Workout of the Day
Three sets of:
Legless Rope Climb x 1-2 ascents
Strict Handstand Push Ups x 8-10 reps
L-Sit Hold x 30 seconds
55-59: Legless Rope Climb x 1 ascent, Strict Handstand Push Ups to 2″ riser
60+: Rope Climb x 2 ascents, Strict Handstand Push Ups to 4″ riser
Two Rounds for time of:
1,000-meter row
50 thrusters
30 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
65 lbs/45 lbs
55+: 45/35 lbs; 20 Chin-over-the-Bar Pull-Ups
Optional Additional Conditioning Session
(This session is best performed 3-4 hours prior to or following today’s primary session.)
Saturday – 25 Minute Tempo Run
< 6 Minute Mile Pace – Run this at 7 minute mile pace (1:45 per lap)
< 7 Minute Mile Pace – Run this at 8 minute mile pace (2:00 per lap)
< 8 Minute Mile Pace – Run this at 9 minute mile pace (2:15 per lap)
A. Done
B. 1 round 10:59 – row around 1:50 split, thrusters 20,10,10,10. CTB after 10 went to 2’s
A. Done. Leg less difficult. Alternated with legged
B. 22.00 scaled 20 kg bar and pull ups.
Legs sore but I’ve had to do days out if sequence due to work/gym. My fault.
A. Done
B. Sub, 2 rounds 2k row 50 Cal airdyne. Letting shoulder rest.
Done 9/6
800m run
200 DU
Tried comp workout for this coming weekend.
Grace at 95/115/135 you get 2:30 to finish each weight with 30 sec rest to change weight. Once you do not finish in 2:30 you are done with amrap recorded
Finished 95 in 1:45 than 115 in 2:29-I know I can get though 115 in time now so will just go for 135 amrap at comp.
B-11:30 one round only-whew C2B not good!
Finished with 1 mile run 8 min pace.
A: Done 2,2, & 1 legless, 3×8 SHPU, 20+10s 15+15s 15-10-5s L-sit B: 19:30 (27 seconds faster than April) * 2:00 row pace, Easy @ 20-22 strokes a minutes * Planned thrusters in 10s and 5s after 30 or 40 but stuck to 5s all the way. Seemed like I quickly felt yesterday’s squats and Airdyne sprints. * C2Bs all as quick singles (with gip and shoulders somewhat fatigued from the legless ropes climbs and SHSPUs thoughts of C2Bs in sets went out the window quickly, onto Plan B.) cool down: 10 min very light Airdyne Annual labor day box-to-box… Read more »
A. Done
B. 21:09 rx (44y)
Lungs not working with me.
Fantastic job!
For those who did B: “2x Jackie Plus” in April, was your time better this time around?
Great question – would love to hear from you guys!
A. Done
B. 16:37. (Went 32/18 and 30/10/10 on thrusters)
So fast!! Nice job Cheryl!
Super fast, fantastic work Cheryl!!
A. Done.
B. 21:37
A) 2 legless/8 sHSPU(not unbroken)/:30 unbroken L-sit/round
B) I forgot to start the stopwatch…duh! I timed the second round at 12:12. My shoulders were getting smoked on the thrusters not my legs…I don’t know how many times I set the bar down…I know I can do way better on this one.
A. Done but did not do hspu’s because my wrist is bothering me. I did 1 MU per round instead.
B. 20:36 RX… 8 seconds faster than MQ time 🙂
Great work Leticia!
9/4 today
Yesterday took son to college dorms-one out and one to go. Tough day for my bride!
A-Up to 175x 2 than missed 185.
Been searching for that 185 lift for a while. Nicole or anyone please advise on lift.
B-235 new pr
Will do cardio tonight as back to dorms to drop off a few more things.
A. done
B. 17:30 struggle with C2B
A. Strict HSPUs, dubs
Did last Saturday’s workout, which I missed due to travel.
B. 21:56 (30# wb)
A. Done- all sets unbroken. Did the first set of HSPU without the wall second two on the wall. First time doing legless rope climbs. I did 2 ascents for each set Then I did the L sit holds on the parallettes. Felt strong. B. First round I did in 9:03 second round 10:52 (it took me 38 seconds to reset the rower 🙁 but I still included that in my time) So total for both rounds was 19:55. I did this WOD on Monday (Jackie) but it had regular pull ups not CTB and it was only one round.… Read more »
That is fantastic, great work Tracy!!!! Super excited about doing your legless rope climb, that is awesome!! And that is a great job with your Jackie time with c2b pull ups!!
Thanks Nichole … 🙂
Optional training: 3.3 miles/7:35
A) done. Did 2 legless climbs per, did 8 strict hspu (had to break these up into 4s the first then 2 sets of 3 and a single. Need to work on those). L sit holds were mainly attempts. Most I was able to hold was 15 sec.
B)Man I didn’t see that mig-13 coming. Only did one round and took me almost 15 min.
Ahhh great question Dave! The program doesn’t take that into account – I didn’t think about gym being closed! It is totally okay if you take the day off and do something outside if you can’t get into the gym!!
A. Did not for time, 2 climbs and 10 strict, 30sec hold
B. 12:03 rd 1, 27:19 total. Had to break 20, 15, 15 and sets of 5 for pull-ups. Then sets of 10 and 5 in rd two. Legs still woobly after 15min post wod.
Nichole cannot answer you right now…She’s here with me in Norway 🙂
Ha Great picture! Looks like you are having fun. 🙂
Done – time 20:46.
Lap times: 9:40, 11:06
I was extremely slow at c2b today. Couldn’t find rhythm during whole workout. Second row was also very sloooooow, damn! First tow awerage pace 1:50-1:52/500m which is quite nor al for during wod and second set 1:57-1:59/500m
Skipped the optional run because was running at wed & Thu.
Time to recharge batteries, have a nice weekend everyone!
I changed my mind and did optional training at evening.
Cross-country run 5.34km – time 25:17