. D. No time I… Read more »
Hi Tracy letting u know its ok to post tips. I asked Nicole and this is perfect place for it. Please help haha.
Ok Great! Here is what I suggest on the Ring MU. Work on your “gymnastics swing”. get to hollow and open up your hips so you float through the rings. Then the turnover will be smoother and easer. Next tip- when you get tired is when things fall apart of course. you are getting really loose with your legs on the gymnastics swing at the end. try and keep those legs together and that core tight. You may think it will be harder, but keeping that tight core and fore will be more efficient and allow you to string more… Read more »
Sorry to bombard you. Here is what I think ur talking bout with opening shoulders. Then of course my bar muscle up.haha
Hi Quinn! YES! the swing looks good! you are getting a nice hollow position and not breaking in your shoulders. now add the hips to get the feel of the float. The bar muscle up looks good. Try to transition smoother off the top into the next MU. Think drop back (head neutral but keep those shoulder and arms engaged. You don’t have to dip on the bar that just slows your flow. I will see if my coach can video mine to show you what I mean. Nice change on the ring swing. I really like the hollow tight… Read more »
Great job!! I agree Part C was brutal!
Great work girl!!!
Not feeling too great right now, fighting a sinus infection and just plain tired! So modified today.
M/A done
A. done w/jumping BMU. Haven’t done rope climbs in many months so this was good to get back to! Dubs doing well now, too.
B, C, D. Skipped and rowed a 5k instead.
Time to rest up!
Mob and Act done
A. skipped
B. 230
C. 250m run, russian kbs 53#
D. Done
I’ve had some knee pain (both knees) for the past two weeks. Has happened before but not this bad. I’m not sure why but will continue to modify as needed and add more mobility.
Today I tried hydrotherapy and it was really helpful!
Keep us updated with how your knees feel – make sure you are mashing your quads and it bands!
A) 3 Bar MU’s/2 rope climbs/40 unbroken DU’s all three rounds. Used a blue band on the bar mu’s
B) 175#
C) RX’d 3:55/4:25/4:25/4:20/5:10/6:05 I feel like I half assed this effort…not super happy with it.
D) Db Ext. 15# and 20#/Farmer carry 53# KBs x2/seated SP 25#