Dynamic Mobility & Activation
Spend 5 minutes rolling out your quads, IT bands and glutes
and then . . .
Grab a partner and have them help you do the Front Rack Assisted Stretch
and then . . .
Two sets of:
Banded Dead Bug Iso Hold
x 2 minutes
Banded Clamshell Hold x 1 minute per side
Fire Hydrant Iso Hold x 90 seconds per side
and finish with . . .
Three sets @ 50-60% effort:
Assault Bike x 15/10 calories
Banded Air Squats x 10 reps
Front Squat
* Set 1 – 5 reps @ 75-80% of 1-RM
* Set 2 – 4 reps @ 80-85%
* Set 3 – 3 reps @ 85-90%
* Set 4 – 2 reps @ 90-95%
* Set 5 – 2 reps @ 95-98%
* Set 6 – 1 rep @100-105%
Rest 2 minutes between sets
Every 2 minutes, for 10 minutes, complete:
Mid-Thigh Clean x 1 rep
*Sets 1-3 = 75%
*Sets 5-6 = 75-80%
followed by . . .
Every 2 minutes, for 4 minutes (2 sets), complete:
4 Stop Halting Clean Deadlift x 1 rep
Stop @ 2″ off floor, mid-patella, mid-thigh, high hang
Every 2 minutes, for 6 minutes, complete:
DB Walking Lunges x 20 steps
and then, on minute 8:00, complete …
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes, complete:
Minute 1 – Row x 15/12 calories
Minute 2 – Alternating DB Snatches x 10 reps
35-54: 55/35 lbs
55-59: 45/25 lbs
60+: Row x 12/10 calories; 45/25 lbs
Optional Session (Best performed 3-4 hours between sessions)
Two sets, for max weight, of:
75-Foot Yoke Carry
55+: 50-Foot Yoke Carry
Place your hands on the sides of the yoke so that you can press the yoke forward like a bench press, creating pec engagement (and internal torque). Place the yoke as far back on your back as possible (back…not low) so that the weight stays centered over your hips. Take short, quick steps keeping your hips square and legs slightly bent. This is the best structural exercise for the barbell squat, and one of the best exercises overall. It strengthens the thoracic structure (lats, pecs, etc…), the erectors (isometrically, in accordance with their primary function) and obliques.
Two sets each arm for max weight of:
75-Foot Single-Arm Reverse Sled Drags
Rest 2-3 minutes
55+: 50-Foot Single-Arm Reverse Sled Drags
Two sets for max weight of:
75-Foot Harnessed Sled Pulls
Rest 5 minutes
50+: 50-Foot Harnessed Sled Pulls
This is a strength session, not a conditioning session. Most of the weight should be on your hands as you bear-crawl your way forward with short, fast, choppy steps. Put the absolute most weight you can on the sled, move your feet fast and get it moving. Go heavy!
Behind this wek.
A. Failed during the 3rd set. Think long hours at the office, weight loss etc is contributing
B. 195/195/195/205 for rest
C1 Done 45# for lunge
C2. 60#DB could only maintain for 2 rounds, then dropped to 12 and 6
A. 83kg, below my all time PR but wasn’t going any further than that today both mentally and physically
B. 60/60/60/63/63kg
C. Walking lunges at 35lbs, EMOM done
Warmup done.
A – 225, 240, 255, 265, 280, 290(f). Felt sluggish. Current 1-RM is 285.
B – 185, 190, 195, 200, 205, 210
C – Done. Rx.
Off Wednesday (client meetings and golf) but will be back at it Thursday.
Have fun playing golf today! Hope you have good weather 🙂
A. 275# / 295# / 315# / 335# / 355# / 385#
B. Sets 1-3 = 235# / Sets 4-5 = 255# // 4-Stop Halting Clean Deadlift @ 315#
C. DB Walking Lunges (2x 55# DBs) // All rounds 25-30s Cal Row & 10-15s DB Snatches (55#) – This one felt easy. Both on the same minute would’ve been killer!
Great work Alvaro on your PR!
Yesterday’s program: DMA – done A1 – snatch press from behind the neck: 35/40/45# (improvement – couldn’t do this with more than 35# a couple of weeks ago!) A2 – Tall Snatch – 55/60/65# A3 – Snatch balance – 2×65 / 2×75 / 1×80# – I’ll upload a couple of videos; not sure I’m doing these right. B – Snatch Lift Off + Snatch from mid patella. Stayed really light as I want to get the technique right first – will upload a couple of clips as well – 6×55# / 2×65# C – Assault Bike (15 cal) + 10… Read more »
GREAT JOB Silke, especially on staying consistent on that conditioning piece!
DMA completed even rode with the bike! Breathing is getting better day by day
Front squat, 225,245,255,265,275 10 pound PR
Hang Clean 135,145,155,165,175 (m), did as power clean so need to back up and learn to clean…
Halting clean deadlift 275, 315, grip just started to go at the 11-12 second mark.
Row, (60) 12 cal, 23,25,23,23,22
DB Snatch 45# 29,28,28,29,32
Carried my heavy bag to the gate and back. 100# 300 yards.
Sand bag on hand, next is a sled.
Really good day, 14 days after surgery, mouth ….hmmm OK really!
wow. nice PR. How are you measuring velocity? That’s serious ‘shizzle’!
Thanks Rob, I have been using the PUSH velocity meter for over a year. As long as it is thought of as a reference of relative data, it is a good training device. I have also used the Beast device.
thanks. That looks interesting. Assume it’s this: https://www.trainwithpush.com/push-band ??
That is it, find articles by Brian Mann or watch his YouTube videos. He is a PHD that has spent much of his time with this form of training. Also, I subscribe to Complimentary training. Maiden Jovanovic has had several good presentations on the subject. I have a table from Maiden on my gym wall that has a great correlation comparing velocities, RPE and % 1RM.
Great thanks. I remember studying a similar topic at University 20 years ago. However, the equipment needed wasn’t mobile and very expensive. The tech was a lot more crude too. Bringing back memories….
I’ll defo look in to this some more.
Great work David, especially on the front squat! How was your jaw??
It is getting better and seems to be settling down. Swelling as expected so I took Ibuprofen. I paid attention to breathing through my nose to get set up and not puffing my cheeks out. I should have pushed a bit more, manned up just to set a PR last set 16 months ago, but I have become wiser as I get …. younger. Another day. 300+ I can also wear my custom mouthpiece I had made after jaw surgery to keep everything in place. Last week, everything was too raw and swollen. This week, it fit OK.
That is great to hear David!
A. No PR today… up to 335. Little knee pain so shut it down
B. Oddly enough these felt fine on my knee so kept going. 225-255
B 2. At 255
C. Done
C2. Row- :27/:28/:29/:28/:29
DB snatch-:21/:20/:19/:19/:19
How is your knee feeling today Keith?
It’s ok. Not unusual to have knee pain for me. I had meniscus clean up in November and need another surgery at some point for lack of cartilage
Unit physical training in the AM- 1 hr of contact ultimate frisbee?
A. 245; 265; 275; 290; 300; 315(m)
B: 205×3; 215×3
C1: Done with 2x55lb KBs
C2: Only did 4 rds
32; :29
:33; :27
:33; :26
:33; 27
Love ultimate frisbee!!!
Frisbee? and you are paid to protect your country? Disgraceful 😉
DMA – done (only one set of the holds)
A. 161 – 172 – 183 – 195 – 204 (1 rep only) – 210 (fail)
B. Using 190 as 1RM – 145 – 145 – 150 – 155 – 160 – 170
170lb for 4 stop halting clean deadlift
C. Used 16Kg kettlebells for the walking lunges
Finished rows in 35seconds and DB snatches around 30seconds. Thought I would be able to changes hands on the way down, but wasn’t very good at it today.
Solid work today Barry and nice job hitting those new percentages 🙂
A. 235×5/255×4/265×3/275×2/275×1 (missed second rep)/285×1. Used a wider grip and much of my hand on the bar today. heaviest I have gone since surgery on 5.26. Getting back there–definitely felt heavy!
B1. 185/195/2055/210/210
B2. 245/255
D. 3×20 Lunges with 95# OH. DB rack was a mess.
Loved the metcon. Short and sweet. Needed for today–long, late night of work last night and back at it early this morning. (:30-:35 on row / :17-:22 on snatches)
No strongman work today.
Nice on the cleans and DL. That is some good strength.
Thanks, Michael. Cannot believe the strength is sticking around at the lighter weight. But, body feels good. Please God, all of us old people stay healthy!
Great job on your FS Brian!! So happy you are continuing to get stronger!!
Thanks, Nichole. Just gonna keep at it! 🙂
Glad the strength is coming back. Decent loads being thrown around there!
Thanks, Rob.
A. 155/165/175/185/195/205 used a wider grip and full hand grip on bar today. Get good.
B1. 135/135/135/145/145
B2. 145
D. 3×20 Lunges with 35# DB conplet d EMOM worked on sprint starts for the row. Fun stuff.
No strongman work today.
Nice work. Love the wider grip on the front squat, I use it as well.
How’d the sprint start feel Jean?
Set the damper at 4 today. Got about 7-8 cals in the 15 total pulls. Funny thing is I forget to lean to 1:00 after the 15th pull. Still trying to feel that catch. Took about :32-:34 to complete 15 cal.
And, ladies were supposed to do 12 cals. Awesome. beast!
Good catch BF. Wasn’t a beast, I did only 12 cal. But I felt like one 🙂
great to see tekkers work on the row. So many people miss this and miss out.
Did strongman stuff in the AM
Mobility done
A. Done at %’s – hit 95% for 2, but missed 102%. Felt heavy today.
B1. 75% x3 (190)/80% x2 (200)
B2. 260×2
C. Done. Rows at :31-:33 and snatch at :21-:23
Dynamic Done
A. 225/240/255/270/285/305 – new PR, wanted to go for 315, but did not have a spot
B1. 155/165/175/180/190 – felt good, this was higher than 80%
B2. stuck with 190 but had good position for the entire lift
C. done, the EMOM was a killer today – used 55 lbs. DB
will do strongman stuff later
Congrats on the PR Michael!
Thank you, it has been a long year but worth it.
Nice PR!
Thanks man, appreciate it. Constantly working
Congrats on that PR!!
strong Front squat!
A. 225(5)/245(4)/255(3)/265(1)/275(1)/285f
B. 175-195
C. Darkhorse rowing WOD
A) 145/155/165/170/175/180
Happy with these after all the wall balls yesterday
B) 115/115/120/125/130/135
C) worked out with the class today
Beautiful Tuesday… Mobility & Activation…rise & shine A. I modified my front squat (groin) and it was good. Just better and better 🙂 Made 60*5-65*4-70*3-75*2-80*1-85*1 and 88*1 This is my 88% and I stop because pain said me so 🙂 B. Clean was OK. I will put videos on FB. First 3 rep I made with 60 kg and than two with 65 kg. Finish with 90 kg (107 %) stop halting clean deadlift. Very happy and hope that I did fine (Nichole) C1. I made with 22,5 kg DB (we don’t have 25) C2. row about 35 sek and… Read more »
Love the positive attitude Simon and it came through in your training today!!
Thank You Nichole.
DMA – Done
A. 185×5/205×4/225×3/245×2/255×2/ 265×1 – still being cautious. 40 lbs under my last 1rm but the FS felt good and I’m starting to feel more confident in the lift since hurting my back
B1. 185/185/185/205/205/205 these felt great at this weight.
B2. 275/275
C1 – done
C2 –
Row 0:28/0:28/0:27/0:26/0:26
Snatch 0:24/0:21/0:20/0:20/0:20
Glad you are being smart about increasing your weights Pierre!
super strong hang cleans!
Thanks Rob! I did the hang squat clean variety today to see how my back would feel and all was good.
Mobility completed
A)180#/190/205/215/230/240 This is actually a 10# PR. I have been calculating my % based upon a PR of 240# but when I went to looked in my book for my FS PR it was 230#. This rep scheme with the % was very difficult this morning.
C1)55# DB’s
C2)Row took :40 and DB snatches took :35 My glutes were feeling it after the conditioning
Congrats Dean!! Great work on your FS PR!!!
Thanks Coach! Feeling stronger this cycle.
nice Dean!
Thank you Rob!
Congrats on the PR Dean!
Thank you Barry!
Dynamic Done!
A. Changed reps scheme but hit 75,80,85 90 missed 95 and didn’t attempt 100% To much pressure on left shoulder.
B. 3 at 175 then 3 at 185# Felt good very close to pockets!
B1. 185 for both sets
C.Lunges at 45# db’s
C1. 15 cal avg :37 snatch rd about :30. I switched hand mid air on first but it was just as fast to switch at bottom and maintain time.
Good call with your shoulder Tom!
A. such an amateur today. Made a mistake on 3rd set and added 27.5 and not 7.5kg haha: 120×5, 147.5×2, 150×1, 152.5×1, 155×1(fail). 152.5kg is a PR for 2017. B1. Hang cleans at 100 and 105kg. B2. 5 sec pause at each stage with 120 and 130kg C1. 22.5kg DB OH Lunge 20×3 each set taking approximately 35 secs. Should have used much heavier DB. Learned to switch hands in mid air. C2. First 4 rounds in 48 secs each – no rest between row and snatch. Then double round in the final 2 mins (1:52). That would be crazy… Read more »
You are welcome! And nice work on hitting 152.5kg today!
Rob, isn’t c2 an emom?
Never mind! Haha!
haha – I made it non alternating 😉
That’s because you are a beast! Us regular mere mortals needed to do it as an EMOM.
Haha – thanks! Pretty sure you could have done the same man.
Congrats on the Front Squat PR!!! I also tried out both the row and db snatch in the same minute in the last set…that would’ve been nasty and a good test!
yeah, I think that I could get 3 may be 4 rounds in like that, but no more.