September 30, 2014 – Masters Program

Workout of the Day

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Three sets, not for time, of:
Nose-to-Wall Handstand Hold x 45 seconds
Bar Muscle Ups x 2-5 reps
Double-Unders x 40 reps

Three sets of:
Jerk Balance x 3 reps
Rest as needed

Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets):
Split Jerk
*Set 1 – 3 reps @ 60%
*Set 2 – 2 reps @ 65%
*Set 3 – 2 reps @ 70%
*Set 4 – 1 rep @ 75%
*Set 5 – 1 rep @ 80%
*Sets 6-8 – 1 rep @ 85%

Three sets of:
Matador Dips (with a 2 second hold) x 10-12 reps @ 20X2
Rest 45 seconds
Strict Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups x Max Reps
Rest 45 seconds
Push-Ups x 20-40 unbroken reps
Rest 45 seconds
Romanian Deadlift x 6 reps @ 3011
Rest 45 seconds

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Chris Dunkin
Chris Dunkin
December 3, 2014 9:45 am

A. Done, 2 BMU’s per round
B. 3x 135
C. Last 3 @ 218, OH is a major goat
D. Dips: 12,9,7
CTB: 9,7,6
Push-Up’s: 21,18,17
RDL’s: 225,275,275

Kelly Doran
Kelly Doran
November 12, 2014 5:51 pm

A. 45sec, BMUs 3,3 (proper linked finally!), 2 linked, DUs unbroken
B. 135,155,155
Ring dips 10,10,10
Strict C2B 4,4,3
PUs 21,20,13
RDL 185

Tony Gulotta
Tony Gulotta
October 3, 2014 9:04 am

For D:do 3 sets of each movement rest 45 sec or 1 set of all movements 3 times. And for RDL, what would you recommend for weight? Thanks

John Pavlic
John Pavlic
October 1, 2014 8:11 pm

A. Nose-to-Wall Handstand Hold: 30, 30, 30 Kipping C2Bs: 6, 6, 6 Double-Unders: 30, 30, 30 B. 95, 105, 135 C. 135/145/155/165/175/185/185/185 D. Ring Dips (with a 2 second hold): 10, 6, 4 Strict Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups: 4, 3, 3 Unbroken Push-Ups: 23, 20, 18 Romanian Deadlift: 3 x 6 w/185#s No clearance to do bar MUs in my garage. Nose to walls handstand were very challenging in a good way. Had to come down at 30 seconds when my mid-line would break and push me aware from the wall (haha). Split jerks felt really quick after jerk balances. As others… Read more »

October 1, 2014 3:53 am

A. Done with 45s hold
Bar-mu progressions
Double unders done. Just learned these so still very broken

B. Jerk balances done

c. Est. 1rm at 115
Last sets at 100

D. Done
Dips with microBand
Strict chest to bar with light band! Had a break through on these
Pushups- done

Still recovering from savage race on Saturday!

Dave Rempel
Dave Rempel
September 30, 2014 8:39 pm

A: Done BMU 5-5-5
B: 45×3-95×3-135×3
C: 155×3-165×2-180×2-190-205-215-215-215
D: Dips 12-12-12
SC2B 6-6-3 I don’t do enough of these strict!
PU. 30-26-22
RDL. 185-205-225

Cj Martin
Cj Martin
October 1, 2014 1:42 pm
Reply to  Dave Rempel

The strict chest to bar will be great for posture and really improve your pulling movements. We’ll give you a steady dose of them. 🙂

September 30, 2014 8:38 pm

A. 30sec hold, BMU practice, DU (not unbroken)
B. 165#
C. 140, 155, 165, 175, 190, 200
D. Dips 6/6/5, C2B 4/2/2, PU 17/15/12, RDL 185

Vince Lop
Vince Lop
September 30, 2014 7:23 pm

A. Complete/BMU 5,5,5/DU unbroken

B. 140 worked on mechanics

C. 58kg, 63kg, 68kg, 73kg, 78kg, 83kg could have gone heavier

D. Dips 12/12/12, C2B 8/7/6, PU 25/25/25, RDL 155

September 30, 2014 7:08 pm

A. 45 sec hold x 3, BMU 5,5,5, DU 3 x unbroken
B. 145,155,165
C. 145,155,165,175,185,195,195,195
D. Dips 10/10/10, C2B 10/10/8, PU 30/25/20, RDL 200 x 3

Christine Wells 45-49
Christine Wells 45-49
September 30, 2014 7:04 pm

A. Practiced HS walks 15-20m, Jumping BMU’s 3( I need to be getting these:), DU’s
B. 75/85/95
C. Based off 140, completed
D. Dips 10/8/6, C2B 4/ 4/ 4, Push-Ups 30/25/20, RDL’s(not sure on how to weight these) 6/6/6 @135#.

Loretta Scott
Loretta Scott
September 30, 2014 6:32 pm

A. Done. Banded Bar MU 2 attempts each round –got 2 total! 🙂
B. 53/63/68
C. 78/83/93/98/103/108/108/108
D. Dips 5/5/5; Ring Rows 10/12/10 (hands beat up so skipped C2B); Pushups 15/15/15; RDL 123/83/83

September 30, 2014 5:36 pm

A. Done 45 x 3, 5 x 3, 40 x 3
B. 95,115,135,
C. Done off 230
D. 10,10,10(ring dips)
15,12,11 ctb
Rdl 6 x 135

September 30, 2014 5:31 pm

A-30sec hold, mu 3-5-4, du 40 unbroken 3x
B-worked up to 135
D-11-5-30-6@185, 5-5-20-6@185, 4-4-18-6@185

Jarrod Newman (45-49)
Jarrod Newman (45-49)
September 30, 2014 5:20 pm

A. 45 sec. holds, Bar MU’s 2-3-5, dubs unbroken
B. Empty bar, 95, 135
C. 135,155,170,185,195,205,205,205. Haven’t done split jerk since terrible groin pull doing split jerk 18 months ago. Gotta get over it, so this was light but a success. Felt good, just wish I had jerk boxes. 🙂
D. (1) 12,5,30,235# (2) 10,4,23,245# (3) 12,3,20,265# (everything unbroken)

Cj Martin
Cj Martin
October 1, 2014 1:44 pm

Just keep it easy when working back into things after the groin injury.

karen wilson 47north central
karen wilson 47north central
September 30, 2014 12:19 pm

A. Done/2 attempts each round….my goat/UB
B. 65/80/95
C. Off 135: 85/90/95/100/110/115/115/115
D. Dips 10/12/12 with band, challenging with shoulder
Ctbpu 4/4/3
Push-ups 15/15/12
Rdl 105/135/135 conservative with lower back

Cj Martin
Cj Martin
October 1, 2014 1:44 pm

Karen, we have to get these upper-body gymnastics licked this season! I want to see you knocking these out like a champ by February or so.

Cj Martin
Cj Martin
October 1, 2014 1:45 pm
Reply to  Cj Martin

and remember…no more box to get on the rings when we have ring muscle-ups. Time to get that monkey off your back.

karen wilson 47north central
karen wilson 47north central
October 1, 2014 2:15 pm
Reply to  Cj Martin

Sounds like a plan!!!

Greg Major (57/5'7"/192)
Greg Major (57/5'7"/192)
September 30, 2014 11:30 am

A. Done. bar MUs kinda ugly. Working on them. Been struggling with DUs lately. Timings off, don’t know why.
B. 135, 145, 150.
C. 150, 165, 175, 190, 200, 215. Felt solid.
D. Dips: 10 unbroken first rd, then had to break at 8. SPUs: 7, 7, 6. Pushups: 27, 20, 14. I really hit a wall when doing dips and pushups. Good session otherwise.

Cj Martin
Cj Martin
October 1, 2014 1:46 pm

yep, most of us do, that’s why we’re going to be working that strength endurance on the upper-body pushing/pressing.

Greg Major (57/5'7"/192)
Greg Major (57/5'7"/192)
October 1, 2014 4:41 pm
Reply to  Cj Martin

That’s why I’m here.

John Davis
John Davis
September 30, 2014 10:34 am

A. done with 2 bar muscle ups doubles unbroken each round
B. 135,155,165
C. off 280= 170,185,195,210,225,240,240,240
D. 12,12,12 – 5,3,3 – 20,20,10+5+5 – 6,6,6 @ 185

Tracy Seman
Tracy Seman
September 30, 2014 10:07 am

A Done/Banded BMU for 2/1 RX BMU
B 55/60/65
C 63/68/74/79/84/89/89/89
D 6/6/5-6/5/5-20/17/14-65#/65#/65#

Kendall Kimball (SW-47)
Kendall Kimball (SW-47)
September 30, 2014 9:42 am

A. done/5 bar MU attempts each set/unbroken DUs for sets 2 &3
B. 35/40/45
C. 57/62/67/71/76/81/81/81
D. 10/10/10-3/5/5 (used black band)-20/15/13-65/65/65
Very humbling putting in these numbers :/

P. Lizotte (Northwest - 41)
P. Lizotte (Northwest - 41)
September 30, 2014 9:06 am

A. Check /5/check X 3
B. 95/115/135
C. 155-215 light and easy
D. 12/12/10-7/7/4-27/21/20-135-155-175

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