Workout of the Day
Three sets, not for time, of:
Front-Rack Mobilization
x 60-90 seconds
K-Star’s Keg Drill Overhead Stretch x 60-90 seconds
(Click here for movement demo – starts at 3:15)
Squat Snatch Press x 5 reps @ 2113
Every two minutes, for 8 minutes (4 sets) of:
Muscle Snatch + Snatch Balance + Overhead Squat
Build over the course of the four sets to practice perfect skill and mechanics and prepare for your snatch session. Weight used matters much less than mechanics.
Every 2 minutes, for 12 minutes, complete:
High Hang Snatch + Hang Snatch (mid thigh)
(work as heavy as possible while maintaining proper mechanics and bar speed)
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes, complete:
Minute 1: Squat Snatch x 3 reps
(perform with 115-155/75-105 lbs based on ability and age division)
Minute 2: 3-6 Muscle Ups
(for the age divisions that don’t require muscle-ups, perform 5 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups, followed by 5 Ring Dips)
PLEASE REPORT YOUR RESULTS!!! We want to tailor this program to the needs of those following, and more specifically, to those sharing their results. We need to see what is going well, and what is not, and we can’t do that without your input. Thank you!
A. 45, 50, 65
B. 135,140,145,145
C. 135, 145, 145, 145, 150, 155
D. 155 each round, 3 neutral grip kipping Mu’s each round
43yr old (44 next week), NW
A. Done
B. 95, 105, 115, 125
C. 95, 105, 115, 125, 115, 115
D. 115, back to 95. MUs 2, 2, 4 (finally linked them), 2 (linked), 2 (linked)
Just recovering from car wreck a week ago. Disappointed with snatch performance, little groggy feeling, still a little sore.
Starting this late, but better than never! Finished the comp I was in (3rd out of 26). Now I can focus towards this. Very excited!
Looking forward to tomorrow’s WOD (sept 30th for me)
60-65 Central East
A – Done
B – 75, 75, 85, 85
C – 65, 75, 75, 85, 95, 95
D – 105, c2b and band assisted ring dips
NW region 44 yo, but moving up up to 45 to 49 age range in March A. Complete. 45# bar for snatch squat press B. 95, 95, 125, 125# C. 125# x 6 D. 135# snatch, 3 muscle-ups (Missed a few. Went 3,3,2,2,3) The programmed mobility was great. My snatch technique was just not cooperating today. Dropped in a local CF gym’s open gym hour so I could have access to rings for the muscle-ups and it was a little hectic. Good to get used bars that are different, rings that are slicker, etc. Following one day behind due to… Read more »
Awesome to see your name on here John! I will be looking for it daily. We’ll just have to remember to look back to the previous day. I will remind Nichole to do so also as she’ll be helping with the program.
Thanks CJ!
A. 45# bar for snatch squat press
B. 75, 95, 115, 135#
C. 115# x 3, 125# x 3
D. 135# snatch, 3 C2B and 3 rings dips since I don’t quite have muscle-ups yet
Loved the all snatch technique work and part D was a nice challenge. Thanks for offering this programming!
A. Complete
B. ended with 52kg- lite, but effective movement working to perfect mechanics
C. ended with 59kg focused on mechanics
D. Even – 60kg, Odd 4MU – focused on staying consistent with unbroken sets
New with this type of programming. 47y usually do daily wods and some skill work.
A completed
B worked up to 145
C worked up to 135
D 115 X 3 repetive & c2b/ring dips
(Garage wod no mu rings)
A. Done. Could only manage 15# on the press due to flexibility issues.
B. 95, 105, 115, 120
C. 75, 85, 95, 105, 115, 120
D. 95# (should have gone heavier) Snatch, MU: 2/1, 1/1/f, 1/1, 1/1, 1/1/1
A) Done
B) 115,125,135,145
C) 145 x 3,155 x 3
D) skipped achy shoulders
51 y.o. Recovering from a quad pull so have to stay light with any squat movements.
A. Done
B. Up to 135
C. 95,105,115,125,135,145
D. Done with 115, no misses, 31 mu’s (five per round, 6 on last round). Probably could have gone heavier on snatches but being conservative with quad injury. Fun workout. Thanks CJ and Invictus coaches.
Nice work Al! Awesome to see you on here and getting after it.
A. Done
B. 65/75/85/95
C. 95/105/110/115/120/125 no misses
D. @115# (no misses)/ 1 MU per round still babying my shoulder issue.
A. Completed
B. 65/75/85/80 Lowered the weight for better mechanics. Muscle Snatch tough
C. 75/85/85/90/90/95 This is exactly what I need. Karen put plates in front of my toes to keep me from moving forward. Great help!
D.Snatch @ 85, 3 Muscle-ups. Was able to link 3 MU’s together first two rounds, then 2’s. That’s a first!
WOOHOO! Thank you for offering this program, i am so excited about training again. I hope to keep training with my competition training partners too, so might me jumping around from time to time. Thank you Invictus Coaches!
Awesome work Christine!
Awesome work Christine!
A. Done
B. 53-58-58-63
C. 63-63-68-68-68-68
D. 2 rounds w/83# then dropped down to 73#. No MU yet and just got C2B so did 3 C2B + 3 dips
45-49 division so cal
A. Done
B. Done with Barbell
C. 40-45-50-55×2-60
C. EMOM Done with 75lbs (90% of 1RM Squat Snatch, so very pleased that I didn’t miss any) C2B with light band, Ring Dips with micro-band!
50-54 division SouthEast
A. Done – added in crossover symmetry
B. 115
C. 115, 120, 120, 125, 125, 130
Skipped D. Just wanted to work through this light and fast. Rode 50 miles yesterday…shoulders are a bit tight today. Looking forward to this programming.
Just joined and it may sound like a stupid question but are we supposed to do all A,B,C and D ? or pic one per day?
A B C & D all in one day. 😉
Thanks Tracy do you spread it out or do it all at once?
A. Done, and it really warmed my shoulders up (which takes a while sometimes) B. 95#, 115#, 135#, 135# (muscle snatch kept me at 135) C. 115#, 125#, 135#, 145#, 145#, 150# (145# was sketchy, but worked out my issues and 150# was easy) D. (1) 135×3, 3 strict MU’s (2) 135×5 w/2 fails forward, 1 strict + 2 failed MU’s (3) 135×3, 1 strict + 2 kipping MU (4) 135×5 w/2 fails forward, 1 strict + 2 kip MU (5) 135×3, 3 kip MU’s Nice to get this done in about an hour. I’ve been doing competition programming and… Read more »
Yes, my legs are still crushed from Saturday!
That’s awesome Jarrod! That’s exactly why we decided to offer a masters program. We want to make sure our masters athletes are recovering well from their training sessions and not getting banged up!
That’s awesome Jarrod! That’s exactly why we decided to offer a masters program. We want to make sure our masters athletes are recovering well from their training sessions and not getting banged up!
(This was originally submitted on 9/29/14…but for some reason my comments aren’t showing up from that day. Nonetheless, wanted to make sure you got these.)
A. Completed
B. 115#
C. 95,115,115,115,115, 125
D. Even – 115# Odd – 3 Muscle Ups
Did a 10:00 minute metcon after…
45-49 Division
A. Completed
B. 35,35,35,40
C. 45 for all sets (missed 3 high hang and 3 hang)
D. 65 reps: 35# x 3- 5 C2B/5 strict ring dips
47 years old. Started CrossFit a year ago and did your Competitive programming beginning last April until today.
A. 15#
B. 33-45-55-65
C. 65-70X5
D. 65X3-5 C2B/5 Strict Ring Dips
45-49 Division in 2015 Open. April – now followed Competition programming. Interested and excited to see what you will be doing with us! I am questioning why Masters pays and Fitness, Performance and Competition all free.
Good point….
Tracy, our Masters program is a special population with far fewer participants than our fitness, performance and competition programs. There was a great response to our specific Masters Qualifier Prep program though and many people asked for a program designed specifically for masters. We didn’t want to leave them hanging, but designing programs and monitoring our participants’ results takes quite a bit of time and resources. I love providing our programs to the community for free, but taking on more and more specialized programs makes that tough to do. Providing three free programs every day and coaching my athletes keeps… Read more »
Tracy, our Masters program is a special population with far fewer participants than our fitness, performance and competition programs. There was a great response to our specific Masters Qualifier Prep program though and many people asked for a program designed specifically for masters. We didn’t want to leave them hanging, but designing programs and monitoring our participants’ results takes quite a bit of time and resources. I love providing our programs to the community for free, but taking on more and more specialized programs makes that tough to do. Providing three free programs every day and coaching my athletes keeps… Read more »
I 100% am happy to pay, was just wondering why. Thanks for the reply.