Primary Session
Complete rounds of 21, 15 and 9 reps at 70-75% effort of:
Dumbbell Thruster (35/25 lb DBs)
Rest 3 minutes, and then. . .
Complete rounds of 12, 9 and 6 reps at 70-75% effort of:
Dumbbell Thruster (50/35 lb DBs)
Down Ups
Breathe exclusively through your nose throughout this entire portion. If you find that your mouth drops open, you’re going too hard. Slow your pace and resume breathing only through your nose.
For movement quality and efficiency:
10 Strict Toes-to-Rings
3-5 Strict Muscle-Ups
15 Toes-to-Rings
5-7 Kipping Muscle-Ups
10 Strict Toes-to-Rings
3-5 Strict Muscle-Ups
15 Toes-to-Ring
5-7 Kipping Muscle-Ups
Every 3:30, for 14 minutes (4 sets):
Back Squat x 8 reps
*Sets 1-2: 92.5% of 8-RM
*Sets 3-4: 87.5% of 8-RM
*Note: If you do not know your 8RM Back Squat – Find that today instead of doing these sets.
Every 5 minutes, for 30 minutes (6 sets) for times:
21 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″)
10 Front Squats (205/135 lbs)
21/16 Calories of Assault Bike
*Front Squat weight should not exceed 70% of 1-RM.
Complete rounds of 10, 8, 6, 4 and 2 reps for volume accumulation of:
Renegade Rows (50/35 lb DBs)
with 15-20 GHD Hip Extensions between rounds. (60-80 total)
1 Renegade Row = Push-Up, Row Left, Push-Up, Row Right
Strength Accessory Option
Three sets of:
Single-Arm Dumbbell Bench Press x 8 reps each side
Rest as needed
Three sets of:
Double Kettlebell Romanian Deadlift x 12 reps @ 3011
Rest as needed
Three sets of:
Single-Leg Barbell Glute Bridge x 10 reps each leg
Rest as needed
Running Endurance Option
For time:
Run 4 Miles @ 80-85% of 5k PR Pace
This effort should be sub-maximal, so take your 5k PR pace and divide it by .85, and perform this at that pace. For example, if your 5k PR pace is 6:30/mile, your pace for this effort would be 7:30/mile.
Rowing Endurance Option
For time:
Row 2000 Meters @ 80-85% effort
Row 2000 Meters @ 85-90% effort
Row 2000 Meters @ 90-95% effort
Row 2000 Meters @ 95-100% effort
Think of this effort in four quarters. You’re going to build your “effort” – not necessarily your pace – over the course of each quarter. The third quarter is almost always where races are won or lost. Most athletes have the mental fortitude and desire to win in to find a reserve of energy in the fourth quarter, but it’s the athletes who stay most focused on maintaining their pace and high effort in the third quarter that will have the advantage. Make that your fight for today, and then just hang on as well as you can for the fourth quarter. Please post both your results and how you felt at various points during this effort to the Facebook page.
A. Done 4:40 & 3:22 ( really trying to improve this breathing thing )
B.Done- my strict MU felt a bit rusty
C. @245# & 250#
D. R1= 4:00 / R2=3:42 / R3=3:52 / R4= 4:10 / R5= 4:20 / R5= 4:30 ( Nothing in the tank left! lol
E. Done
Strength = A&B
Great work making the cap on these!!
Pts. A. Warmed up. B. gymnastics done. Strict toes to ring were challenging but with a kip they were easier than on a bar. Strict muscle ups felt good. Regular muscle ups tried to work in some parts of ewarts videos. Video’s in fb group. C. Set 1-2 @ 130kg Set 3-4 @ 120kg D. Scaled to 11 bbjo 10 fsq @ 60kg 21 cal echo bike/standing bike erg (alternate every round). Pushed the burpees hard in rounds 2-4 and could not hang on in the finale 2 rounds. Lost some time transitioning to the bar (other side of the… Read more »
Rest on the transition and before you picked up the bar?!?! Time to start pushing the pace. Good to see you’re aware of that and I expect you to apply today’s learning going forward!
Realized i did it after the workout and posted it for accountability and to change it next time!
122 kg
113 kg
very heavy for me squats. first round 90 kg then 80 kg. not good performance very slow front squat
4’12” (90 kg) 3’58”—4’05”—4’23”—4’32”—4’46”
In the afternoon run
Maybe time to lower the conditioning and focus on getting a little stronger??
I have to push harder in the strength sections, I’ve been holding back lately