September 4, 2024 – Competition Program

Primary Training Session
Get Moving || Warm-Up
Three rounds at ascending effort of:
200 Meter Run
10 Ring Rows
50 Foot Goblet Hold Walking Lunge (26-35/15-26lbs)
10 Goblet Hold Good Mornings (26-35/15-26lbs)

Set 1: 5 reps @ 60%
Set 2: 3 reps @ 70%
Set 3: 1 rep @ 80%
Set 4: 5 reps @ 65%
Set 5: 3 reps @ 75%
Set 6: 1 rep @ 85%
Rest 2 minutes between all sets.

*No touch and go.

Three sets of
Bench Press x 8 reps @ 70%
Rest 2 minutes between sets

Option A:
Every 10 minutes, for 30 minutes (3 sets of):
400 Meter Run
10 Dumbbell Bench Press (70/50lbs)
20 Dumbbell Deadlifts (70/50lbs)
10 Dumbbell Bench Press (70/50lbs)
400 Meter Run

Option B:
Every 10 minutes, for 30 minutes (3 sets of):
400 Meter Run
15 Dumbbell Bench Press (50/35lbs)
30 Dumbbell Deadlifts (50/35lbs)
15 Dumbbell Bench Press (50/35lbs)
400 Meter Run

Accumulate 50 Single Leg Banded Hamstring Curls (each leg)

Conditioning Training Note
We have another set of options coming up today. Just like with Monday and a theme for this season, we have an option designed more for people who need to work on moving heavier loads under fatigue as well as an option for athletes that need to work on their muscular endurance and engine. Regardless of which option you choose we’re going to look for the first 400 meter run to be around mile pace and then unbroken as best you can on the dumbbell movements. If you’re taking a break do it with a few deadlifts left so that you can do your last deadlift and sit right back down on the bench. The final 400 should be a faster pace so that you can earn a little more rest.

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playstation 5 hdmi
playstation 5 hdmi
September 3, 2024 6:55 pm

Å lese ditt essay var en sann glede for meg. Du var svært vellykket i å klargjøre emnet, og din skrivestil er både interessant og lett å forstå. Prinsippene var mye lettere å forstå etter å ha lest eksemplene du ga. Din ekspertise er sterkt verdsatt.

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