Primary Strength Session
Openers and Activation
Two sets of:
Biceps Opening Curls x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
Triceps Opening Extensions x 5/5/5 reps
Rest as needed
followed by…
Rear Delt Warm Up
Two sets of:
Incline T Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 90 degrees)
Incline Y Raises x 10 reps @ 2121
(face down, raising straight arms at 45 degrees)
Incline I Raises x 10 reps
(face down, raising straight arms in front)
Every 2 minutes, for 16 minutes (8 sets):
Power Snatch with 2-Second Pause at Mid-Patella
*Sets 1-2 = 2 reps @ 75% of 1-RM Power Snatch
*Sets 3-4 = 2 reps @ 80% of 1-RM Power Snatch
*Sets 5-6 = 1 rep @ 85% of 1-RM Power Snatch
*Sets 7-8 = 1 rep @ 90% of 1-RM Power Snatch
Four sets for times of:
15/10 Calories of Assault Bike
15 Bar-Facing Burpees
3 Ground to Overhead
Rest 2 minutes
Suggested loading per set:
*Set 1 – 185/135 lbs
*Set 2 – 205/145 lbs
*Set 3 – 225/155 lbs
*Set 4 – 245/165 lbs
Three sets of:
30 seconds Max Rep Jumping Barbell Squats @ 20-25% of 1-RM Back Squat
Rest 30 seconds
30 seconds Max Rep Jumping Lunges
Rest 2 minutes
Primary Conditioning Session
Three rounds for time of:
21 Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups
15 Shoulder to Overhead (155/105 lbs)
100-Foot Handstand Walk (25-foot unbroken increments)
Optional Additional Work Sessions
*Please choose to perform only those sessions that are most focused on your weaknesses, and only perform as much of the additional work as you can recover from successfully before your next training session.
Strength Accessory Option
Three sets for times of:
5 Rope Climbs (15′)
100-Foot Sled Push
Max Unbroken Wall Ball Shots (30/20 lbs)
100-Foot Sled Push
Rest 3 minutes
*The temptation will be to rest before and after the max set of wall ball shots but the goal will be to go straight from sled to wall ball then straight back to sled again. Load the sled so that the first push should feel like a good burn but the second push should be a hard grind after those wall ball shots. If you have to stop or start to grind during the first push then the sled is too heavy.
Mixed-Modal Conditioning Option
Four sets of:
500 Meter Row @ 2000 meter PR Pace
Rest 15 seconds
400 Meter Run @ 1-Mile PR Pace
Rest 15 seconds
30 second Max Calorie Assault Bike Sprint
Rest 4 minutes
Please record paces held on the row and run, and the calories accumulated on the Assault Bike in 30 seconds.
Strict Gymnastics Skills Option
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
2-3 Deficit Strict Handstand Push-Ups @ 30X1
Build the deficit between 4-6 inches.
A. 80 / 85 / 90 / 90kg
B. 1:43 / 1:51 / 1:54 / 2:26 (80/90/100/110kg)
C. Skipped can’t jump or split
11m20s Subbed HSW for Pike Bear Crawl
A 120/130/140/150
B 1:42/ 2:10/ 2:11/ 2:25
C Dunno. But it burned so good
Conditioning: 15: 31 Rx (also burned so good)
Strict Gym- 3 ST HSPU no deficit. These seem to have disappeared on me.
Oh the burn ?
Snatches – 185. 195. 205. 215.
B. 1:45/2:00/2:00/2:17 Rx
Prime Con. 12:22 Rx – UB ctb. STOH 9/6. 9/6. 9/6. No fails on 25 segment hsw
Crushed the conditioning Nicholas! Do you think you could have kept the STOH unbroken too?
I could have done the STOH unbroken for sure. 155 is light for me. but I broke them to make sure I didn’t have any fails on my HSW. I will attempt to next time a piece like this comes around! Thank you, I was pumped that the 21 ctb felt easy every round, in the past I would have to break round 2. Fitness Invictus gains boys
Great to see your hard work is paying off. Now don’t be scared to use it!
not that im scared to use it, just not used to having new limits!
A. 175/185/200/210. No misses ??
B. 1:31/1:33/1:42/1:54
C. Done. That was gnarly
Strict gymnastics
God job keeping these all sub 2!
Primary strength
A) 170/180/190/200 200 was heavy for a pause!
B) 1:55/1:50/2:02/2:11 has to do this a lot later in the day than I would’ve liked to but still pushed and gave it my all 245 is feeling a lot better under fatigue
C) 16/17/16 squats 28/25/25 lunges
Done with 3 reps at a 4” deficit
Fun day today!
Your body will adapt to the later sessions as time passes.
Still put in some good work!
Yeah this first week has been different but I’ll get used to it
A. 95/100/105/115
B. 2:51/2:35/3:35/3:43
A) 165/175/185/195
B) 2:16/2:24/2:53/3:30
C) 46/47/43 (didn’t separate score but around 18-20 sqts @ 95)
Primary Conditioning
Scaled to 50-ft HSW (10-ft incriminate lines) completed in 2-3 sets each round
Sled @ 290
WBs 22/23/31
Pushing the pace and testing that fitness!
Good day Jacob ??
A. 170×2 180×2 190×2 200, missed the second one no!!!!! B. 1:42/1:59/2:20/3:04 at the suggested loading. OW C. 15/14/14 on squats at 95# 30/30/31 on lunges Conditioning: 11:55. UB on C2B, 10/5 on S2O. And All 25′ sections no fails. I’m really good at handstand walks and this killed my shoulders, made em tough! Strength: 3:00/3:30/3:21. Had 143# on the sled with no stops! I also had to jog about 100ft from the wall ball and rope to the sled but I didn’t rest!! 20/15/12 on wall balls, more shoulder death than legs for those. Strict Gymnastics: 3 reps @… Read more »
You put in some work today Ryan!! You’ve earned a little break after that session!!
I hope you have a great time in Haiti!
A. 2×2 @170, 2×2 @180, 2×1 @190, 2×1 @200
B. 1:43-1:50-1:52-2:16
*Jerks Got me @245
C. Done
Gymnastics Work
*HSW crushed me
Good to test some high skill gymnasticsin conditioning 🙂
Welcome to the community Josh!
openers and activation done
A. 70-75-80-85kg
B. 2:16, 2:25, 2:32, 2:45
bike 30-35 sec
burpees 1:15-20 sec
C. squats 14-14-14
lunges 24-24-24
gymnastic option
6 inch deficit x 3 reps
Primary strength
A. Set 1-2 @45kg
Set 3-4 @48kg
Set 5-6 @51kg
Set 7-8 @54kg
B. 2:13/2:23/2:31/2:48 RX
C. Squats (@25kg): 21/18/18 reps
Lunges: 27/26/26 reps
Primary conditioning
– STOH @45kg
– 20m HS walk with 5m UB increments each round
Had some trouble with my chest to bar today. Rhythm just felt off. HS walk felt really good though. Feeling more in control every week.
Great to see your HS walk is feeling good! Please post some video of your CTB on the FB page and tag Travis Ewart. We should be able to help!!
Legit took it easy today and feeling great after resting for two days.
A. 136-146-156#
B. Scaled
rd 1 2:40 @ 165 (sandbag, pure laziness)
rd 2 1:26 @ 165
rd 3 2:13 @ 175
rd 4 1:56 @ 185
C. 75#, wasnt counting reps. Gotta love those lunge jumps! 😛
13:08. Thought this would be a lot easier. Fun WOD.
Thanks Tino!
Awesome to see your feeling good! Ready to hit tomorrow hard!!
Primary strength
A. Up to 125. Ugly/ Hips a little tired from the 800s
B. 1:40/2:09/2:33/2:52 Pc-PJ
C. Sq 20/18/18 @ 55#
Lunge 29/28/28 @ unweighted
Primary conditioning
17:29 hsw really slowed things down.
How’s your body been feeling on the new program?
Awesome. Way better already. I felt like I was doing Fran every day on the comp blog. Light weight and high intensity all the time.
I have a torn hip labrum so the days after after running and squatting can be rough so having these sessions of bench and power helps me out.
– Done @5.5″ 3 reps each set, except 2 reps set 7 and 9.
Primary Conditioning
Pretty happy with this.
21/21/15-6 Pull Ups, felt smooth.
Stuck with just 25′ sections. Only 1 fall about 7 feet in on second round.
Little bit of extra core
2 sets:
45 sec Anti Rot. Front Bridge
6/leg Contralateral Deadlift 45/53
10/side Half Kneeling DB Chop,20lbs
Good to see the handstand walks went well under fatigue!!
Thanks! Definitely easier with no objects to go over, haha. Feeling more confident in them for sure. Just need to build the confidence when the triceps are under fatigue.
A. 145/155/165/175
B. 2:41/2:45/2:53/3:58
C. Jumping barbell squats 95#-16/16/17
Jumping lunges-32/33/34
Primary-17:58 such long breaks on hs walks
That last barbell got you!
Haha don’t worry Noble, got me too. Sweating so bad the bar slipped out of my hands on the first clean ??♂️
Haha glad you alright dude! Those intervals were spicy today with the burpees after the bike
No joke. I was moving so slow on those burpees. Not an ideal strength piece at 0530 lol
I feel you on those morning training sessions
It was my fastest round on the bike too!
Today’s session looks really fun but I’ll be out so I can’t do it till Sunday 🙁
Just be smart on Sunday like we spoke about 🙂
1) 2×71/76/1×81/85,5
2) 80: 1’59(tng)/90: 2’17(tng)/100: 3′(2tng/miss last)/ 110: 3’15
3) squat 15×40; lunges :25
Gym option :
6×3 15cm
1×2 15cm
3×3 10cm
You know you pushed when you missed a rep! Like to see you testing that redline!
Primary Strength Session
A. 1-2 – 170# / 3-4 – 180# / 5-6 – 190# / 7-8 – 200#
B. 2:05/2:16/2:34/2:53 Rx weights each set
C. 115# – 12/12/12
Lunges – 24/22/22
2nd sesh
Hunters strength program
B. Did 15/15 and 3 squat cleans #125 since I still can’t go heavy overhead with shoulder
Can’t do PCS
Going to do gymnastics work in a bit.
Putting in the work dude!! Hope to see your shoulder back to health soon!
Thanks Tino ! We on that grind everyday haha. Dead hangs are getting better (that’s where my shoulder would slip out of socket along with snatching before surgery) still got a long road ahead but it’s the journey and little things that keep me goin
Warmup done
A) 165/175/185/195 – done as emom
B) 1:43/1:45/1:48/2:08 at the prescribed weights. First jerk at 245 was a little bit wobbly so I put a belt on for the last two
C) 18 squats and 32 lunges each time
Condo: 10:14 – the 25′ segments are a game changer, I had a really hard time getting myself to kick back up again
SAO – did 3 legless instead of the regular ones since I stink at them, and gave myself a 40 WB cap each set due to time (went 40/40/30). 8 plates on the sled.
Na it is not game changer.
I did 2×50 feet.
Have you always been doing it is 5 meters
Damn! Calling out Brendan! 🙂
Just trying to eat my breakfast at my desk and I’m already getting internet shamed, tough start to my Friday!
I normally do 2×50 – I think it’s harder when you have to come down more often.
Aa oki. For me it is opposite.
I was 9.48
Ub s2oh
And 2×50 with hsw
Yeah thats strong work – I went 10/5 for the 2nd and 3rd round on the shoulder to overhead, but probably shouldve just tried to do them unbroken