Workout of the Day
Dynamic Mobility and Activation
Three sets of:
PVC T-Spine Opener x 20 seconds
Band Distracted Hip Flexor Stretch x 60 seconds
and then . . .
Three sets of:
Squat Snatch Press x 3 reps
Rest as needed
Take 12-15 minutes to build to a new 1-RM Overhead Squat
Every 2 minutes, for 20 minutes (10 sets), complete:
Hang Snatch + Snatch
Build over the course of the 10 sets.
Three sets of:
Front Rack Reverse Lunges x 8 reps each leg @ 3011
Rest 60-90 seconds
Weighted Pull Ups x 2-3 reps
Rest 60-90 seconds
Three sets of:
Banded Air Squats
x 60 seconds
Rest as needed
Reverse Snow Angels x 60 seconds
Rest as needed
We are pleased to announce our next Invictus Athletes’ Camp! Camp will be held October 23-25 at Behemoth CrossFit in Houston, TX. Please click here for more information and to register.
A. Overheadsquat Max 90kg
B. 50 – 67,5 kg
C. 70 kg lunges
Weighted Pull Ups 15, 20, 30 kg
M and A done
A. 215. 10 lb PR
B. Up to 145
C. 155; 16 lb
D. Done
Mobility Done
A: up to 165# only (not a PR, did not feel good at all, a bit of Labor Day Hidalgo hangover)
B: Kept snatches on the light side with technique focus up to 125#
C: no
D: no
Mobility done on snatch press. #45,55,65
A. #202.4, woohoo 17lb or
B. 40, 50, 55, 58, 60, 65, 70, 70 struggled with form, so dropped back down to 60, 60
C. Skipped, did group wod Monday with 300 meter lunge steps & 100 pull ups
D. Done
Squat Snatch Press with 33# bar
A) matched current pr of 103#; tried to push press 108# and failed…need to try a behind the neck jerk : )
B) Struggled with these today…not good commitment on my part.
C) Front Rack Lunges @ 63-73-83#
Called it a day…just wasn’t happening
– Mobility & Activation: Done
– Then… Squat Snatch Press – 95/95/95
A) instead of overhead squats – working on just building my knees back up with regular squatting – did 3×12 sets of back squats at 245# (65% of pre surgery 1RM)
B) doc recomends warm up with full squat snatches at light weight – 95/115/135/165 then went into hang snatch + snatch EMOM: 175×4, 180×2, & 185×4 sets.
C) done with 135# for front rack lunge and 1 pood for weights pull ups
D) done
A. #270 PR
B. # 220
C. Completed Weighted pull-ups #45
D. Done
Nice work Anthony!
A. up to 161.6 PR…old PR 160
B. up to 109.4, failed 116
C. 65#/10# (3), 15.5# (3), 21# (3)
D. done; used single strand red band
Awesome job Karen!
MOB done
A. 195# (PR)
B. 105-115-125-135-140-145-150(miss full)-150(miss hang)-150(miss full)
C. 95# and 35#
D. Done
Solid work Cheryl!!!!! Can you re-link the video? It is showing up as private!
Whoops! I fixed it, you should be able to play it now!
That a girl!!!
B-155 trouble with HHS today but worked through it
C-135 and 95/35/50 x 3
Mobility done
A) 125! Matches pre-injury PR!
B) up to 95! Failed once, but overall felt really solid
C) tried the lunges at 75 for first 8, did the rest at 65. Still broke them up into sets of 8. Worked on strict (unweighted) pull ups, 4 singles each set.
Fantastic Candace – so awesome to hear!
Mobility Done & snatch presses A. I only got to part A today because of a special fundraiser today at our gym. but I did 120# OHS (big PR by 40 # LOL last time I did a 1 rep max on this was this time last year!) The WOD today 800 meter run 8 Power cleans 8 burpees 8 pullups 600 meter run 6 power cleans 6 burpees 6 pull ups 400 meter run 4 power cleans 4 burpees 4 pull ups 200 meter run 2 power cleans 2 burpees 2 pull ups 400 meter run 4 pc 4… Read more »
What a great day! Congratulations on such a huge PR!!!
Mobility done
A. 185# (PR)
B. Worked up to 145#
C. Done (115# lunges, 25# dbx3)
D. Done
Solid work Joe!!
Lower back bit sore from online qualifier for comp in oct.
wanted to try my OHS
M and a done.
A got up to 83 kg for OHS which is 3 kg pr
B did this with 55 kg x 10sets. Once again, lower back sore so didn’t want to push it.
C started front rack lunge at 40kg with 12.5 kg pull ups x 2 for 2 sets then did 45kg with 17.5 kg pull ups x 2 reps
Skipped d and did some mobility instead
Awesome job Quinn!!!
A. Got 170# which ties my previous PR; felt tired when I got to 175# and failed the jerk, I think I have it in me as 170# felt pretty easy.
B. 105#, 105, 11, 110, 115, 115, 120, 120, 125, 125 (only got hang snatch on 125’s today)
C. Done with 85# for reverse lunges and 10# for weighted strict pull-ups
D. Ran out of time…hopefully later today
Nice job Leticia!!
DM&A Done
Sots @20-40kg
A: 90kg PR 5kg
B: 40-70kg f@77,5kg
C: Done @40kg & 15kg
D: Done
Awesome work Mikael!!!
A) 175# – matched previous PR. Failed at 185.
B) went about 6 sets, up to 125. Just not feeling it today
So, did ‘Loredo’ hero WOD with the box instead.
A. 115-175
B. 95-135
C. 135#/24kg
D. 100 banded hip bridges, 100 banded pull aparts
A. 140# (15# PR). Had 145 up but couldn’t lock it out on jerk. I can ohs way more than I can jerk…my problem is getting the bar popped up.
B. 75/75/80/80/85/85/90/90/95/100
C. 115# on lunges, worked butterfly pu
D. done
Awesome job Loretta – 15 lbs is huge!!!
Thanks Nichole! 🙂
A. 240#
B. upto 180#
C. done
D. done