Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Spend 30 seconds with each arm on Single Arm Hang from Bar; repeat twice
and then . . .
Spend 2 minutes on Rocking Box Bridge
and then . . .
Two sets of:
Wall Slides x 10 reps
Pec Stretch using a barbell x 30 seconds
and then . . .
One set of:
Ring Muscle-Up Reverse Pull-Up x 15 reps
Every minute, on the minute, for 2 minutes (1 set) of:
Interval 1 – Ring Swings x 10 reps
Interval 2 – Large Ring Swings x 3 reps
Followed by. . .
Every 30 seconds, for 4 minutes (4 sets) of complexes:
Interval 1 – Cast Swing + Speed Swing
Interval 2 – Cast Swing + Pop Swing
Rest 60 seconds, then. . .
Every 20 seconds, for 60 seconds (3 sets) of:
Ring Muscle-Up x 1 rep
Followed by. . .
Every 30 seconds, for 2 minutes (2 sets) of complexes:
Interval 1 – Cast Swing + Speed Swing
Interval 2 – Cast Swing + Pop Swing
Followed by. . .
Every 20 seconds, for 3 minutes (9 sets) of:
Ring Muscle-Up x 1 rep
*If you fail any of the reps in these sets, multiply how many sets you have left x 4 and perform that many Ring Dips or Ring Dips with Scaling Option. For example, if you failed your third set, you have 6 sets left. 6X4= 24 Ring Dips
60+ Women: Ring-Dip x 1 rep
Every 45 seconds, for 9 minutes (12 sets):
Deadlift x 1 rep @ 70%
*Get tight and the concentric portion of the lift needs to be performed as fast as possible to a strong lockout by the glutes
As Many Rounds And Reps As Possible In 30 minutes:
Run 400 Meters
Sandbag Cleans x 6 reps
Sandbag Carry x 50′
Sandbag Squats x 6 reps
Assault Bike x 20 calories
Toes-to-Bar x 12 reps
35-49: 100/80 lbs
50-54: 80/60 lbs
60/40 lbs
Complete this workout at about 75-80% perceived exertion. The goal here is to maintain a good pace and stay moving for the 30 minutes.
Three sets of:
150-Foot Farmer’s Carry
immediately followed by. . .
150-Foot Sled Sprint
Rest 3-4 minutes
A. Done
B. 225#
C. 5 rds
D. Out of time
delayed entry: entered on 9/7 dyn/mob. done A) done 2) done , trying to get used to these drills, I love how Travis makes them look easy, I did one stop I like them a lot I cant wait till I get used to them .. 3). I failed from 1-6 close but no cigar and then the last three singles clicked in .. weird! LOL was tried too! 🙂 4) forgot in the shock of above 🙁 5) It appears I messed this wod up I overlooked the three sets of tin muscle up and went right 1×9 sets… Read more »
A. Completed all MUs
B. 325#
C. Did 3 rounds with 95# barbell (no sandbags) 16:21
Plus 15 min amrap (class wood) 60 DU, 150′ walking lunge, 15 DL at 225#
4 Rounds + 1 DL
D. 70# KBs / Empty Sled
A. 9/9 mu this got ugly couple times
B. 295 acrossed all sets
C. 4 rds + 463 reps. 1cal into ass bike.
A. Complete,every 20sec seemed to be a good rest
B. 195#
C. Almost 4 rounds complete, subbed ghd sit ups for ttb and sandbag was 60# I think.
325 on DL
4 rounds all cleans, walk and squats.
Had to use 105 lb on barbell.
Day late…
A. RMU progressions all complete Rx. 1 every 20s felt good and I was trying hard to cast swing every time. New to me…
B. 12x160kg (352lbs)
C. 6 full rounds, 400m and 4 cleans on 7th round
D. later
Well done today Rob!
Wow! Well done!
thanks Jeff. I found that WOD quite mentally challenging!
Will be modifying work for the next 10 days to let my hip and hammy heal up hopefully. Mobility activation done A. Subbed with Strict movements. Scap Pullups on Rings x 10 reps, Chest to Ring Pullups x 3, Strict RMU reps every 40 secs for 4 sets. Then E30S, 1 strict Ring MU for 5 minutes. These were challenging. Missed a couple attempts. Left shoulder has been a bit cranky. B. Skipped C. 30 min amrap but subbed to this: 8 cals bike (arms only) DB Overhead Dead Bug Crunches (30# DB) x 25 reps DB Bench Press (25#… Read more »
Yesterday’s program:
A. Pause FSQ 85-95-100-100-105-105# (all felt good, can probably go up in weight next time)
B. HPC 75-85-90-90-90-90# (still working on technique) – will try and upload a video so you can see how bad it is… 🙁
C. Done w/ 35# DBs for 16 walking lunges and 10# DBs for 10 reverse flys, no issue w/ the ring hold
D. 4:54, but sub’d C2B pull-ups since I don’t have BMUs yet. Even the C2B pull-ups are always a struggle – doing them one at a time.
Great work today Silke!
A – Drills done. Helpful to continue to do these. MUs done but still rusty. Struggling with my hands getting stuck on the turn. Never used to happen. I have old video so I’ll eventually figure this one out. B (yesterday) – Barski cleans to 175# (form started to break down at this point). B – 295# C – 5 rounds plus about 150m. Only had an 80# sandbag, so I did 8-10 reps of each movement to make up for it. Bike getting more comfortable at RPMs over 60. D – Used 40kg KB in each hand. Skipped the… Read more »
Yes please send video of that!
A: Tried the drills, never have done a muscle up. Goal! Harder At 240#, second goal!
B: 325, used velocity meter, average velocity .76-.77, peak velocities at 1.4 m/s, each rep was a bit better until #11 and 12 which were at average. Weight set for speed.
C: 4 rounds plus 260 yards. Used 60# (60+) DB for all exercises Note to self to order sandbags.
D: used 65# KB (very light), pushed my car in a slight downhill.
Awesome David!! The drills help a tremendous amount!
Hi Nichole, thanks. Would you have a recommendation for sandbags and a push sled?
The Rogue Echo Dog Sled is great and the Rogue Strongman Sandbags are fantastic!
A. Might do Thurs. Giving my shoulder some rest.
B. 190#
C. 4 rounds + 20 cal bike. (Used 2-40# DB’s for sandbag work)
D. To do Thurs.
Good call Jean!
A. MU drills/reps
B. 335
C. Darkhorse rowing wod
DMA – done A. – swings coming along – 5 sets of dips using stationary bar (holding off on the MU’s for the time being) B. all reps done at 225lb. (70%) C. Used a little heavier sandbag (75lb.) for this workout. Enjoyed the variety that we had in the workout as well. This was a good one! Completed 4 rounds plus + run + cleans + carry + squats + 2 cal Assault bike. Wasn’t sure if the cleans needed to be over the shoulder, so did them that way just in case. D. Used 72lb. KB’s for carry… Read more »
Glad you liked the workout today!
A. Failed 4/9 muscle ups in 2nd set. Not sure I did this right, but I did all nine attempts and then did my 16 dips after. All off boxes in false grip.
B. Done @200
C. Used a regular sandbag that weighed in at 76lbs and throw it over the shoulder on the cleans, for shits and giggles. Did 3 rounds + 5ttb, almost had it!
D. Skipped
Yep, that was right!
A. All MU done
B. 205
C. Sub 500 m row; and 200 m run
Did 4 rounds + 500m row. Enjoyed this one
D. Did the farmers carry. No room on street for sled today
DMA done
A. All mus done
B. 295 x 12 singles
C. 5 rds, 13 cals on the assault bike
I’ll do D later if I get a chance.
A; Done but only did 6 sets of MU*S. Now my right army is slow to turn over which is causing me to miss. About 4 months ago it was the left. Extremely frustrating.
B: 305lbs
C: 4 rds + 17 AB Cals
D: Didn’t do D. Enough stress on the thumb for one day.
Why do you think thats happening Corey?
Goes back to the issues in my neck I believe. That and I’m a bit tentative because of the swollen thumb on the right hand. The neck issues are causing the trap on my right side to tighten up. That with the nerves running to my arm being compressed by my c spine. I work on mgvtraos every day and So far dry needling and cupping hasn’t loosen it up. Getting a facet block in my c spine next week to see if they can pinpoint the issue. Same time they are doing a nerve test (img I think?) to… Read more »
Corey, have you noticed any weakness in your right tricep at all? When I herniated c6/c7 on the left side of my neck my left trap was constantly lit up. I believe it was because I was compensating for the lack of strength in the tricep and over utilizing my trap. I also hand numbness down to my hands. I was getting the trap treated constantly but it kept acting up. Once I addressed the herniation via specific neck retraction exercises, the treatment of the trap seemed more effective, and then I had to work on doing a lot of… Read more »
I haven’t noticed weakness but definitely a lag in motor pattern (maybe its weakness and not that). Ive tried retraction also and that didn’t work. My lest injection of cortisone actually made it worse. they aggravated something in there so a constant burning sensation down my arm along with traps and tight neck have all compounded. My disks aren’t herniated but I do have moderate to sever stenosis in C/2/3, 4/5, &6/7. No numbness either. Very similar to yours actually but again luckily the disks aren’t herniated.
No, thank you for telling me! Could we have you hold off from doing anything that would aggravate it until the facet block?
I can do that Nichole. Its funny though the only time it doesn’t hurt is when I work out. Frustrating but good at the same time. Ill take it easy until next week.
I think that’s because the heart is pumping blood around your body. Same thing for my shoulder. Once warm, there’s no pain usually. That said, I’ve stayed away from RMU, dips and heavy snatch as much as possible. I have to say that it’s (rest) made a huge difference. I still hit the WODs hard, but hold back on the things that make my shoulder hurt afterwards. It’s usually the stabilising muscles that hurt, like Lats and Traps. I am guessing that your pain/tightness has changed sides b/c your injury is more central and depends on how you are compensating… Read more »
I agree to a point Rob. I am compensating, but the difference between what I have going on and you is mine is nerve based instead of muscular. (although its probably a mix of both). Where the nerves are coming out of the cervical spine is being pressed on by bone spurs and degenerative disks from my understanding. Which is causing the trap to tighten up and is pulling the shoulder forward. The burning is from the nerve pressure and the pain/slow turnover in things like the MU is a combination of tight trap, forward shoulders and the nerves doing… Read more »
oh sorry. Fair enough. My point was simply to reduce the volume of movement that results in pain. Hope you get some progress soon!
I agree. I have been. Thanks I do hope it progresses.
Only able to get to A,B,D today:
Dynamic done
A. Done, still need to work on grip and explosion through MU
B. done at 315 lbs., went up easy
D. 115 lbs. in each hand, pushed 330 on a rolling weight rack, we don’t have sleds.
B. 210
C. Did this indoors and hadn`t got a sandbag, so modified a bit:
burpee shuttle run 10m x10
double kb cleans x 6 (2×45 lb)
double kb front rack carry x 20m
double kb squats x 6 reps
assault bike 20 calories
t2b x12
– 6 rounds + burpee run + 5 clean